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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Not to mention it holds up the line for everyone else who just wants a double double. I'm glad they don't put up with that crap. 4x4, fine, but don't go full-tard on it just because you're drunk and have a Benjamin and wanna see what it looks like.
  2. I like listening to podcasts. Adam Carolla has a few of 'em, I would suggest "Ace on the House" where he not only bitches about daily life, but then gets into home improvement projects from tweets, emails, and callers, which have without a doubt opened my mind to an array of solutions to home improvement problems that I'd never have thought of. Plus it keeps you sharp with tools and ways of fixing things. His buddy Ray who is a complete nincompoop but means well is pretty funny as well.
  3. Do a 3x2. 3x3 is way too much cheese and takes away from the flavor of the meat, IMO.
  4. Been abused by dumb broads lately, eh cal? Gonna pour some on the sidewalk for ya tonight.
  5. This may not go over well, but in my experience with a wide range of pit bulls over my life, they are protective aggressive dogs. It's just in their instincts. They will attack if they feel threatened. They will also attack if they're raised crapilly to attack. And how they're raised and who is in charge of keeping them in line really has a lot to do with the person owning them. I would say an overwhelming majority of pit bull owners are not even qualified to raise their own children, not to mention unable to train a dog to not attack when in fear or provoked. This is the underlying problem. A lot of problems also stem from people who see them, then get afraid. They smell fear. If you're scared or sketchy on them, then they will be too. That uncertainty plays a huge psychological role with how the dog will react, and when you bring down that level of fear and uncertainty, you're much less likely to have a problem with them. My buddy has 2 pit bulls and every time I come to his house, I get "kisses" from the older one, just so they both know, there's nothing I'm going to do to harm them, and the younger one knows if he does anything, the older one would stop him. And it'd defend me with its life. They are some of the sweetest dogs in the world, but come with dire consequences if not raised and trained adequately.
  6. Tubby. I don't know what my problem is, but beer with food is just absolutely disgusting. I will have a Coke please. Animal style fries, overrated. Ask for some spread and it tastes the same. And you're goddamn right they take pride in those food trucks. They're like the Disneyland of fast food, why wouldn't they be spotless?
  7. By the way, we learned waaaay back in baseball that just putting your stupid hand up there for "time out" like you're in little league doesn't mean sh*t, and in no way means the umpire HAS to give you time. Once you step in that box, it's freaking go time, and the pitcher can throw any time he wants. Why the douchebag umpire is catering to that kind of kindergarten style of baseball is just absurd. How long is Weaver sposed to freakin' wait? Gotta be honest, it'd bug me too.
  8. Dude f*** Seager and that bullshit time in the box. He's lucky it wasn't me pitching or I woulda thrown at his fu*kin' head.
  9. The guy can't be perfect. Give him a break, he has the most saves of anyone in the AL. Is there anyone besides Street you'd rather have in there in the 9th? Blame fu**stick Featherweight for having a stupid glove he can't get the ball out of.
  10. So....start 5 seconds in? Maybe I'll just watch the whole thing then instead of skipping those first meaningless seconds.
  11. Its been hard to watch this team, I wonder what the crowd looks like tonight?
  12. Please someone more capable than me throw a bottle of lighter fluid on the fire I'm going to grab my Orville Rickenbacker.
  13. Stop feeding trolldaddy cal you are better than this.
  14. Scioscia's decisions come the 7th inning and beyond have not made sense for years.
  15. What's up Mr. 48 posts if any team were to ever part with Trout they're stupid. Been watching ball for about 25 years and Trout is pretty much the most remarkable player I've ever seen in my life. Exceeds Jeets and AFraud, I've heard kids yell "Trout" with enthusiasm like he's a friggin fictional superhero, kinda like they prolly did with Jeets except Trout's got a better smile (all true). There's no way in hell I'd ever give him up in a gamble for some package of "maybe's" it's unfortunate he's stuck with this mess called the Los Angeles Angels, it's time for these clowns to get their shit together like a team and do it not only for themselves but for the team.
  16. Best just to ignore them. Anybody who suggests trading Trout, with any kind of seriousness, deserves to be ignored.
  17. Haha Trout is the absolute best player in the major leagues for at least the next half a decade, nobody is going to be hot all the time, especially when the team surrounds you with a bunch of buffoons.
  18. who the f*** is tropianno? It's f***ing september and we're throwing out no names.
  19. Even though Trout is having a tough time at the plate, I feel like he's the only one to look forward to.
  20. "what the scorers don't understand..." He says it just like it is, and he has no problem saying it.
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