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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. LOL I'm sorry I know this was such a bad take out at 2nd but I found it freaking hilarious. What the hell would you call this? If Utley comes out not only is the crowd going to be all over his ass but he will probably get plunked. Did you hear Cities Field last night chanting "We want Utley"?? That was great.
  2. Yeah I'm not really sure what the point of MLB Replay is for they really don't seem to do a good job of making correct calls. Pretty much they're 50/50 which is about what the umpires do anyway. I don't understand again how the guy could possibly be safe if he never touched 2nd base. Honestly the game from that point on should be protested and started from that point just because of all the bullsh*t that no doubt gave an unfair advantage to the Dodgers. Double play, out of the inning, Mets come up to bat in the 8th leading with the score 2-0.
  3. Lackey may be on his way to another World Series Ring. He might even pitch the winning game, AGAIN. He could probably teach some of our starters a thing or two. Should not have let him go, however I think the change of teams and environments with new pitching coaches really helped him. As we know Butcher is basically useless when it comes to fixing pitchers and I don't think he would have done anything to help Lackey. Once Lackey got some real pitching coaches to fix him, he started to improve. I really think him being with the Cardinals, an organization that really knows there stuff has helped him out. One things for sure I'd much rather be on the Cardinals than the Angels the past couple seasons.
  4. Both of these are absurd. The runners couldn't reach the bases even if they tried. That Matt Holliday one is pretty bad too. Something that's been going on for way too long, of course finally somebody got hurt, but looking at these images it was just a matter of time. These baserunners should be automatically out and so should the batter running to first because of interference. If the fielder is quick enough to get out of the way and the runners are still gunning for them, they can go f*** themselves. Also, I think it's probably in Utley's best interest to not be in the game. 1st off it looked like he might have had a concussion or some kind of symptom of such because he did not look too sharp after hitting his head on Tejada's knee and then hitting the ground. 2nd off I think Mets pitchers would be throwing at his freakin' head.
  5. Tulowitski finally comes through. Jays up 5-0, so happy to see some battle out of Toronto!
  6. Wow just saw them say it during the Tor Tex game, good for baseball, screw utley and the doyers.
  7. Also, Harold Reynolds is unbearably terrible at commentating. I pretty much disagree with everything he says. Tor up 2-0 tex got out of it with a GIDP.
  8. Texas is craping the bed so far. Hamilton useless in the playoffs. Tulo traded because he wants to get in the playoffs and is 0-11 so far. Texas is lagging ass with timeouts.
  9. Dallas is a beast of a pitcher. Very fun game to watch. Go Astros!
  10. Seriously. That made no sense. Chase never even touched 2nd. THAT is what I have the most issue with. If the guy didn't even try to touch the bag there was clearly an alterior motive. Chase should have been out, the batter should have been out for Utley interference, the Mets should have been out of the inning with the lead. Instead the Dodgers got rewarded for their classless spineless play.
  11. Man this Carter guy is on fire. Hitting the crap out of the ball right now.
  12. Hahaha that clip is pretty funny. I don't know what it was after the first couple seasons I really felt like they were trying super hard. Still like Larry still enjoyed the show. I think I have 6 or 7 seasons on DVD, haven't watched them all though.
  13. I've heard more stories of people getting mugged at gunpoint or with a knife in Long Beach than anywhere else.
  14. Because fu** the doyers and their dirty gutless type of playing.
  15. LOL you know what I've never understood the hate for Jeets. Yeah he basically had all of MLB fondling his nuts throughout his entire career but that's not his fault. The guy came through in the clutch so many times. Was he consistently as great as so many people say and insist? No Way. But the guy was about as humble a player I can remember and he played with class. Having the Yankee advantage on his side definitely didn't make it hard for him either. He's one of the last guys I'd want to see injured like Utley did last night.
  16. This is a great game by the way. Rooting for the Astros to win a ring this year.
  17. I like Murphey, would be glad to keep him. I hope we never see Joyce in a halo uniform again. We should have gone for Cespedes. Freese is hit or miss in the box but I cannot stand his defense. Until I hear some names I'm not sure power bat is what this team needs, we need a guy that hits for average to all sides of the field especially in clutch situations. Pujols needs to step his game up and give us a freaking .300 BA season.
  18. I love people that say if it was the Angels we'd all be okay with it like we have some kind of Angel fan boy double standard around hetr. I dont think any of us are a fan of going out there and injuring players unless it would be stupid Arod or annoying ass Kinsler. The point is the Angels for the most part DON'T play that way, they DON'T go out there with the intent to injure players. And ill be honest im not a fan of the instances where Aybar or other players do. If you don't even touch the bag not only should the runner be out, but the batter running to first should be out as well. Once again I have no problem with taking the guys out if you are actually sliding for and actually going for the bag. This sliding wherever or however late you want isn't aggressive non pussified baseball, it becomes a freaking cheap shot wrestling move. If you can just blatently go for the infielder at 2nd no matter where he's at theres no possible way for them to ever be able to defend themselves.
  19. I'm fine with runners sliding to take out the second baseman. But that requires the runners to actually freaking slide. Chase Utley did not slide at second, he basically went straight for the middle infielder without even trying to touch second. Why he was safe and sent back to 2nd is bullshit. Also, if runners are going to slide into unprotected infielders with cheap shots after they pass 2nd base, which is what Utley did there, infielders should be able to retaliate and start landing on guys cleat first with little regard for the safety of the runners. To be honest I thought much more highly of Utley, and the fact that I saw him do that last night in my mind turned him straight into trash. Hey Utley, you ever think your careers gone on so long because runners weren't being assholes on the basepaths doing whatever they freaking could to take you out with a gutless cheap shot late slide? Also thought it was hilarious that Howies reputation proceeds him as he no doubt began one of his classic GIDP to end the inning during a pivotal point in the game. The Dogs got lucky winning one game with gutless classless baseball and umps that blew a call while catering to the Dodgers. Joe Torre you are also gutless and classless and an asshat for not standing against this type of bullsh*t mentality. Now more than ever I want the Mets to beat the Doyers f**king asses.
  20. Some really good competitive baseball being played. Pretty much nobody's rolling over except the Blue Jays! Nice to see the Cubbies pull out a victory.
  21. Man I loved seeing Kershaw get rocked while the Doyers offense was snoozing, especially in that urinal they call Doyer Stadium. Think Kershaws a great pitcher and probably a great guy, but wearing that blue, gotta root against him. Plus I'm glad to see the Mets finally playing competitively! Tonight is going to be an important game!
  22. Yeah, both Bautista and Donaldson watched pitches right down the pipe.
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