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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. I'm guessing it's the same kind of thing they do at Barny's Bowl-o-Rama when someone bowls a 300. Considering how infrequently they've needed to do it this season, it makes sense.
  2. Good for him he's had a couple good games with the bat. It won't last. His swing is just terrible. And his defense is painful to watch.
  3. What's most upsetting is if I knew a decade ago that I could perform like Kron and continue to be a starter of a MLB team, I would have continued pursuing being a baseball player. ALL THE GUY DOES ALL DAY EVERY DAY 7 MONTHS OUT OF THE YEAR IS PLAY BASEBALL --- AND HE STILL BLOWS. It makes zero sense.
  4. Yes, we know. It's in the article a mere flip of the scroll up from your post. No, we don't care someone said 15 mill instead of 16 and it didn't need correcting. This Trout trade shit is getting beyond annoying
  5. I drove for lyft for like a month. It's a rip off for the drivers as far as I'm concerned. Yah you get to pick your own hours but there's certain "locations" you have to be in the vicinity of. $15 an hour after gas expenses, wear &tear, and waiting for fare? Barely. I'd rather serve tables, honestly. But good luck!
  6. If I ever get sick of horse or lasagna buffet references, please kill me.
  7. He's the 2016 Brandon Wood. He sucks. He should have been gone a year ago. I truly believe I could hit a badeball better than hom. I think Mathis passed Scioscia's nudie photos on to him. I went to a Pony League ballgame a couple nights ago. Much more fun than watching this team (minus Trout, of course).
  8. I love ketchup on a wiener. Not a lot, but just enough to get a little bit of that flavor. I never understood the folks who are adamantly against it. What's it to you, butthead, whether I put a little bit of spicy brown AND ketchup on my wiener? You can still taste the quality meat of the wiener. People put such other ludicrous random weird things on a wiener, but holy hell, you slather a little bit of that ketchup on the wiener and now you're an abomination? Stupid. What's really good on a wiener is sriracha.
  9. If Pujols hasn't figured it out by now, he ain't gonna. He's been with us for enough years to see that his power is gone and yet he still insists on pulling the ball and swinging for the fences. We might see shades of his former self every so often in streaks, or maybe he'll have one "hot" month, but unless he adjusts his swing and approach based on the lack of power he now has, he's never going to be the batter Arte is paying him to be.
  10. Hopefully Shoemaker can come out and give us a quality start. No runs in the 1st inning would be nice, and maybe we can jump on top in the bottom.
  11. This is good. I like this. Did the Angels hit 3 million fans last year? I thought that streak was done a year or 2 ago. I don't see myself going to a game this year. A lot of other things I'd rather spend my money and free time on than watching Pooie ground to 3rd with the bases juiced.
  12. Can't win if we don't score runs, don't matter whos on the mound.
  13. Pretty sure it was Arte "do what I say or you're fired" Moreno.
  14. Since Street has been hurt I think we've needed him about zero times considering using him requires a lead in the 9th.
  15. ^I'm pretty sure at one point Izturis was batting cleanup for the Halos. I was actually going to mention that lineup in lieu of my "now I know everyone can't hit .300" comment because I actually think I was at one of the games where everyone was hitting above .300 back in the day, but it didn't really line up with the rest of my post. Did anybody watch that 5 minute clip of Scioscia after the game? It's really quite sad. He is not instilling confidence in the team through his comments at all, and he keeps talking about "the process" but the fact of the matter is he looks like he is lost and has no clue what to do. There is no way a manager change would fix this club, but the fire seems to be gone in Scioscia and much like the Pujols/Hamilton/Wilson of the era he is just doing his job and riding out the years until his time is up. Really a very sad way to run a ball club. Unfortunately I have to say much of what we're dealing with right now, is solely on the shoulders of the owner and his foolish past decisions, and I really think his past mistakes have led up to what we're dealing with right now. The fundamentals of baseball are lost on this team. And I don't know who is to blame for that, but it really is costing this team games and you can tell it is wearing on the players.
  16. "Hey you stupid humans, it's time to stop shittin' out kids." - The Planet
  17. I do not get the ketchup over fries thing at all. It makes them soggy and gross. I enjoy dipping. The juice in the cereal makes no sense. Are they saying some folk only eat the crust and leave the rest of the pizza? People who take a bite out of a donut and leave it are the same dicks that take a shit or leak without flushing. Fuck that guy. Why would you eat only the white of an Oreo when eating the whole thing together is the best? I can't believe some asshat would actually eat the center of a hot dog first. That's not only trying too hard, that's just stupid. Eating a kiwi like an apple with hairy pubes still on it? *shiver* Boxes upside down irk me. I might actually yell if I saw someone eat a kit kat like that. I disagree with about 3 of them: 1) If a pizza is so damn greasy it's sitting on top of the cheese and pepperoni like red fluid and it might spill all over my white shirt or looks like heartburn (even though I don't even get heartburn), I'm gonna pat it down for the sake of not filling my gullet with liquid grease. 2) One of my FAVORITE things is warming up pizza at home in a pan on the stove. Really, it's the only way to reheat pizza, and in some cases BETTER than when you got it fresh. Medium heat, lid on. 5-10 minutes you get a crispy crust, melty cheese, and the pizza and toppings are hot throughout. I put a buncha parmesan and crushed red pepper and salt and pepper and then I might wanna dip it in ranch. It's actually delish to eat it with a fork because it may be too hot to pick up with your hands. 3) Eat cheese however the hell you want to. Stater Bros sells these rotillos with a cheese block wrapped in prosciutto, salami, or pepperoni and they're freakin' delish. What bugged me more than anything were the unhygienic looking folks with the gross acne and underbrushed teeth they decided to do close ups on. YEESH!
  18. What baffles me entirely is the offense. Now, I understand, we can't have a 1-9 of .300 hitters up there...but it's getting to the point where, as a fan watching the game, you can't help but imagine that if you were up there batting you'd have more success up there than the likes of Pujols or some of these other guys batting under .200. Their approach is so flawed and terrible, and it has been for the past couple years, but they've been able to fake it. It's now finally coming to the surface that their approach is very poor at the plate, and when you don't adjust or swing at strikes, and whiff at balls or hit them weakly, well, you're just not going to have much success. When I see other MLB teams in this league, and how they approach the plate, swing the bat, and play the game, they make this team look like a joke.
  19. All 3 batters watching first pitch strikes then swinging weakly at the junk. Keep it up fellas.
  20. And here we go with WTP: Warning Track Pujols.
  21. Still can't believe Trout watches some of those 1st pitch strikes.
  22. A 1-2-3 inning from Weave! TIME TO SCORE SOME RUNS YOU BUMS!
  23. Did escobar just catch that practice toss with his bare hand?
  24. Wonder what it feels like to watch a called 3rd strike that moves 82 mph?
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