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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Poor Zimm. Nobody can seem to spell his last name right.
  2. My family says screw the turkey and ham. Did about 5 pounds of crab legs from Costco. So freakin good.
  3. This was, and still is, a downright bad abnoxious song.
  4. With the new guy at SS to protect him, I'd rather have Trumbo's bat than Freese's, and I'd rather have him in the hotcorner than Freese. Freese blows so many plays, there's no way Trumbo could be any worse. I just think he needs more time over there. Considering they gave him what, 1 game then called it quits is stupid. Plus I think Trumbo used to be a pitcher so he has a gun.
  5. Wha? And no shit he was better than Mathis. A pack of baseball cards and some bubble gum would have been better than him. But Iannetta didn't know how to frame either. Was not a fan of his catching, his bat waz OK, and He was an OK player. But I'm glad he's out of our hair.
  6. Best diet I've used is Keto. I liked it because you can't eat sugar (which is carbs), which I love, but it's so terrible for you. Low carbs, moderate protein, liberal fat. Basically for an example my typical day was I'd only eat carbs in the morning with breakfast (some toast with my eggs and bacon), eat a lettuce wrapped 3X2 with no onions for lunch, then eat a salad with ranch or italian dressing, a bacon wrapped chicken thigh stuffed with cheddar cheese, and asparagus on the side, for dinner. Veggies, meat, and salad. No soda. Get used to drinking water with everything. Lost about 30 pounds in 6 months, and was lean as hell. Once you stop eating carbs you realize how unnecessary they are, and how much they weigh you down. High fat and protein meals fill you up, but you don't get that food coma feeling after. I had so much more energy that I actually looked forward to going to the gym. The great thing about Keto is there's lots of delicious Keto friendly recipes out there, things you'd never think you could make are Keto friendly and help you lose that unhealthy body fat.
  7. Good grief, enough of that crap. Hopefully Perez is the new full time catcher. I love him behind the plate and think his bat will improve. Iannetta's throws down to second being on the Angels were terrible, I don't know why runners didn't steal more often.
  8. As we've now seen, Cano's numbers in the past were on steroids because he played half his games in that bandbox Stankee stadium.
  9. Wow. Gotta appreciate that 100% just for that type of hustle which you see so rarely in a lot of ballplayers today.
  10. I think it's hilarious that guys in here are actually saying Popeyes is good. I definitely recommend the spicey, and on Tuesdays they have a leg and thigh thing for like $1.50 or something. I enjoy the dark meat. However besides the fries and red beans and rice, I'm not really a fan of their sides like mashed potatoes or coleslaw.
  11. What the hell is tank talking about? Stop watching so much sleazy tranny porn brah.
  12. I haven't bought weed in years, but man I remember buying a quad of quality pot back in the day, opening up the baggy, sticking my nose in, and taking a nice big smell. There really is nothing like a fresh whiff of some bomb dankies.
  13. I don't know how you guys pay attention to all this shit.
  14. If you followed me on twitter you would already know that no, we haven't.
  15. Well to be honest, Skip really, really, accommodated Frankie during that year I think as a thank you for killing it in 2002, getting him a ring and eventually, a freakin' extensive well paid career. Some of those saves yes were technically saves, but they weren't always earned the way a typical closer gets them. That being said, a save is a save. Closer roles come and go, and while Frankie kinda lost that groove over some years, a lot of closers do. I think if we would have kept him as a setup guy or in the bullpen he would have been great, but he wanted to take advantage of his notoriety at the time and went for the highest bidder. He was no doubt a well used weapon in 2002.
  16. BA in Business Administration, concentration in Finance from CSUF. I got a piece of paper that says I have a degree which allows me to apply for jobs, but I wouldn't recommend the school to anyone. Besides maybe 3 or 4 professors there, the accreditation they have and the staff which includes professors, deans, department and administration workers at that school was a complete joke as far as I'm concerned. Unless that's how it is at most colleges, and I just went in expecting much more. After graduating though, it was tough. Thank god I was so persistent I learned through research and over the course of 10+ interviews how to say what employers wanted to hear. Not to mention I ended up paying $200 for an online company to write a resume for me, because up until then I wasn't getting any bites with the resume the Cal State system allegedly thought would work. Probably the best $200 I ever spent, as I now make that in half a days work. I'm not saying going to school and getting the degree wasn't worth it, I'm just saying I wasn't really satisfied with the college experience I had.
  17. Would walk up to ask a question and look at the scantrons on the teachers desk, so dumb of them to have 2 separate piles for the "a" and "b" tests, one time probably memorized 1/4 of the answers by memorizing "b-b-d-a-e..." Also did a ton of cheat sheets and quick eyeballs. At my highschool, atleast in the AP Classes I took, the AP Test score determined your grade In the class for the ENTIRE year. 5 = A, 4 = B, etc. I was always great in English so I didn't do ANY homework or studying the entire year, passed with a 5. In Pre-Cal I dicked off until the last month of the year, then crammed like bloody hell and got a 3. Once I got to college I was way too scared to cheat, I didn't want to get caught and get kicked out, that shit can ruin your life.
  18. I don't understand why with S6's available why anyone would go with an iPhone. I've tried but just can't stand those things. Sounds like you maybe got a lemon.
  19. Don't waste time with the off brand ones especially with how good the actual GoPro's are. I would also suggest looking up reviews and finding the ones with the better battery life, I heard that is the only downside.
  20. I will probably be there on Sunday. Hit some balls then do some shagging in the outfield. Also thinking about doing the clubhouse tour.
  21. I think he's got a shot to hit .275, and I can live with that.
  22. I'm not sure this is true. I work with a lot of employees who need their cell phones constantly in various parts of Southern California, and in many instances my Verizon service has superseded their Boost Mobile phone, or the other "ghetto" carriers to a point where they ask if they can use my phone. I have an S5 with Verizon and it is perhaps the best piece of mobile technology I've ever owned. I do pay $75 a month with an unlimited data 4 phone plan because we get a Boeing discount thanks to my incredible mother. But I have had several carriers since I got my first cell phone in 2000, and hands down, none of them have worked as well as my Verizon phone.
  23. You want $15 an hour to flip burgers? Not a problem, first let me introduce you to this machine that we pay for 1 time and it does its job better than you, forever. Enjoy the job hunt!
  24. I've heard this great prank where you get a master combination lock, sneak up behind the bozo, then lock it on to his ear lobe and run away.
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