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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. I'm gonna miss his Ghost Face Killah face stuffed with Copenhagen.
  2. I didn't know so many members here live in the barrio. Good move. I love being that guy that waits till the season is over then paying 75% less to rock it the next year.
  3. I think a lot of folks are going to be eating crow come 2 years from now.
  4. 4 years : .256 I don't think I'm going to miss Aybars boneheaded moves on the basepaths, or antics in the clubhouse. Best news is this guy hasn't been hurt, so he should be pretty solid in the coming years. Anyone else think a former NY GM might have said a shortstop *cough* Jeter is a good way to begin righting the ship?
  5. I understand checking out the new fads and in concept this looks okay, but honestly I think the whole lasers being the new thing is dumb. I wouldn't waste my money.
  6. I like my slaves like I like my coffee. Free.
  7. I want Kole around for a while. Dude is awesome. Congratudlation Calhoun, big fan of you!
  8. I don't doubt they'rell be some high quality trashy pu**y around to be had for all.
  9. I'm glad this is going on. First off, because Starfu*ks should not have ever represented Christmas. Second off, because I fuc**ng hate coffee. It does absolutely nothing for me but make me feel like crap about 30 minutes later. Yeah, a water and a Natures Granola at 8am will do for me, I'll pass on the ridiculously priced stuff you offer, thanks. I also adore seeing 3 prick kids under 10 years old with huge Starbucks drinks in their hands riding along in their parents Titan while I'm sitting at a red light wondering why the hell their mom or dad just spent $20 on beverages for their stupid kids. The same schmucks that go to a restaurant armed with iPads for every member of the family while their heads are hung down not paying attention to anything going on around them. These are the same people that live in a shithole rented house and wonder why they can't make ends meet when the bills come around and then want some assistance from the government to give them free "energy efficient upgrades." BUT THE ECONOMY IS IN THE TERLIT! HOW! WHY? OH MY GAWWWWD!!! This OP is a non story. If you're looking to Starbucks to create Christmas spirit, or if you're gonna bitch about them taking it away, PLEASE, just put that sweet metal tasting 44 magnum between your lips right now, and do us all a huge favor.
  10. It's now called The Boulevard. Pretty cool place, too.
  11. Funny, when I've walked into some fast food establishments in parts of LA during the day, I see that bullet proof glass between the cashiers and the guests with nothing but bolted down tables and chairs in the lobby and I'm like, "What the f*ck goes on in these places that warrants bullet proof effing glass???" Guess now it makes sense.
  12. Not to mention black on black crimes occupy a signifigant majority of the murders and life threatening events that occur to America's black folk. Politically correct America and black lives matter activists seem to just gloss over those facts like they don't exist...
  13. I think he will be a great mentor for Perez because they're both Mexican, maybe he can turn him into the catcher this team has so desperately needed the past couple years.
  14. Clearly you know much much more about homosexuals than a majority of us on the board.
  15. It's not always about the money. The opportunity to have another shot at a ring with the same group of guys who thinks they could do it again might sway some to take less money to stick around.
  16. what a nonstory cal soops dissps
  17. It's amazing how perfect that pic is for a variety of applications.
  18. Colby Jack is the absolute best fu**ing cheese in the world. But for some reason whenever I hear conversations about cheese I think about this...
  19. Uber is not a babysitter. The driver very smartly turned the camera around the second he knew he'd be kicking him out to protect himself, and +1 for hilarity as we got to see the guy flopping in the back seat. IMO the driver was very reasonable with the passenger as long as his nerves could stand. He was pretty nice the first 3 times he told him to get out, then he got fed up. Then he got a little self-righteous when the guy was being a little whiny argumentative bitch, and understandably so. His car, his rules. The video shows the big drunk baby gets violent when not given what he wants. Fu** him! Let's not blur lines; showing drunk aggression is just as telling as showing sober aggression. Except when you're drunk logic is thrown out the window and you allow emotions to take over. When you're not a responsible enough adult to understand that you're drunk and your emotions are taking over before you assault someone, well, you deserve everything coming to you. I'd love to hear how "I'm not a violent person, I only act that way when I'm drunk" would hold up in court. It also doesn't matter that there was a camera, as being an executive for a huge company, there is a responsibility to act a certain way regardless if anyone is watching or not, and when you begin to flirt with the lines of behaving irrationally you have to expect somewhere down the line it's going to catch up with you. I'm gonna go ahead and take a gamble this is not the first time this guy was wasted out of his mind and acted this way out in public, or assaulted not only a guy giving him a ride but a female saying no he can't sleep with her tonight: it's probably just the first time he got caught. Would any of us act this way if we were too drunk and got kicked out of an Uber? I know I wouldn't. And that's because I'm not a violent person to begin with. In fact I'd probably apologize and thank him for the ride, and be on my way. We don't see the entire video, but I'm going to guess based off doing Lyft for 6 months that this guy was a dick to begin with. Maybe if he was, oh I don't know, a polite and quality human being, the Uber driver would have been a little more patient to make sure he got home safe. I know I would. Let's not forget, the further you take them, the more you get paid. It gets to a point where it's not worth it. And last but not least, give me a break with being stranded LOL. This is 2015 and he's in the middle of the busiest part of Costa Mesa. Get out and call another Uber. Completely unacceptable and pussification at its best seeing this pus*y take cheap shots, grabbing hair, and cat fighting a guy who couldn't defend himself. If you can't honestly stay awake or give directions, GTFO. The guy is obviously a gutless piece of sh*t. If I was his boss: FIRED. No questions asked.
  20. I'm thrown off by the confused responses following Rays posts, because I seem to know precisely what he's talking about. When, exactly, was he mentioning anything about the pizza?
  21. I'd take Murphy. I like the way he swings the bat and he's one of the better left fielders we've had in a while.
  22. Butch seemed like the most laid back pitching coach I'd ever seen. Every time he went to the mound it seems like the pitchers gave up a big hit almost immediately. Maybe that's just cause I used to be a catcher. Have we really ever seen any bullpen improvement come from him? Again, I may be wrong. Not even sure what pitching coaches do in the big leagues anyway.
  23. Know what? I'd rather watch a ballgame here: Than here: But that's probably just me. The bright green is just...ugh. Rays stadium is pretty bad as well.
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