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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. I love how the pages in the gd thread are zooming along
  2. why beltre didn't slam that out who knows
  3. Walks to start the inning are always nice.
  4. I wish there were some way to hold you accountable but $ bets don't work around here, and I wouldn't want to see you self ban yourself cause I enjoy your posts too much. I'm going to say you're going to be eating crow, but I hope you're right.
  5. We're gonna get whipped. Might squeak out 1 game. Remember guys, they're still "figuring things out" because it's only April.
  6. LOL thanks for the single appearance, Hean. If I was a ballplayer I would steer the hell clear from the Angels Organization completely, especially if I was a pitcher.
  7. I don't. Been there. Never saw a reason to go back.
  8. First of all, no reason to pick on this guy, there's like, a dozen other parking stalls clearly visible in the video. Pussies! I go off on people from time to time whether it's throwing their litter back at their car telling them the ground "isn't your trash can," I'll run into them because they're staring at their phone while they're walking and not paying attention, or I'll tell some stupid teenagers to shut their yaps if they're swearing up a storm while there's little kids around. Men who act like vaginas and don't say anything are the reason this country is full of glorified pussies. People look the other way or act like something isn't happening because they're "afraid they're going to get shot." What? I'm not saying I'm all for getting into a fist fight or getting shot, but give me a break, it's not going to stop me from giving my 2cents to some unsuspecting dickwads every once in a while. If they're gonna pull out a gun or want to fight, I'd probably walk away. But I'd still feel better saying something than not saying anything at all. Folks who act like shit*y members of society do it just because they think everyone is going to look the other way or not say anything because they're too afraid. All this does is perpetuate their poor behavior, and I for one, will not stand for it. You'd be surprised how much support you get from observing bystanders when you actually speak up and do something.
  9. What do you want me to do, go apeshit after the 2nd game of the season? I'm just saying what we're seeing is not very encouraging. Did we even improve the team from last year? It seems like we're worse! Each year I hope to see SOME kind of improvement, and I don't know how they do it, but the past couple years they look exactly as they did the season before, and exactly how they're going to look throughout the rest of this season, right out of the gate. I guess what I'm saying is please fire Scioscia lol.
  10. I know it's only game 2, but from what I've seen the past 2 days, we're right back in mid-season "going through the motions" form as far as our bats are concerned. Watching pitches right down the pipe, then swinging at pitches out of the strike zone and hittlng little piddlers that are barely even managing to make it to the infielders. Not saying they can't turn it around, but this is not looking promising at all. Nobody is looking like they can even make good contact with the ball right now.
  11. lol are you kidding me? THAT was our 9th? This is going to be a disaster season.
  12. lol jesus AL, did you hit a ball out of the infield today?
  13. Just keep watching those fastballs down the pipe AL...
  14. I friggin love Street. 2 pitches, 2 outs.
  15. When did Conger start playing left field?
  16. Have you watched them swing the bats the past 2 games? Frustrated and disgusted that this is a product Arte is OK with putting on the field.
  17. Jesus christ at this point I think I could hit better than half of these Angels batters and I haven't swung in atleast a year.
  18. Stupid Bautista grabbed the SS's leg who was trying to turn 2 as he slid into 2nd base, made an errant throw. Replay ensued. Umps called it a double play to end the game. Stupid Bautista was stupid.
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