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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. To start off I totally dig Mark Langston doing color play by play. The guy is awesome, calls it like it is, does a great job, and is the best we've had in a while. Heard this little tid-bit while tuning into AM 830 on my drive home from work. Of course I'm glad the Angels won tonight, but from what I've been gathering since the All Star Break, there is just a bunch of problems in the Angels Organization right now. It's almost like these guys we've acquired so far this year are sabotaging us. I have been questioning Scioscia for a while now, and it really seems like there needs to be a lot of changes, not saying it needs to start with him, but nothing we do seems to pan out. Trades don't fix it. Bringing guys up and down is becoming a nightmare. What needs to happen to start the healing process, so we can get to the root of this problem and start winning? To add, I am not happy about hearing guys running into outs and making boneheaded mistakes on the basepaths. I'm not sure why the fundamental baseball mentality of players drops once they get here.
  2. Bonds balls slapping against your chin much? To each his own. No ring for him = I smile
  3. Jeets could have said Dodger Stadium, but he brought up the Angels instead. And I agree, Angel Stadium is one of the greatest places to play ball. Couldn't stand the guy in a stankee uniform, hell, can you blame him that he loved that stankee fans showed up in Cali? But that time has come and gone. You can't argue the guy didn't have big hits or make big plays when they counted, especially in the playoffs. Sure he had the stankee advantage, but I digress. Not a Jeter nutswinger by any means, but the guy has upheld the reputation of a respectable ballplayer who keeps it clean, and is a class act (all the while banging an unprecedented amount of hot chicks while doing his best to keep their yaps shut). I understand some of you can't stand him, my mother has even said his smug grin on the television while playing just makes her cringe, but I am not going to hate on the guy for profiting off the marketing of baseball, while distancing himself from the A-Roid nonsense, and just doing his job day in day out. If he was an Angel, nobody would have anything to complain about. He's like the Tim Salmon or Garret Anderson of the stankees.
  4. I sleep so well at night, even when everything in life seems like it's falling to pieces, just keeping in the back of my head, that Barry Bonds has NEVER won a World Series, no matter what bullshit personal records he's achieved, most especially, because of my favorite baseball team, the 2002 Anaheim Angels. Taking it away from him in 2002, in such a dramatic fashion, I will die a happy man, no matter what has come after, just because of that.
  5. This team is about as hard to watch as any team I can remember since becoming an Angel fan.
  6. If you ever signed up for this site, what an asshat you are. Not to mention you deserve to have all your information stolen for being such a fu*kwit.
  7. Which is just as dumb as feeling that what Pujols said in the interview makes him a douchebag.
  8. Change "no longer wants" to "doesn't care if." You're doing a play on words to put together a conclusion that doesn't really exist.
  9. Clown post brah. Street has been one of, if not THE most consistent pitcher this team has had for the past 2 seasons.
  10. Believe it or not, I work with a company that does several outdoor home improvement projects including HVAC, and while they initial price tag is not cheap by any means, they are permanent solutions that will rid of any future HVAC headaches. Warranty on parts and labor for 15 years on the A/C unit, 30 years on the furnace. Typically they replace both the furnace and the A/C units to satisfy the warranties, as both are meant to work together. We use American Standard units, which have several technological advantages including saving on energy bills. Duct replacement can also do wonders for improving the efficiency of central air throughout the home (any system over 15 years old most likely leaks). Some of you looking to get a complete overhaul should look into companies which honor the HERO program, it's financing which allows you to not only wait to make a payment until Nov 2016, but allows you to get deduct the costs on your taxes. It's not a line of credit like opening a credit card, it's an addition to mortgage payments. Furthermore, if you decide to move out of the house, the warranty and payments transfer to the new home owner. The value it adds to the home (we figure about a 90% Return on Investment), the savings you get on energy efficiency (especially if you're paying over $200 a month), and the amount of tax refunds which will increase significantly, over the course of 15 years many people who invest in a complete overhaul end up actually coming out ahead monetarily. Considering the cost of utility bills are expected to increase, the cost of doing business continues to increase, and the cost of product that continues to increase, many times it's better to just nip it in the bud now, than continue to do repairs year after year and put it off. Any questions or if some of you would like to know more, you can message me and I can let you know the company I work for, and see about getting you an estimate if you are seriously considering getting something like this done.
  11. I am probably one of the stronger advocates of Weaver on this site, and no I'll never give up on him, even when his velocity tops out at 86. Guy goes out there to compete every single start, and that's pretty much all you can ask for. He probably won't give up baseball until his arm is about to fall off. Glad to see a good outing from him.
  12. No clue. It's just something he's pretty much always done. And I'm not going to tell the guy how to bat, he's the one making the big bucks. But it's infuriating to watch him let the first pitch go by when many times it's the best pitch of the at-bat. If you're facing Trout and you don't throw a first pitch strike you done ****ed up.
  13. I don't think you guys give Pujols enough credit defensively. At first base, he's immaculate. I will say there's no way he'd have the range of most MLB middle infielders, but if that balls in a place he can get to, I have confidence he'd be able to make the snag, and have a strong accurate throw wherever it needs to go. You've seen his throws when he turns 3-6-3 double plays right? I don't think I've ever seen him throw the ball away.
  14. I have no problem giving Perez regular playing time. He's got a better squat, and if he gets more at bats, I can see him being a .250 hitter. He's going to strike out a lot less often, too.
  15. Still don't like him. Think he's overrated. Comparing him to looking anything like Glaus, a juggernaut at the plate with a World Series MVP to top it off, is just plain dumb.
  16. Oblivious worker at Wingstop changed the channel to pre-season football right when they started rallying, before the Angels tied it, and I made a scene. "Put the Angels game back on!" I yelled across the place, and one of the girls I was with glared at me HAHA. Then some kid with his parents a couple tables over was like "Yeah! Put on the Angels!" and then couldn't stop talking about Trout and Pujols and Calhoun, and what was happening on the field. It was awesome. Glad I got to see it happen in the 9th. Eventually when we got the lead and there was some hootin' and hollerin' from even more people in the place, it was absurd lol. Very nice to see some Angel fans at the local establishment though after how much we've stunk, and after winning, it definitely put a smile on my face for the rest of the night. Especially breaking that 60-0 record going into the 8th with the lead this season. There was also another stat on TV that said something like they hadn't lost at home when leading in the 9th since 2008 or something ridiculous.
  17. Kendrys just waiting for that pitch. Just like every previous Angel before him...
  18. Everyone on the team, everyone commentating, looks and sounds fed up with this shit.
  19. It's downright embarrassing to call this a Major League Ballclub.
  20. Not much to talk about for that meeting at the mound. "Throw it down the pipe, he'll get himself out."
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