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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. As well as his defensive skills. Don't forget, the Anaheim black hole affects ALL areas of a players repertoire.
  2. Where is this explosive Cubs offense everyone was talking about?
  3. That pic of Baylor napping in the dugout is gold.
  4. Game is borderline snooze fest considering the Cubs offense has yet to show up today.
  5. Cubs just are not hitting the ball well at all right now.
  6. Man I love me some goddamn wieners. With spicy brown mustard, if you please!
  7. Calhoun deserves priority over Pujols in every regard as far as I'm concerned.
  8. I know plenty of gay people and have no problem with them or their lifestyle, and much like they joke with me being a priveleged straight white male, I make gay jokes with them and it's all good. The issue is respect and a general care for good people, no matter how they live their life. That photo is much more a jab at the dogs than anything. A good one at that. Frosting on the cake, if you will. On to Murphy, guy is killing it. I want him. On the Angels.
  9. Btw watching an illegal feed, commercials over the Atlantic are so much better than the ones here.
  10. Did the commentator just say "Shovels Ravine"??? Lol
  11. I really agree with this. It might not be popular, but I would pass on a Greinke signing.
  12. David Wright needs to get his goddamn head out of his goddamn ass. He should be #8 in the lineup.
  13. Terrible positioning by the Cubs catcher, period. That should have been an out.
  14. Love all the stealing 3rd we've seen this postseason.
  15. I think his long winded statement was just to make his stance clear. Seems like a stand up guy to me.
  16. Bunts, bunts, bunts. So important yet so overlooked. Bad bunt by Harvey there.
  17. Hmmm...I do find the strategy of letting the foul ball drop to avoid Murphey tagging up from 3rd. Didn't think that at the time, and with the way the Mets were hitting that might have worked.
  18. Not a fan of Cespedes' free swinging mentality. Especiallt during his last playoff games where hes basically swinging himself out by going for balls. We have enough of that on the team already.
  19. I would take this is goose IPA ads over women's depends underwear anyday. Gawd some things just shouldn't be advertised. And seriously, how many women are even on this site???
  20. Really wish we had a quicker remedy to off people with microscopic penises who think they're tough by attacking defenseless people who are minding their own business. We really don't need people like this in the world, and nobody would miss them.
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