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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Very typical of Angels offense. Come out guns blazing in the first, shut 'em off and cruise through the rest of the game.
  2. Dude he's made some miraculous plays so far this year. He's not gonna be perfect but he's one of the best 3rd basemen we've had in a while.
  3. Ah, I see Shoemaker decided to delay giving back those runs by an inning...
  4. HAHAHA! He looks so silly throwing it back I can't stop laughing
  5. Oh jesus effing christ strad of course it looks like he doesn't know how to play that's exactly what I mean, but the effort altogether and the result of the throw looks lazy.
  6. Maybe they hold it for them until after the game? Unless it's something where the player actually pays for their own bats and really wants it back, I don't see any reason for them to take it away. If they just do it because it's policy that's super lame.
  7. Does anyone else notice how lazily Soto throws the ball back to the pitcher? It's like he falls forward when he throws, and then limps the ball for a throw. It looks hilariously ridiculous.
  8. I can't stand Nelson Cruz for whatever reason. Maybe because he used to be a Ranger? SIDDOWN!
  9. What a treat what a treat what a tasty little treaaaaaaaat!
  10. I hope that's not the only Angels offense we're going to see today. Sometimes they come out of the gate and score runs then don't do crap the rest of the game.
  11. I'm just posting so we can move to page 7 as quick as possible so I don't have to see that photo every time I click on the thread.
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