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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Gubi is a terrible commentator. When he talks he has this tone like he's lecturing the viewer. It's annoying as hell. To bad Vinn Scully isn't our commentator.
  2. Trouty! Went down and got it. Sitting on 2nd with AL comin' up!
  3. Who's this Ortega bum? Is he in any way associated with the canned chili?
  4. Dude what in the f**k is taking so long for this guy to throw the effing ball?
  5. Trop's making them short and sweet. Looking good out there.
  6. Calhoun usually throws better than that. Strange I thought his foot was still on the bag.
  7. This post belongs in the IEBruin Hall of Fame. What are you drinking tonight, bro? lol.
  8. The only thing that's ridiculous is how much your panties have been getting in a bunch over an 88 year old commentator that a lot of us enjoy.
  9. Eh, apparently Vinny did something to you were young and you're just not going to be able to get over it. I understand. I was a young dumb Dodger fan until they traded Mike Piazza, then went Angels forever and have never regretted it and will never go back. In a way I'm glad it happened. But that doesn't keep me from enjoying listening to Vin now. Funny thing is my pops hated Vin when I was a kid, and can't stand him now either. I can still remember him in the car "Shuuuuuuuut up!"
  10. Not even the same thing. Scully is not a player. He's an old man doing announcing for baseball. Do you not appreciate old folks, Lou? They're not always right, they don't always make sense, but if you just understand that and let it go then well, it can be a lot of fun to listen to them. I would describe my enjoyment of Scully in the same vane I enjoy Rex Hudler. Absolutely makes no sense sometimes, but goddamn it's hard to hate him because he loves the game and he's entertaining to listen to whether he's wrong or right.
  11. Eh, I'm not a fan of folk who waste food. Plus she's shallow enough to do something like this. It'd be in the back of my mind the whole time, minus half a point. She's got a plastic smile, and way way way too much damn make up on. Total turn off. So I knocked her down another half a point. 6.5/10, would show her a great time if she's got a decent sense of humor.
  12. Notti, I've been barking about this in the GD thread for so long. "Why are they pinch hitting for *name* when they're 2-3 so far in this game??" And then I get the "lefty/lefty" matchup argument. Which I wouldn't be so against it if actually made a difference in our performances, but it never pays off. The guy is obviously seeing the ball well TODAY, give him a shot! Calhoun, among other lefty hitters we've had over the years, are typically exceptions to that lefty/lefty rule and in no way should it affect their order in the lineup or their being pulled from the game. I was a left handed batter. Did that affect my approach at the plate? Sure! But I had my south paw buddy throw 85mph batting practice for 20 minutes twice a week, and you learn to get used to the arm angle and what to look for and eventually you get over it and then it doesn't matter how the pitcher throws at all. But you only get good at left handed hitting if you're allowed to bat against left handed hitting! How are lefty's supposed to improve batting against left handed pitchers when they never get to bat against them? It's absurd. Especially for Calhoun who has established that he knows what the hell he's doing out there, and who has no business batting behind Kron who has never established that he knows what the hell he's doing out there.
  13. Well deserved shout out. Best website and forum regarding Angels Baseball news and discussion, hands down.
  14. Sure, but he will. Nobody else in the league I'd rather have there than Trout in those situations, that's for sure. That ball was absolutely mashed. 460 feet to dead center? I watched it a couple times on Game Day. One of the hardest hit balls I've ever seen.
  15. Of course it'd be Jepson to close out this sh*tbag of a game. Atleast its over.
  16. We help the bad teams put some notches in that Win column. Its why we've been so bad the past couple years. We dont beat the bad teams we nees to beat.
  17. The Twins hadnt scored more than 3 in a game until they met us...
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