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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. I have no problem with Angel Stadium in fact if they built a new one I would hope they keep it as similar to the current one as possible with modern upgrades that have proven useful in newer stadiums around the country (concessions, bathrooms, wider concourses). But unless you're in the right field pavilion, I have never had a bad seat, and I love how you can cruise around the entire stadium on the (I believe it's the) concourse level. I also like the rock pile (never understood the hate there), colors, hats in front, and renovations they did back in the 90's. Transportation in and out is terrific. I can be from the stadium to my front door via Gene Autry/5 fwy in 15 minutes, and vice-versa. I have been to PetCo park and didn't find anything about it spectacular, it just had a fresher feel to it.
  2. I've never heard that song before either. I just don't get the blame it on the rain thing. Is that supposed to make it better? Is there something I'm missing?
  3. I would visit countries around the world for the rest of my life, giving food, shelter, and education to the needy.
  4. My gawd this is fuc*in' hilarious. http://www.cc.com/video-clips/7a5ede/reno-911--lottery I buy MegaMillions at whatever the jackpot is whenever it is day of the drawing before 7 pm and I happen to be in a 7 Eleven or place that sells them. I don't go out of my way. I think like you, a million bucks is all I'd need. I only buy 1 though. As far as I'm concerned buying more than one increases your odds of winning so insubstantially, that it really doesn't increase your odds at all. Plus I'm not going to spend more than a buck at a time on a lottery ticket, except for this Powerball, which is an exception.
  5. I thought that myself, but my buddy has a 2014 Challenger, and his goes out too in certain areas and it drives me friggin nuts. I'd rather the thing be off. I don't even turn on the radio anymore. Ads. Same songs. Even most satellite radio stations play the same goddamn songs over and over. It's really unbearable. I either listen to podcasts or use Spotify for $10 a month. I can download entire albums, songs, that stay on my phone and don't require any mobile service.
  6. ^But the fuses are usually in places that won't get wet, under the dash or under the hood with plastic covers that are clipped shut. Tay: Have you had any similar electrical problems before, or is this the first time it's happened? For disabling the power windows: You should be able to pull off the door panel and/or window control panel and disconnect the system by disconnecting a simple plug in the door. I'm sure you can find a youtube video/forum instructional to help you find the best way to pull off the panel. It's usually plastic tabs that pop off and pop back in. Can typically use a Spackle spatula or wide flat head screwdriver to pop it off. But try to find a diagram as to where the tabs are located so you don't beat up the panel (if you care about that kind of stuff). You'll probably temporarily lose your lock buttons and the other stuff like side mirror movement on the driver door, or anything else on that panel, but atleast the windows won't unexpectedly start going down. Super weird about the headlights though, they should be completely unrelated. Another reason I wouldn't buy a Hyundai.
  7. Believe it or not, I would pass on Garner, just to give her a little dose of reality. Not attracted to her at all. Now if she was willing to sign a release form...
  8. Hey Notti, don't blame you at all. I'm that asshole too. I draw strict lines that won't be crossed, and that's that. Don't like it? Tough sh*t. I bought the friggin fridge, I'm the only one that's gonna use it, or your stuffs gonna be in the trash. I don't want my space smelling like their trash either, I'm not going to put up with uncleanliness, I'm at work and am going to be professional. Want a fridge? Buy one. I have 1 person in the office that uses my fridge, and that's because he's one of my chums and he respects it as if it were his own. It's really the little things in life that I like splurging on, and a mini fridge was definitely one of them. I also have mini fans because I get hot in the office (the females always complain how cold they are while I'm sweating balls) and like having cool air blowing on me, and I also enjoy the ambient noise. Thinking about getting one of these next. Of course I'm kidding. But I am high maintenance, only to my self. THIS is why I go out to lunch. To get me the fug out of the office. I don't understand how people can stay in the same vicinity 8 hours a day, 40 hours a week! I need to go out and walk around, get some fresh air, add some spice to my day!
  9. I guess the better question would be, if you bring your lunch to work, what do you bring? Something different every day, the same thing every day? Do you get creative and do pulled pork with corn on the cob, and a salad, or a simple ham sandwich with chips? I eat at a different place every day, and rarely bring my lunch. Usually it's paid for by the company though, so that factors in. I hate bringing lunch. I brought lunch from kindergarten through friggin high school, and once I got a job and could go out for warm hot food I think I tossed in my brown bag towel forever.
  10. I don't find her to be a good actress at all. In fact any movie I've seen her in her acting was so bad it's distracting and has ruined the movie for me. I find American Hustle unwatchable because of her. She's kinda hot, but got a weird looking partial dude face going at the same time. I'd give her a run through though, see if she's worth all the fuss.
  11. I don't like satellite because whenever I go under a bridge or pass through the mountains in the high desert it phases out, skips, blah blah. Drives me bonkers. I have never liked the satellite radio since it started, and I haven't seen much of an improvement since. I've been using the MLB app for ($30?) a season through Verizon to listen to any teams stream and it has not disappointed.
  12. Whenever anyone has a problem with VW I just say GTI, holy hell those hatchbacks zoom.
  13. lol seriously? I'd do this any day of the week. For some reason heights don't scare me at all when I know it's safe.
  14. Hell yeah! So glad to hear this!!! ...It was Summer of 1998. I was 12 at the time, and suddenly heard on the radio that the Doyers traded Mike Piazza for some bulls**t Charles Johnson catcher that was supposed to be better defensively, but couldn't hit worth crap (partly why I had such an issue with Jeff Mathis his entire Angel tenure). It didn't matter where Piazza was going, I was speechless when I heard they traded him away. "Are they out of their effing minds?" was all I could think. This was back when blockbuster trades of the best teams players at the deadline weren't so common (or didn't seem so common back then) as they are today. At the time I was somewhat of an Angel/Doyer fan (just to support SoCal baseball, plus I LOVED listening to Vin Scully) and used to go with my parents to both stadiums. Admittedly I visited Angel stadium much more because I was an OC kid, it was so close, and the traffic to get to Dodger stadium sucked. I still remember going to Angel ballgames with just me and my mom when I was 6 years old when the stadium was still enclosed! She would take just me and her and bring peanuts and buy me a hot dog it was awesome! At that very moment in the Summer of 1998, after hearing of the trade, I swore off the Doyers FOREVER! I decided it was a calling to became an Angel fan through and through, and once I put my Doyer cap in the trash, I knew I would never look back. I've never regretted it since, and I never will. GO HALOS! And most of all, Congratulations Mike Piazza! One tappy papi!
  15. Oh yeah man, any chance MLB gets to give us the screw job, we get it. At this point it's just part of being an Angel fan. We know it's coming, even before it's mentioned on these threads. To be honest you kinda get numb/used to it after a decade or two...
  16. I typically don't mean to be a dick to friends, especially ones I've known for a while, but if I've really been friends for so long either they trust me or they don't. That's just kinda how it's always been with my chums. If they really don't think they know me well enough to take me at my word at this point, I don't understand why we're even still friends. Same pretty much goes for women I've been with. If they're going to take someone's word over mine, and the trust isn't mutual, why are we even together?
  17. This kid already has no soul in his eyes, looks like he's been drinking for a decade, and will undoubtedly continue to be a detriment to society. His mother looks like a wreck as well. Can we at least give this kid a vasectomy and tie his mom's tubes so they can't breed?
  18. You know what Strad? I don't mind paying $5+ for a burger, hell even maybe $7+ if it's good like Fatburger/Smashburger/5 Guys. What pisses me off is the extra's they so blatantly nickel and dime people for. I think at 5 Guys they wanted $3.19 for a regular fries. What? A fountain drink $2.29 for 10 CENTS worth of Soda?!? That's one thing I do appreciate about In N Out. I don't think it's even $2 for their fries yet, you can probably still get a regular burger for under $2, and the fountain drinks are reasonably priced as well. Hell, I'd pay $5 for a double double just because all the other fixin's are so reasonably priced.
  19. Any project car I've ever done (3) is not cheap.
  20. A high school diploma to me is/was not about having the piece of paper to show employers. I don't think anyone has ever asked me to see it. In fact I don't think anyones even asked for my University Degree. A high school diploma is in many ways like a degree, it means you can stick to something long enough, and work hard enough, to show up when you need to and get the work done that is necessary over a certain course of time. It's kinda like a job prep internship to prepare you for the next chapter of your life. I totally agree high school is a meaningless waste of time for a certain percent of intelligent youngsters who could better spend their time in a university or getting hands on experience in a field of their interest. If they can test out, more power to them. But just handing out degrees? What the f**k is going on? Why is this state, this country, continuing to cater to the lower echelon of society, breeding know-nothing numskulls, instead of telling them to wake the f**k up, and start getting their life together, and that things aren't going to be easy for them by fuc*ing it all off and getting it handed to them? Why is this the society people want to breed? They aren't just going to be automatically taken care of because they're alive. This doesn't help anybody. If you can't read and write at an 8th grade level or do basic algebra by the time you're 16, I'm not really sure what you can do besides serve popcorn at the movie theater or push buttons at the Sears. Even then your job is short lived because before long if wages keep increasing, companies are going to be having computers and machines to take those jobs, because they don't have to pay them $15 an hour. Have fun on the streets begging for money! Those folks sure look like they're having a blast in the cold texting while cruising on 2 wheeled non-hovering-boards!
  21. Yeah she looks kinda hot in the video, and I probably would, but the video is mindnumbingly idiotic.
  22. I don't think those covers look the same at all, so I don't mind continuing to chug off topic a bit. Eleven, there are a lot of riffs in music that are practically identical.
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