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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. All of this sounds disgusting and I would never want to order any of it. I don't like huge portions of food or junk-food-like combinations all mashed together. I think it's gross. Dirty cheese sauce on biscuits and gravy? *BARF* I'll just eat my delicious food at home.
  2. Why even ask? Just go and find out for yourself.
  3. Trampolines are the greatest. Never got hurt on one though so maybe that's why. I once jumped off a 2 story roof, to a trampoline, into the deep end of a pool with a cannonball. One of my dumb buddies has it recorded on his cell, I was pretty drunk.
  4. Way too much work on Christmas. Had about 4 pounds of King crab legs instead.
  5. I remember this board had a huge boner for this guy for about a week during the playoffs... ...and yes, I'll admit, I was one of them...
  6. Psh, not even gonna bother. Maybe ill get implants if I become a millionaire.
  7. I did mushrooms one time, and it was the best thing ever. I was with friends at a house in Buena Park near Knott's so I could see the rides, and the Supreme Scream tower was bouncing side to side. I'd suggest if you do them you have your head on straight and you're super super secure with yourself, the environment, and people you're around, because I could see being freaked out around people you don't know or in an area you're not familiar with like the woods or outdoors. Looking in the mirror was super creepy and again I'd only suggest it if you really think you could handle such a thing. It's like getting really really stoned for the first time all over again, except nature talks to you and you get hallucinogenic. After such a good trip there was no reason for me to do them again.
  8. Try marinating a cut of steak (ribeye, sirloin, or porterhouse) in Bernstein's Italian dressing for a couple hours before you grill it, it's really friggin good. WIth filets I typically season with salt, garlic powder, and pepper. I get a pan on high heat with butter, and sear the outside until brown. Then I go to the grill. Cook until medium rare and you get those nice grill marks on them. Turn them once. It's similar to the way I do rack of lamb too. Except I use rosemary and pepper the outer edges.
  9. I'll be honest, buzzing it down to a 1 every week has its advantages. I get out of the shower, get dressed, then go to work. It saves me 5-10 minutes of blow drying and styling every day. I can't imagine being a chick and having to deal with it for 30+ minutes every day or every time I go out. What a freakin' frustrating thing to deal with. I think what I don't like is I'm stuck with it, and that's just how I'm going to look from now on. I kinda liked being able to style it and change it every so often.
  10. Born in 1985 and getting driven to school in the 90's with the radio on I think ever since I heard of Scott Weiland and STP on the radio in the car with the lyrics "And I feel and I feel when the dogs begin to smell her" my mother loved some of their songs but told me he was a hardcore drug user that couldn't keep his life together and was difficult to be in a band with. I didn't understand it too much at the time but I really think that kind of talking steered me away from any kind of hardcore drugs. Never been a drug user or tryer. Stuff always scared the living hell out of me. Never condemned anyone around me who used, I'm sure it's a lot of fun while you're doing them, but asking me to participate was out of the question. Over the years I know way too many good people who turned into druggies, losers, who've killed themselves, and then there's a handful who (being some of my closest friends) I am so glad have gotten out and are doing really well. Weiland was so far gone for so long. Surprised he lasted as long as he did. Will always believe it's that first time that screws you for life. I am also entirely empethetic to people who can't be happy with just being an alive human being in a world where you only get one chance.
  11. *barf-fart* It still doesn't mean a damn thing. Anybody that doesn't care about awards like Golden Globes, Oscars, *insert any awards show here* doesn't care about crap like this at all. This stuff was designed to be tv content for top 10 radio listeners and dumb fatasses that like to sit around and watch tv/movies all day like it means anything. It doesn't.
  12. At 30 I'm going balder than my father, my uncle, my grandfather (who's 75), and every other male in my family. I don't do drugs, I don't smoke cigarettes, I work out and drink occasionally. Consider this is from a guy who won a "Best Hair" award his senior year in highschool which I took and still take great GREAT pride in. And now here I am, wondering why it's all going away. It's f***ing bullsh*t. You assholes with hair have no clue how lucky you are. That being said I'm fed up with stores not having what I'm looking for, dealing with douchebags in the parking lot, dealing with douchebag store workers who are clueless, so I'm an Amazon/eBay/Online shopping dweeb. I don't think there's anything wrong with shopping online. If I go to the mall during this time of year, it's just to browse and maybe pick something up that happens to be there. I actually do like going to stores and stuff, but as far as rushing around and looking for exactly what I need, it's always online these days. If stores had exactly what I wanted when I went to them, they'd win. But prices and availability online is very tough to beat. Capitalism at it's best.
  13. I don't get what the big deal is. Mistakes are made sometimes. Funny if you care about stuff like this, I guess. I didn't even know Miss Universe was still going on. And Steve Harvey handled it about as well as he could. Dumb.
  14. Saw the movie. It was pretty good. There was one sad part I wasn't a fan of, but, other than that it's the first movie in a while I might go back to see in the theaters twice. I'm really not even a big Star Wars fan, I just like good movies.
  15. Just had our Christmas party on Saturday at Angel Stadium in the Diamond Club. Got to walk on the field, go to the dugouts, hit in the batting cages, take a tour of the clubhouses, it was pretty freakin' sweet. Also had like $10-15K in prizes and money they gave out. Free booze and food too. Where are you guys working or what do you do where you get 1.5-2.5 months pay just for the f**k of it? I mean, I got a $1000 check because I'd been there for a year, which was cool, but 2.5 months pay? That'd be like $12K for me and sure I'm a tad envious, but I just don't get it.
  16. I think Lackey might have a easier time in the NL, not saying we shouldn't have gotten him, I think we should have never let him go.
  17. Okay. Thanks for answering my question and not responding with an emotionally charged knee jerk reaction. If police officers decide they need certain weapons to defend themselves, why shouldn't we be able to have them as well? Because as we know, the bad guys come after us (the citizens) first.
  18. Thanks for posting this. The second amendment was created so individuals of the nation could protect themselves. "Supporting the natural rights of self-defense, resistance to oppression, and the civic duty to act in concert in defense of the state." If cops need them, then why can't citizens have them?
  19. A Mark Trumbo homer is nothing like a Glaus homer. Trumbo mashes. Glaus had a beautiful swing.
  20. He looks like he's been smoking crack. I bet he can still hit bombs though.
  21. I admit that's a pretty funny interpretation, but honestly some people can't afford diapers and instead of just throwing them away, I suppose it's nice to offer them to someone in need. Are diapers expensive? I don't know I've never bought them. I know baby food/formula can be though for sure. I've had some good luck on Craigslist. Sold my 185,000+ mile 1992 Dodge Stealth that didn't even run because the motor got f**ked up when the bolt for the timing belt tensioner snapped. On a "f**k it, let's see if anyone bites" whim I listed it for $1000, got $850. The pick your part was going to give me $200. Couldn't believe it.
  22. Once got a Michael Jordan baseball card swinging a bat in a White Sox uniform, probably one of the cooler cards I ever came upon. Never had much of a thing for cards, but my aunt would always send me boxes full of packs so I had fun opening. Probably have 2 binders full of them in order.
  23. Climate change will always be real. Why? Because the planet has been doing it on its own since forever. Do humans have anything to do with it? lol. I love how some of us think we're so significant that we can control the Earths habits. We're simply droobs on a rock that for some reason in this point and time over the course of a couple million years will be provided oxygen and food. You can't get (-censored-) to stop littering burger king wrappers outside their car windows, so what makes you think countries several times the size of us are ever going to stop destroying the planet with what they're doing? This kid telling osama he hasn't been doing his job? Well, yah! But too little too late boy. Sorry you can't vote kid but if anyone else who voted didn't see that coming 8 years ago you're a fu*kwit. I'm just glad I'll be gone in less than 70 years.
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