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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Did they just say Albert is 0 for his last 23? WTF?
  2. Only 1 run. Santiago will now get in his groove. Not even worried. BUT THE FUGGIN BATS BETTER WAKE UP!!!
  3. I told you guys, I dunno why you were freaking out. BTW I totally thought that ball was gone lol
  4. STREET STREET STREET! I get so excited whenever I get to see him pitch lol
  5. Could not have put that down or placed it better. Way to go Carlos.
  6. "Things that will never happen to Kron again" for $500, Alex.
  7. Now it's time to play "How can we strand a runner on 2nd with no outs"! Sponsered by Total Performance Oil!
  8. But it looks like he got his hand in there. Excellent slide by Kole! Such a heads up player. I love how he slammed the bag!
  9. I can't remember the last time an Angel pitcher picked off a runner.
  10. ^Nate, I agree it's trash. But let's call a spade a spade here: there is so much trash that gets thrown around all the time these days, this is mild by FAR in comparison. This is just getting news because Curt got fired and the left doesn't like it because it sends a message that doesn't fit their agenda. All of us have heard folks on the left spout off those accusations towards folks that don't think the same as them. It's not an even playing field when it comes to what people on the left are allowed to get away with, and what people on the right are allowed to get away with. Sure the photo is not an accurate representation of that type of community -- but it's not supposed to be. It's supposed to be an exaggeration to bring to light a pretty legitimate issue. I don't see what is wrong with it just because it hurts some folks feelings or doesn't fit certain ideological beliefs. Christians are supposed to be made of steel while this community is supposed to be babied and coddled? That's the thing though Angels N Skins: Olbermann gets in front of a camera for ESPN, on air, when he's supposed to be talking about sports, and condemns anything not considered leftism by the media or society, barks his opinion and what should be with no exception, and the station doesn't bat an eye. You are exactly right how is Curt supposed to express his feelings if they are anything other than leftist beliefs and still keep a job? How is that liberty? This is becoming extremely dangerous because what we're seeing is the media constantly being two faced, censoring any and all types of news, thoughts, opinions and beliefs that are contrary to what THEY think should be shared to its viewers, instead of being truthful and honest and up front. And undoubtedly it is having effects on society, and I'm not sure if it's doing any of us any good.
  11. Hey man, if Weaver can pitch in the 80's and get outs more power too him. He's looking pretty good out there so far.
  12. Enough with these effing DP's. Angels have to be the team with the most DP's in the league.
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