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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Did that play cost them the game? I think that play cost them the game. Lots of honky donk stuff going on tonight, and letting a ball go under your glove there is one of a few that is unacceptable. I think the Murphy hard-on is over for me.
  2. Automatically put my seatbelt on and won't move until everyone in the car who is with me does the same. No seatbelt, no ride. I'm not going to risk having it on my conscience if you go flying through the windshield in am accident. Seriously you're retarded if you dont, there's nothing "cool" about it at all.
  3. Now THIS is something I can get behind! Nice job Mets fans!
  4. Popping my "post a picture of yourself" cherry. I don't dress up unless there is a legitimate Halloween party so I can get belligerently blasted and bump and grind with lots of hotties. Last year was one of those years. Gentleman, I must warn you, your wives and girlfriends may not be able to handle the amount of hotness that's going to be showing on your monitor, so perhaps it's best to get them out of the room before you continue to scroll down...
  5. Hope this momentum gets them another victory or 2 in NY.
  6. What the hell makes you think I give a sh*t whether or not wieners have a solid casing or not? All i care about is it tastes good. I've eaten plenty of wieners that pop and it didn't make a freaking difference because the flavor stunk. This stupid insisting that a hot dog should, or is better if, or is the sign of a quality wiener is complete bullshit.
  7. Damn I really wanted the mets to blow it wide open
  8. No he wasnt, read the article. 50 mph on the shoulder, no seatbelt. Is it wrong that I have no sympathy for this numbnut?
  9. Agreed. So far it seems the Royals pitcher is getting low calls that the Mets pitcher is not.
  10. Pepperoni, sausage, banana peppers and olives. At Pizza Press (which as far as I'm concerned is the best create your own pizza out there) I do half alfredo, half pizza sauce, then after they put it through the oven add arugula and drizzle balsamic. *drooool* I CANNOT STAND Hawaiian pizza nor why it seems everytime I order pizza with a group there is always some asshat that wants it.
  11. I don't think Syndergaard should have been at 1st there.
  12. Oh boy this is going to be my favorite thread I think. I friggin love hot dogs. There's a lady that sells wieners this way after Angel games in the parking lot at Orangewood and State College. I skip dogs in the park and get one from her after. They also do them all over LA near the clubs, venues. Usually about 5 bucks but so good. Never understood the "snap" people talk about. Why the hell does a wiener need a snap? I don't need a snap, and that doesn't speak about the quality or taste at all. We were talking in the burger thread how many could you eat? Bringing that question here, I could probably eat 3 wieners without breaking a sweat. The past couple years I have replaced ketchup with Sriracha, and it's frigging delish. Mustard, relish, onions (sometimes grilled), chopped bacon. What's really good is cutting them in half long ways so they split open, and putting them on some rye, sourdough, or pumpernickel with some horseradish, crystal hot sauce, mustard, Sriracha, and relish. Coney dogs are good too, but it depends on the chili. Bacon wrapped are nice as well. I also enjoy cutting them up into circle pieces and putting them in my scrambled eggs. Am also a big fan of Chicago dogs with the pickle spear and tomato. There's pretty much no wiener I won't put in my mouth.
  13. I've never been a big eater. Ones enough. Unless I'm drunk. Then I can eat and eat and eat without even thinking. Trying to decide on lunch this thread is not helping.
  14. For the first time since I can remember, I think I kinda called what I thought would happen. Mets bats go cold, pitchers in a funk, Royals start seeing the ball well. Really am rooting for the Mets, but it's not looking too good right now.
  15. Calhoun is a fu**in' baller. Angels should have him around as long as Trout is. Guy is totally underrated and brings grit to this team. In clutch situations besides Trout I'd pretty much rather have him there more than anyone currently on the team.
  16. Good for Bud. Should be very interesting to see what he does out there in Washington.
  17. Why Moose didn't put his f**king body in front of that ball to keep it from going anywhere past him is beyond me. Bad, bad, bad brain fart by the Royals first baseman.
  18. Why the Angels hadn't given Granderson a shot at leadoff over the years is beyond me. Love the guy. Definitely a fighter at the plate.
  19. lol seriously. Probably one of the most basic, simplest, offensive plays in all of baseball. He didn't even bunt at a strike. Terrible.
  20. Reynolds has been an idiot his entire commentating career. Why he's talking World Series baseball is beyond me. From what it looks and sounds like, Cain was doing that on his own.
  21. Based on what we've seen so far I think it will be a great series. Very close. Possible for a game 7.
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