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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. I think the last time I was completely terrified by a quake was the '94 Northridge...I was 9 years old...now they don't scare me at all. The last time a quake hit that was remotely memorable was about 4 years ago, I was at an apartment across from Cal State Fullerton trying to take a nap between classes, and when I felt it I was like "Enough already, I'm trying to sleep you asshole!" and just stayed where I was on the couch. I like how folks I know not from around here are legitimately scared of them, but really, if you live in the US and California, they've been building homes and engineering freeways the past 20 years to expect them, so they're pretty harmless. I think if something were to blow, we'd know about it before it even happened.
  2. Out 3 years in the Majors because of illegal substances and you think some teams going to take chances to hire the guy? (Although, Arte might do it if he gets a verbal agreement ala Hamilton). Hell, they even let Bonds walk. This guy is done.
  3. I wonder what it feels like flushing $2.47 Mill down the terlit? You sir, are an idoit.
  4. There are 1-5 teachers I would have slept with through High School or College. I wouldn't have said a goddamn thing.
  5. I don't think I have a problem with it because I don't snore all the time, but when I do I've been told several times from friends & family that it sounds like a freakin' bear. This is usually when I plop into bed hammered in an awkward "want to go to bed and don't want to throw up" position. I can't imagine sharing a bed like married couples. I like my space, and whenever I've stayed the night at girlfriends/f***buddies places, I've slept terribly.
  6. Should you tip the Enterprise driver before/after you rent a car? "We'll pick you up..." If she's cute and I'm in a good mood, I *might* give her my number, and let her go out with me. That being said, I tip tow truck drivers a $5 if they do a good job taking care of my '70 Cougar. It's a weekend car, but that f*cker needs to get towed every 6 months, goddamn money pit.
  7. Don't forget hitting on your underage cousins!
  8. I get the "not being a fan of shaming people" publicly, but this dumbass was trying to steal some innocent persons car, and this hasn't been the first time. "The boy's mother spoke to WISN-TV and condemned the attack on her son while acknowledging that this wasn't the first time he had tried to steal cars." Which probably means it was his 3rd, or 4th. Leave peoples sh*t alone and you won't be beaten and you won't be shamed publicly! If you read the story, apparently his pants got taken off as he was pulled down while trying to run by hopping over a fence.
  9. I won $100 betting against the Panthers. That Doritos commercial is hilarious. I am tremendously hung over.
  10. I love stuff like this. All he had to do was toss the ball to the catcher why did he run and dive for him?
  11. I've watched Ridiculous 6 twice all the way through and find it hilarious. One of his better flicks in a long time as far as I can remember. Although now that I think about it I've been pretty much blitzed both times, so my judgement might be a bit skewed, but I'll stand by my judgment.
  12. All I remember is the trial was televised on basic TV channels chaotically. Every damn station. As a child I was almost FORCED to watch footage of the trial while sifting through channels, hoping eventually some Angels baseball or Animaniacs would come on, and every goddamn channel was the OJ Simpson case. Old ladies in charge of elementary school recess told me to stop talking about the OJ case, and stop speaking about how bulls**t it was he got off a free man after the ruling. I was so young but even as a kid, it was so damn obvious.
  13. It is insane that we're still paying for Hamilton an exorbitant amount of money while guys like Calhoun that give their all are getting scraps. I would rather give a years salary of his to Kole just to make him freak the hell out.
  14. Am so glad we're keeping Kole. Hopefully it pays off for him next year. He's a great contributor to the team and is a text-book Halo IMO. Also, playing along side Mike Trout ain't too shabby. I really think he's one of the better players the Angels have had the past season or so (besides Trouty).
  15. I'm kinda on the fence. I'm all for it when I'm pulling my hair out during an Angels/Stanks or BoSox game, but it also goes in our favor some time. I love when guys like A Rod or Cano get robbed on strike 3 and just stand there scratching their heads LOL. But mostly, I am over the umpires affecting the outcome of the game. I guess I'm for it.
  16. They bring him up *hush hush* at #1 as if he's a Republican at a Democratic debate! Insane. Oh we have to bring up the ANGELS, let's tread lightly. If he was on the Stanx/BoSux the coverage would be absurd. Trout deserves more than he's getting, comparing him to Harper is laughable. Best plate approach, greatest centerfielder, most handsomest ballplayer I've ever seen. Yes. Just like tdawg, I would.
  17. I don't care what anybody says about him, I love Pujols. He just needs to stop trying to jack homers and go for the base hits and doubles. He'd be a much better asset to the Angels that way. Happy Birthday Albert, you motherf***in' stud!!
  18. Is Arte really out of money? If so, sure he could sell billboards, but his financial baseball decisions have been abysmal. Pujols is OK, but Hamilton? Wells? Really? The guy hasn't even had to pay for a new stadium and has got by with mundane improvements. He really screwed up if he's broke. I feel for Trout the most. Best baseball talent in the league, perhaps the best ballplayer ever, and what do we have to show for it?
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