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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. WEAVE!! I love how slow he walks off the field lol
  2. Almost jinxed it there lol I was crossing my fingers.
  3. Wait? Are my eyes deceiving me? Are we? IN THE 3rd INNING AND NOT DOWN BY 4 RUNS?!? It's a miracle!
  4. Why is Esobar tagging his freaking chest and not putting his effing glove down on the base where it belongs?
  5. Keep in mind this season is not over. It could get worse quicker than it gets better.
  6. Gubi: "Now it's up to the offense" ...as Pujols whiffs at a ball a foot off the plate for strike three...
  7. Wait in 1992 there were only 2 divisions in the American League? I never knew that. Then in 1994 there was the strike? Which is why they played 114-115 games? Good thing too, it looks like the Angels were horrific in 1994 and mighta broke A LOT of records for worst season by a major league team. I remember I was bummed in 94 because the Dogs were in 1st place (I liked Mike Piazza) and they didn't even get a shot for the playoffs. Now that I think about it I'm glad the dogs didn't get in and maybe win because they'd have bragging rights, but I am still kinda bummed Mike Piazza never got a ring, he was a great ballplayer and person.
  8. Time to score some runs and not give up stupid outs with runners in scoring position.
  9. Oh look at this, 2 men on and nobody out. This should go well.
  10. Great, just another thing to get between me and my view of the game. F***ing selfie sticks should burn in hell.
  11. ^Nope. It went to a commercial after Simmons stupidly tried to steal 2nd and got caught to end the inning with a runner on 3rd. Literally pouring fuel on the fire.
  12. The Rays pull the ultimate Angels move by loading the bases with nobody out and not scoring a run.
  13. Fu*k this pitcher and his stupid do-rag under the hat bullsh*t.
  14. lol that umpire was completely clueless. how can you call him safe when the runner never even touched the bag? absurd.
  15. Isn't the catcher not supposed to leave the catchers square until the pitcher releases the ball?
  16. I just...I just cannot believe Arte threw that money at Hamilton so carelessly. It makes me want to cry.
  17. I gotta be honest, whenever Trout hits a dinger, Pujols sure doesn't greet him at home plate with much enthusiasm. It seems like he's a little butthurt. This fuggin team and Arte need to figure it out, and figure it out quick, or before we know it Trouts contract is going to be up and he's gonna be moving on to a team like the Royals who have a ferocity in them and want to win a ring. This team is absolutely pathetic and Arte should be downright embarrassed with the product he's surrounded Trout with. Abysmal.
  18. That dude creeps ME out, and I'm a grown man.
  19. I wonder if there's any other fan base that goes through these painful streaks than Angel fans. What hurts the most is that it's not like we're automatically out of it off the bat, which for some teams (Padres) it's pretty much expected, but we build up all these expectations and have that shiny bit of hope only to have the dream taken away somewhere between the first 3 months of the season typically.
  20. ESPN and East Coast teams are salivating at the opportunity to get their hands on Trout. Reason being, once he leaves, they'll have no reason to talk about the Angels at all, who they just LOVE to ignore. Unless it's bad news. Then they're all over it and it's the top story on baseball tonight. I bet the 2 pitchers down story will be on tonight, btw. You'd have to be friggin retarted to trade Trout. He basically wins games single-handedly for our team about 10 times a year.
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