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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. I'm not quite sure what Schilling did wrong here but force a few over-sensitive folks to shed a few tears cause they couldn't take a joke? You're mean! These same PC people would have no problem keeping him if he made or posted a similar meme in the vein of Christianity. I also don't get this "you're falsely representing that segment of society" argument at all. It wasn't supposed to represent that segment, it was completely hyperbolic and exaggerated. As cezero mentioned, we have grown a lot in the past decade towards acceptance, but it gets to a point where you kinda need to pump the brakes there a bit. As far as being recognized for diversity, I just don't understand that at all. I mean what do you want that will make you happy so we can get over this sh*t? Why are people so hell bent on this stuff? I've never cared about being recognized for my diversity nor would I ever want to nor do I need to be, so it doesn't even make logical sense to me to even say something like that. I don't understand what we need to do to make them happy so we could stop this hurrah and they'd feel like they're recognized for their diversity. Or is this just going to be a never-ending thing that we're going to have to hear about forever? Like racism with blacks in America? I have to say this constant pushing shoving forcing down peoples throats something that was "taboo" for so long has been getting annoying for a while, and IMHO somewhat inconsiderate to some folks who really just don't care either way. They don't want to know, and they can only take so much at once, and it's kinda hard to blame them. That being said, FU*K ESPN.
  2. And Pujols with a lousy squirt to right. Embarrasing.
  3. Crazy how all these music stars are dying this year. Or maybe we're just more aware of it than usual? My uncle is a huge Prince fan, me personally, never really saw what the big deal was. I sent him a text this morning after I found this out to offer my condolences, and he texted back "If you ever bag a cougar play Prince" which kinda makes sense. I wouldn't know what to play though lol.
  4. Perfect evidence ahowing why Kron belongs at the bottom of the lineup...he hits better there...
  5. What was that we said in the 5th why the hell is skip pulling our starter so early? And one of our relievers after only 8 pitches?
  6. They play some pretty depressing music at that stadium. Strange.
  7. He threw 8 pitches Strad. You're telling me he can't throw 1.1 innings?
  8. Yah he only got 2 outs. Still faced 3 batters though methinks.
  9. Are you f**king serious Mike? Guy finishes the last inning, gets a K then you yank him? It just doesn't make any sense to me.
  10. Gia with a base hit hanging by the skin of his teeth. Makes even less sense then.
  11. You're telling me Trop couldn't have finished that inning, Skip?
  12. Pulling him way too early Skip. Our bullpen blows and giving up a hit isn't going to kill him. 1 pitch away from getting out of the inning with a double play.
  13. What the hell is Kron swinging at? Sittin pretty at .105
  14. Why does it feel like Trout is Luke Skywalker and Harper is Darth Vader? Right now Vaders winning and it's boiling my blood. I can't stand that guy.
  15. This pitchers pace is driving me crazy. THROW THE FRIGGIN BALL!
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