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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. CAL-BOOM! Coming through. I freaking love him. One of the best RFr's we've had in a while.
  2. I love how Scioscia throws a "I ain't gonna move my ass, but I'm gonna wag my head back and forth and look like I care" tantrum.
  3. I'm willing to bet you $1000 right now that you're wrong. Angelswin will be here for another decade, right?
  4. lol peg both of their best hitters, get out of it with a dribbler to the mound. Gotta love it.
  5. Aight enough of the nonsense, keep it low, give us a grounder, end this madness...
  6. Hell while you're at it, give Cruz one high and tight.
  7. Nice to see simmons looking back at Trout smiling.
  8. Pujols seems a bit bothered by Trouts constant kickassery.
  9. Felix misses an easy out. Now he's gotta deal with our ginger.
  10. Pujols MUST drop this pull mentality if he expects to be successful and help this team win.
  11. Pujols you friggin bum you better do something here.
  12. Cannot even imagine what would happen to this club if Trout got hurt.
  13. Dad always said: Force them to make a perfect play. If there were any issues there Perez is on base.
  14. I am fine with Perez bunting there. Guy makes em work!
  15. Seriously Tdawg, what is wrong with the guy. Piddlers to the infield constantly. Do other teams deal with this?
  16. Honestly with these TV commentators, we might as well hand the mic to random fans in the stands and let them do an inning each. They might be less yawn worthy.
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