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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. I wouldn't wanna leave the Angels farm team to go to Cleveland, either.
  2. Oh the irony. Sweet delicious irony. Won't we all just sit back and enjoy the irony? Did you read the sentence? It makes perfect sense to me... "In the last night game at bat that Joyce had..." Sure it could've been said more graciously, but in no way did I read that as "In last night's game" I read it as "Joyce's at bat during his last night game..." No offense, doc.
  3. I think you might be on to something as apparently he didn't see Aybars knee coming at his face either.
  4. This is so funny. I've noticed this for so long and yet never made a comment, because I didn't know how to describe it. Pretty much spot on analysis. Closest I could get would be to say it looks like he's running with a dump in his pants. Which considering how he's been pitching, might as well be true.
  5. Such a bummer. Cron does not belong on defense either. Guy is terrible. I can see him crapping it up and blowing it big time in an important game.
  6. What the hell is happening with this ****ing team. They're playing like freakin little leaguers.
  7. Oh jeezus freaking christ does it ever get old taking things people say so goddamn literally?
  8. Who the hell still has a SNES and VHS player that they use regularly? You're living in the past, mang.
  9. Don't even joke about that. I would probably piss myself.
  10. There's no "how" he can turn it around in your post at all. Thread fail. Username checks out.
  11. I am worried about Trout as well. Something like a wrist injury is going to take more than just a day and a half to feel better. Give him as much time as he needs, make sure it's not something that's going to be a long term problem. Victorino show us what you got!
  12. I love MetallicA but I might as well throw Load and Reload in the garbage as I never listen to them and they are truly cringworthy albums as far as im concerned. Especially after getting used to listening to their first 5 releases I was like "what the hell is this crap??" I thought Death Magnetic was about as good as they could possibly be releasing new material. Also, MetallicA puts on a hell of a show so if you guys have never seen them in concert I suggest you go. They truly care about their fans and at the end of every show James says "Don't forget, MetallicA loves you" which I always thought was a very nice way to call it a night.
  13. I don't understand how a human being could see that majestic amazing creature walking the planet, and at some point get the idea in their head, that it should be dead. Makes zero sense to me. To the point where I think it has to be some kind of mental disorder.
  14. I don't see what the problem is with acquiring him. Better than having Joyce out there both in left and in the box. They've been doing some shuffling to the roster as of late and I haven't been paying attention so I don't know who else is available to be out there, but I've never had a problem with Shane. Hopefully if we hold on to him he can be productive with us, and I think he can be.
  15. With how clueless he's looked not only in the batters box but also out in the field, it was only a matter of time before something like this was going to happen. Thank Christ he didn't end up making it worse by hurting Aybar or one of our other players out there in the process. Really truly amazing how he has what appears to be no idea what he's doing out there.
  16. Those were some good boos. Wish I coulda heard the cherring after the K.
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