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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Or those abandoned animal ads with Sarah Mclaughlin singing in the background...
  2. Dude go ahead and quote the post but or gawds sake atleast have the decency to delete that image, it's burning a hole in my retinas.
  3. That photo should be banned from this site. The pubes on his chin make me wanna yak.
  4. Welp we can forget about AL trying to go the other way for another month...
  5. Miley is having a rough start to his season so that means he'll probably throw a no no today.
  6. Oh would you look at that. I didn't know first innings were ever supposed to end?
  7. If history is indicative of present circumstances, it seems he is ALWAYS recovering.
  8. I like being on the top of a new page in a thread. Therefore, I posted. I approve tdawg having mod powerz. Strict, but fair.
  9. Really, this is all making sense now. I thought tdawg was a white? Or atleast a hispanic...
  10. My favorite part of the ballgame! HOUSTON STREEEEEEEET!!!!!
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