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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Jesus really? A .128 hitter on a Major League team? I really shoulda played baseball.
  2. Hit by Perez. Iannetta woulda GIDP'd the inning. Not a lot of power from the Angels.
  3. Nice pitch by Richards. These bums need to score some friggin runs.
  4. Nice toss Featherston. Just eat it for Christs sake. 60th error of the season for the Halos.
  5. You know what? These guys sucking right now might not be a bad thing. Maybe another week or two of suckage, then an onslaught of everyone picking it up at the end.
  6. Love Trouts smile after he whiffs. Kinda like "you got me that time, but just wait..."
  7. Nice to see Richards get out of that. Kendrys swinging at junk. You can tell he really wants to stick it to us.
  8. Interesting. Never seen the Angels on the road so I have nothing to compare it to. Glad Trout is signing. HE WOULD. lol I dunno whenever I went to BP @ Angel Stadium none of the opposing players ever paid much attention or looked over at fans unless there were hot chicks or people they knew. They'd throw a ball every once in a while, but some of them would cut off a ball that was clearly going along the outfield wall or might bounce in the stands. They do it every single day for more than half the year, it becomes standard at some point or another. This pretty much made me understand the difference between playing baseball for fun and doing it as a job. I wouldn't look too much into it howie, however I will agree this team is about as deflated as any ballclub I've seen in a while. I don't doubt they're all bummed about how they're sucking in many aspects of the game not to mention buying a win right now is just not up their alley.
  9. One of the only posters on this board who's disagreement makes me feel like what I said might hold some water.
  10. What's weird is I think this team is pretty good. We have a lot of talent, we have some spark plugs, we have some experience, but it's just not being funneled into anything that's becoming productive. Sorry to say it Scioscia but I'm not sure what you're doing to motivate these guys to perform. Who knows what happens behind closed doors, but it's time for these guys to be run like a business. Have a game plan. Have meetings, discussions, conversations, and GROW. I'm pretty sure these guys are out there to win, but it just doesn't seem like they're collaborating enough to get it done like a team. Because that's how to win.
  11. I see you HRD apologists as nothing but trolls. If you were even watching you would have seen how Alberts at-bats were before and then after the ASB. He was seeing the ball so well. Night and day.
  12. 'bout ready to get to your level Doc, and see how these guys are doing on Sept 1st. Gotta be honest though, the group on here cracks me up.
  13. For some reason this board has the mentality that replace replace replace is equal to automatic improvement. That's not how it works. These guys need to learn to work together and have a game plan that they all follow, and they need to get comfortable enough with each other to follow through with that plan. I see no planning. I see no preparation. I see a bunch of lost ballplayers being led by an asshat manager that does nothing to change things throughout the season as they fall to shit, and the same old song and dance is getting old. Scioscia needs to lay down the mother****ing hammer and should be ashamed of himself as well as the product he continues to put on the field.
  14. Home Run Derby effed him up. I hate to say it but I told you so. Pulling, pulling, pulling... He was hitting to all sides of the field beforehand. His stance is even different. Ridiculous. Nobody gives a shit about your home run total Pujols, be a base hit/doubles guy and make clutch hits and everyone here in Anaheim will love you.
  15. At this point if I were manager, we'd have a meeting before every game which included a 30 minute video preview and discussion of the pitcher we're going to face, and the approach we're going to have at the plate, as well as a second-hand approach if something from the starting pitcher is turning out differently. Do they even do this? Is 30 minutes too much to ask to get the guys together? It seems like everything is off the rails and everyone does their own thing. No big picture. Again, I'm not a fan of just trading trading replacing replacing. These guys need to learn to work together and have a plan going into each and every game.
  16. Is it possible we get a self ban from the owner himself? AO you may have some competition!
  17. Mang, he just couldn't pull the trigger tonight. Nice bouncer of the plate with 1 out and the bases loaded tho.
  18. New things, changing things, doing this or that, means nothing. These guys just need to be better with the opportunities they have, and they need to be better at taking advantage of them. That is what I see as the problem right now. Replacing everyone and moving this and that, it's overboard. It's a mentality problem, a production problem, first and foremost.
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