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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. If we didn't have Trout I don't think I'd watch this team. Just seeing him play and smile out there having fun cheers me up.
  2. I can't stand how much our TV Commentators can't get their lips off our players asses. Be real every once in a while and call a spade a spade.
  3. How the hell did that dude survive just being on the street? Remarkable.
  4. I miss the guy too, but let's be honest, it's probably better FOR ALL OF US including AO if he takes a little hiatus every now and then.
  5. something something marine layer, something something black hole in Anaheim
  6. How is a self ban cruel? The only one holding him back from posting is himself. It's an experiment in self control in the name of an Angels victory.
  7. I think that's why I'm pro death penalty. Time for the nightmare to end.
  8. http://www.cnn.com/2015/08/07/us/james-holmes-movie-theater-shooting-jury/ How do you all feel about this? I'm a death penalty kinda guy when this kinda stuff happens.
  9. Eight hundred five eight eight, two three hundred, Empiiiiire! Today!
  10. I am going to try my best to use an AOism in his honor this evening.
  11. Sorry. I was just told yesterday and came to the realization today that I'm most likely probably not empathetic. I'm working on it.
  12. ^I don't know what the hell you're talking about. He's banned from posting, he's not banned from viewing. At least that's how I understand the rules. You really want the guy to sign out and view as guest? Who gives a shit.
  13. So funny and true. It happens so consistently I laugh and wonder if it's truly what goes through his mind when writing the lineup. And it's also what drives me nuckin' futs about Skip's decision making because SO WHAT IF his OPS was lower? Why would you sit a guy who was clearly seeing the ball well the last game, and might be able to string a few more hits together? Maybe in the clutch? That's stupid! Why not let him have a little consistency up the plate? You can't always just blatantly look at the numbers and decide that's the reason he deserves to be sat. In this case it's Cron and I think he's a wasted at bat and I would rather he not be up at the plate or on the field at all so I'm fine with it.
  14. Seriously. They're soggy 2 minutes later and they suck. Now I just get 2 burgers instead of the fries, because every time I get them I regret it. Not to mention way less carbs. Is it supposed to be??? That's a tad too much of a trip for me, but i know what you mean as for the most part I'd rather not eat than go to almost all fast food places these days. What really sucks is about 20 years ago Carl's used to be soooo good. A Super Star when you're 12, 13 was like the best burgwr you could buy. Even the fries Were crispy and perfectly made. As soon as that $6 burger came out and they went on that shitty natural cut fries tirade, the fries were never the same and the quality of everything else dropped significantly.
  15. I take anything a musician, actor, or celebrity says with a grain of salt.
  16. 100% agreed. He made his bed, and now he has to lay in it. Coming back early ruins any legitimacy his self bans have. Now this is not to say I don't enjoy the guy, because I definitely do, but if he does come back early I cant help but wonder if I'll lose a little bit of respect for him. Ohforfourjos is freaking hilarious. Nibs is a good one too, and very accurate.
  17. Further evidence indicating Mike Trout is clearly not from this planet. Happy Birthday Mr. Trout!
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