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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. I've installed about 5 sound systems in the various cars I've owned. Head units, speakers, subs, amps. Best bet IMO is to check out Crutchfield. They will make sure the speaker fits in your car (doors or below the rear window), they provide easy install harnesses, and they provide warranties. Even if you're not a customer, you can just go on customer service, and ask them questions live. They've always been friendly and have been able to walk me through any problems I've had. Seeing as how you already bought a head unit, which to me is a sorta crappy one (sorry), it means you're not looking for the kind of sound/experience I typically go for. I don't buy anything but touch-screen head units anymore, just because the technology has caught up, and they're SO much easier to navigate.Head unit ($200) and speakers ($150) can really make a world of difference in sound. I've dealt with Pioneer, passed on them, and my Kenwood head unit has been working out great. I use Kicker 3 way speakers and a 12" Kicker sub. They are cheaper, but really sound good. even better than Sony, Pioneer, or other expensive brands. Finding Kicker speakers for around $50 a pair to replace your current speakers are probably the solution. I think Crutchfield will be able to not only provide you the speakers, but the wiring harnesses custom designed for your car to make this a quick install. Will probably have to pull off the interior door panels though. I would google "Hyundai Santa Fe door speaker installation" to make sure you know where all the door panel clips and screws are so you can do it without screwing anything up. I think for $150 you could get 4 new Kicker speakers, with the easy connect wiring harnesses, and really make the sound system much better. Let Crutchfield know which head unit you bought, and they'll let you know which speakers would be appropriate for purchase.
  2. As a kid, the sun not going down till 8pm is friggin awesome. As an adult, the time change is really just a pain in the ass. Atleast traffic was a little bit lighter this morning. Would I be OK with getting rid of it? Yes. For the past 2 days (I work Sundays) I've had to deal with freaking out about the time and then trying to find out how to change clocks and watches.
  3. Deciding based on internet voting? For shame, Vladdy. Will probably go to the Expos. Angels rarely get stuff like this. Just part of being a Halo fan. Although to be honest, I don't really give a crap.
  4. If you were Freese, would you take less money from a team that made the playoffs in 3 of the last 3 years?
  5. Consistency is key. I didn't watch the game and don't know, but my guess is they were on the left side of 2nd base...
  6. Oh yeah, I LOVE hearing "And Pujols bounces it to third" for the past 4 years...
  7. This is so gawddamn stupid. Why don't they just put nets around the entire stadium? Home run balls have a possibility of hitting someone in the head in the right field pavilion. Foul balls have a potential of hitting someone getting hit in the head in section 413. It's a risk you take when deciding to go to the game. For over 100 years, it's always been that way! A couple of stories pop up, and suddenly it becomes an epidemic. By the way, it's this kind of bullsh*t mentality that continues to protect 1 idiot and ruin it for the other 30K fans attending the game.
  8. It'd sure be nice to see him trying something new for once. Oh, I don't know, maybe shooting a few balls to the right of the field for an opposite field basehit or double? As far as I'm concerned you're a dummy manager if you're not shifting 3 infielders to the left side of the field when Pujols steps in the box.
  9. I'm confused. Does this not apply for a majority of males with women these days? Strange. As much as they don't like to admit it out in public, most of the younger gals I've been with still prefer to be treated this way.
  10. Gawd Scioscia is so fat. Time to pass on a couple of those lasagna buffet's Skip!
  11. Lol when is this team going to learn how to bunt
  12. Trout is the last person to point the finger at when you're looking for reasons why we didn't make the playoffs.
  13. Mota-isms hurt my brain. When I'm listening on the radio, thankfully I can block him out, but when I try to read them, I get halfway through then wonder why I'm even trying.
  14. lol I love when they get all amped like that to pounce. It's hilarious! Alright Chuck, I'm gonna guess...that's a boy cat...and it's name? Jasper!
  15. All great jobs to have. Security. No accountability. The list goes on and on...
  16. I actually liked Murphy and think he should have played in a lot more games than he did. Stupid Scioscia having him consistently sit against lefties was absurd for how much better he was than the alternative.
  17. I'm on the wall with letting all these newbies in at one time. Yeah they'll seem nice off the bat, but...we won't truly know until the GDT's. We all know that's when everyone's REAL personalities come out.
  18. I should have been a weatherman. The only job where you can be wrong all the time and still keep your job for 20+ years.
  19. I enjoy chases as well, but it's usually not live because I don't watch tv. It's usually on YouTube or whatever after it happens. It is very rare for them to get away in cars, however I've heard for guys that ride streetbikes that it's much easier seeing as they can squeeze through spots the cars can't and they accelerate much much faster. The key is getting away before they get the chopper out, because once that thing is on you consider it a done deal. Seeing how it was foggy last night I'm sure that worked in his favor.
  20. I used to drive fast, but now I realize the hassle of not only being in an accident, but possibly injuring myself and others is just not worth it. "Burned packages that had once filled the now-overturned UPS trailer were strewn about the freeway." Probably the only good thing to come of this, free presents!
  21. I like where his head is at regarding analytics. Being an experienced ballplayer, looking and watching a player is much more valuable than any mathematical calculation, as far as I'm concerned. What bugs me is that burritos and tacos were brought up before a lasagna buffet.
  22. Look, my rant isn't the end all, be all. Anybody could miss one here or there... Except Arte LET TORII GO. Why? What a complete dumbass move! Torii wanted to stay. Torii wanted to win! As far as I'm concerned he would have been a bargain that wants to stay in OC, to be a part of the Pujols/Trout era, who would END HIS CAREER HERE! Who would lite a fire, be competitive, and work hard! Not to mention would have given 2+ years at 20% of Hamilton's price! This only supports my point further. Marketing first. Who actually performs and deserves a fair contract comes last. Arte's been duped by the league, and now he's paying for it.
  23. It's been this way since the guy bought the team. He's a marketer, and that's all. Plain and simple. -He buys a team and immediately announces lower beer prices, hurrah says the fans. (Marketing) -He changes the name of the team to a city the team isn't even located in. (Marketing) -He signs the best player in the league to a contract because he's the best player (Guerrero, Marketing) -That worked pretty well, so he lets cheap talent with a driving desire to win games leave without hesitation, and overpays free-agent-under-performers because he thinks it will sell tickets and merchandise. (Matthews Jr, Marketing) -He gives it another shot, cause screw it, he's 1 for 2, he lets cheap talent with a driving desire to win games leave without hesitation while signing (Wells) -He gives it another shot, cause screw it, he's 1 for 3, he lets cheap talent with a driving desire to win games leave without hesitation while signing (Pujols) -He gives it another shot, cause screw it, he's 1 for 4, he lets cheap talent with a driving desire to win games leave without hesitation while signing (Hamilton) -He gives it another shot, cause screw it, he's 2 for 5, he lets cheap talent with a driving desire to win games leave without hesitation while signing (Ibanez) All the while he's paid exorbanent amounts of money to players who aren't even on his team, to leave because they suck. Let's face it, since 2003, besides Guerrero, Pujols and Trout,, which non-pitcher-player has come here with a big contract, and even looked REMOTELY interested in performing to win on the field? It's become very rare. I will say while CJ Wilson and Weaver have been tough to watch, those guys go out to win. These insane contracts bring out less than desirable results on the field, and frustration for the fans who prefer we ignore the marketing aspect and concentrate on making a winning team. We all see it. They know that check is coming whether they perform or not and they could care less whether the team wins or loses. These types of contracts and these types of personalities will not result in a Championship ballclub, in fact they destroy that very type of mentality from growing. The type of mentality the team in 2002 had! The problem theirein lies, that Orange County doesn't want to attend a baseball game with premodonna's and overpaid douchebags that don't care about winning. Matthews, Wells, Hamilton, Ibanez, F***! Besides very safe bets, the list with his screw ups go on and on! And they are now, finally, costing us a chance to be competitive. The bottom line is the dude has almost no baseball sense, while using marketing philosophies that worked to make money in the past when he had other folks around to deliberate, but don't comprehend to any kind of success on the field.
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