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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. C'mon Perez, big hit here, double off that right field wall!
  2. I can't even imagine buying tickets to go to a game right now.
  3. Certainly doubtful especially when talking Pujols. Unless you'd call looking for a certain pitch guessing? I think Albert is up there looking for a pitch in a certain spot, and if that's the pitch he sees and where he thought it'd end up or is close, he swings. I think anyone who's played baseball will tell you what their game plan is in each situation. First off I was always looking first pitch fastball down the pipe. Took advantage of that "don't swing at the first pitch" bull shit all the time. More times than not its the best pitch you'll get the entire at bat. Behind in the count, look offspeed, foul off any close fastballs. Ahead in the count, you're not looking to foul, you're looking fastball, or an off speed mistake. Last, people want to argue HRD doesn't mess with batters, but after being a ballplayer for over a decade and knowing how a swing and approach adjusts, I most certainly believe it does. Albert should have passed on the HRD because the team is now going to be paying for it until he gets his head back to where it was before the ASB.
  4. LOL what the hell was that?
  5. I just went on Wednesday. I have a Gold Season Pass, which comes with free parking and I got my buddy in for $10 with season pass perks. Admittedly, I am a roller coaster enthusiast. I have operated multiple rides at 3 parks in Southern California, and was a roller coaster mechanic for about 2 years. Roller coasters and Angels baseball are pretty much the only things I nerd out about. Don't believe the knuckleheads in this thread, the park no longer has the gangster trouble making hooplah reputation it became popular for a decade or 2 ago. Some people love living in the past. The place ain't Disneyland, but it's much better than what it used to be. Ride operators at this park, however, have much to be desired. Which is why if you wanna ride a bunch of coasters, the Flash Pass may be your friend. Keep in mind, Magic Mountain has some pretty extreme rides, so maybe you don't need to go on everything to have a good time. The Flash Pass is kind of worth it, if you're not going to visit in a long time after this trip, or if you wanna get on everything, and are willing to pay up the ass. Best thing to do is go to the park early, see how the crowds are accumulating, then decide whether or not you want to wait in lines or pay to cut everyone off. Looks like the platinum is $125 per person (after paying for a ticket to get in), which will get you both 1 line cutting ride on Twisted Colossus, Full Throttle, and Superman. Then you get to cut in line for everything else unlimited besides X2, which you can actually pay $20 per person to cut in that line as well. The gold is $70 per person. I've done the gold, waited for X2, Full Throttle and Superman and got on everything. Cutting in line on every ride is overrated IMO. I'd suggest the Gold, get on all those rides, then actually wait for the other ones you didn't pay to cut in line for. Waiting in line is fun, especially with a girlfriend. X2 generally has an afternoon "lull" where waits between 3pm and 6pm are between 30-60 minutes. https://www.sixflags.com/magicmountain/store/flash-pass If you can go during the week, that's your best chance to get on as many rides as possible. X2, Twisted Colossus and Tatsu are my favorites there. Any other questions? Ask and I could probably give you some pretty accurate answers.
  6. Not surprised. Best ballplayer I've ever seen in my life. Yes, even better than the ballplayer that just left...
  7. ....aaaand Santiago missing that pitch by about 3 feet.
  8. This guy needs to discover a beard trimmer. That thing is disgusting.
  9. Hahaha Vin Sully is so much better than our TV guys.
  10. Can we get there? Probably. Do I see us even advancing to the ALCS? Barely.
  11. Dropping like flies. Wouldn't feel like an Angel season if it didn't happen.
  12. Won't matter some no name rookie who replaces him will give us the good ol Cy Young treatment anyway.
  13. This bums me out. Hope he wasn't going at 100% and is just working on things. Can't believe it if he's really done. He must be downright sad too if he's starting to feel like he can't be a competitive pitcher, just with how competitive and passionate he is about his performance and the game. Here's hoping the best for you Weav, we're all pulling for you and want you to get a ring!
  14. In a 0-0 ballgane, no reason Salas should have been out there. In a 0-0 ballgame you bring in the big guns to keep it 0-0 game until we get lucky with a home run or doinker with a guy on 2nd. Not time to give the stinker "some practice" out there with only 2 more months of the season left when you're fighting for 1st place. Terrible, terrible bullpen management by Mike Scioscia, just like we've all said before, and just like we've all become accustom to.
  15. Honestly, I was a fan of the call. He had the ball in his glove, but after, he never hit the ground, was a dumbass and decided to "wollop" over the wall for no apparent reason, then dropped it when he did a flip over the wall and landed straight on his neck/head. I mean, as far as I'm concerned, it was downright dumb of him to leap. If he stayed in the field of play, not only would he have not hurt himself nearly as much (word is he had a concussion) and he also would have had the out. The showboating cost him. No problem with that. Being on the BoSux doesn't help his cause.
  16. Not only that but the repeated silent dead air that lasts 5-10 seconds for dramatic impact just gets annoying as all hell. I hate sports radio/TV guys that think their opinion is worth more than my morning dump. It isnt. I don't know what your guys problem is with Lodge, though, I like how over the top goofy an Angel fan he is. Halo Honk LOL. Could I listen to him for an hour every day? Nah. But 15-20 mins on the road a couple times a month I'm fine with.
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