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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Terry's always got good ones. It's all about DC.
  2. Oh look at that, another runner in scoring position with their best batter at the plate. Take notes angels.
  3. No reason to pull that ball Escobar. That shoulda been shot up the middle.
  4. Hector throwing heat. Keeping the innings short. Let's go score some more runs.
  5. That was a great swing by Soto there. Going with the pitch.
  6. Perez with a double last night, time to ride some pine sez Skip.
  7. Albert runs like he's got a butt plug up his arse.
  8. Why is AL not sliding? 3rd base coach even said slide!
  9. There we go Albert, way to not swing at the garbage.
  10. lol is there a visible cart driving behind home plate? Freakin' ghetto mang.
  11. Walk comes in to score, 1-0 A'th heading to the top of 2 With Pooie, Cali, and Simmonsy comin up.
  12. Oh lookee that, more terrible defense by Escobar.
  13. Kron is a wasted at bat and a liability out in the field. I don't know what the Angels or anybody sees in him. As far as I'm concerned he's Wood 2.0 with just as terrible of a swing.
  14. He's gonna die in that broadcasting booth. Is he on the radio or on TV?
  15. Love Kole behind Pujols. Thank you for no Kron but I have a feeling we'll see him pinch hit at some point tonight.
  16. This has vibes of someone who's never played baseball before. Kinda like Ms. Mendoza.
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