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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Wow, this is nice to know. 10-99 employee here, and I drive anywhere from 500-1000 miles a week in my own car (well, I rent a car) for work.That adds up quickly for me...
  2. Yeah from what I remember Northwoods was pretty good, but I haven't been in years. Don't think we ever went to the location off the 5 though. Also enjoyed the nude woman portraits and female servers.
  3. Why hello there fellow previous accountant. It's crazy, I went to school, got a Bachelors degree, worked hard as hell to get an accounting job, did the whole apply, resume, cover letter, interview route for about six months. Frustrating time to say the least, but very rewarding when I got hired for $20/Hour (entry level job). Sitting in 45 minute traffic morning and evenings, same office, same work, same people every freakin' day. I tried to fool myself into thinking it was something I wanted, but I couldn't stand it, and I quit a year later. Now I am making almost 3 times what I was making at a job I didn't even need a degree for. Different people every day, different locations, different schedules, a day off during the week. I love it. Strange how things work out.
  4. As soon as I posted this I was like *CRAP!* shoulda waited...sorry guys, I should know better.
  5. Bummer how after we came back the bullpen just gave it right back to them.
  6. Love seeing the Twins take the lead and the Angels coming right back the next inning and taking the lead right back from them! BOOM CALHOUN!!!
  7. Fackin Kron still batting behind Pujols is absolutely absurd. Pujols Calhoun Simmons Kron
  8. Your problem starts the second you ask them questions expecting to get a quality answer. You're basically dealing with retail store caliber employees who are working at a home improvement box store. Same goes for chains that sell car parts, those places are the worst. I can't tell you how many times I order something or buy something from them, and it's either wrong immediately when I open the box at the store, or when I get home and it's the wrong freakin' part. There are some guys who know what they're doing, but most of them don't know shit!
  9. Company gives me a car for travel, and Sirius is included. Even free, I can't stand it. It's not even ad free anymore, and I hear the same goddamn crap I hear on the radio. Even the comedy stations get old. I Bluetooth Spotify and listen to Adam Carolla's podcasts every day from my phone.
  10. No, DO relax. Lawrence, your wife might be right with you going batshit about all the nuances. Lucky you, she's happy with what she has. I inspect about 4+ houses a day, in various neighborhoods around SoCal (from Santa Clarita to San Diego). A house is rarely perfect. Even the fancy million dollar ones. It may look all good from the street, when you visit or walk in, but folks that live there for 6+ months-40 years in any house notice weird things that bug them. Being as nitpicky as you want to be all at once will drive you friggin' bonkers. You can eventually get to fixing them. Low voltage exterior lighting is a perfect example. Let me be clear, what I mentioned are not absolute minimums at all. They are the absolute maximum. I am in the home improvement business (plumbing, electrical, roofing, stucco siding, HVAC, windows) and those areas can and will be HUGE nightmares that can amount to 10, if not 20, maybe 30 thousand dollars worth of work if they're screwed up or done improperly. I have seen it, I have heard it from homeowners firsthand while they're pulling their hair out, and that's the type of stuff that makes you regret buying a property immediately. It sounds like the major foundation items of the house are OK, so chill pill. Along the way fix the stuff that's bugging you, and get to it when you can. But from what it sounds like you bought a good house, and eventually once you get to the smaller things, it will become an ideal house.
  11. 8 games in and we have a cohesive team that is doing what it takes to win, no matter how late in the game. I like this bunch of guys.
  12. So far, I am very happy with Simmons defensive performance. I like his approach at the plate as well. Did you see how far he ran for that foul ball in left today? As soon as the bat made contact, he was on his horse. It's like he knew exactly where it was gonna go, and he freakin' wanted it. Hard to hate a guy like that.
  13. Oh look at that, Kron hitless, AGAIN. Looks like Street ain't coming in. Not a fan of this call by Skip, let's hope it doesn't bite us in the ass.
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