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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. I think the technology is there to theoretically change a batters strike zone in real time based off how they're standing each pitch. For example, I don't see why they need a "database" on each player, just calibrate the strike zone on each player as they walk up to the plate and take their stance. Otherwise you have players that will know their strike zone and it becomes too predictable. I am glad we have replay (even though they seem to blow it from time to time), and I am pretty OK with computerized balls and strikes (especially after a game like tonight)...but I gotta be honest, taking that one final thing away from the umpires kinda screws with me deep down inside my "traditional" ways of the game. I guess my dilemma is why the f***ing f*** can't they just be better umpires who aren't so effing stubborn with their calls and their zones that we actually have to get to this point. I mean, tonight was clearly a perfect example. When you're watching the game as a fan and literally throw your hands up 4-5 times whether it's for you or against you, it's like you're gambling in Vegas as a batter. Inconsistency across the board. The umpires are screwing with these guys numbers for hells sake. I'd be much more on their side if they weren't deliberately wrong and/or so defensive about their crappy calls sometimes. But then I think, that's part of the game. Are we going to miss Scioscia going haywire on a mess up? Or guys getting booted over a strike? Because that's what will go away with this kind of technology. And I'm not sure if I'm ready for that to happen.
  2. Not a bad point. Especially knowing Calhouns arm.
  3. That was a fuggin bullet by Calhoun. A perfect throw. Wow.
  4. Don't forget rounding first ridiculously far, or for no reason trying to turn a single into a double after an RBI basehit and getting picked off by a mile to end the inning.
  5. Crazy is every team shifting so often like this now?
  6. I dunno that sounds an awful like something a liberal would say.
  7. I'm not much for sweets after dinner, but at Mario's in HB they have those cheap fruit flavored suckers, I dig those. Never been much of a mint guy.
  8. Oh I thought hangin' was talkin' about you...
  9. Too close to take. Especially with how terrible the ump has been tonight.
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