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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Welp, you just sealed it brah. Good work.
  2. Too bad Trout struck out. It's a good thing Pujols is up...oh wait.
  3. From what I got to see when Josh played on the Angels, it was blatantly obvious almost immediately.
  4. Yes his career is over, and it was over before he even signed with the Angels. Dude knew exactly what he was doing, and Arte was dumb enough to believe him. Perform for a couple years, find a sucker to offer a huge contract, then eff off baseball and enjoy the paychecks doing nothing.
  5. But still, him staring at the ball like it's a no doubter is stupid and honestly pisses me off. That ball cleared the fence by like 3 feet. Motherf**er needs to get on his horse when he puts some power into a ball in the air. His no doubters are doubters these days. You are not a homer god you once were or at least appeared to be Pooie. Instead, GO with the ball, help your team out and hit singles and doubles in clutch situations. And for f***s sake get your average above .250 it's embarrassing.
  6. My biggest gripe: Why is there no more "preview post" button? Or am I missing something? It's driving me bonkers. Other than that I am enjoying the new forum.
  7. It should. As he matures and develops it only makes sense he should be better at not striking out. You don't need to apologize for that, the only person that needs to apologize is that one kid who's mom took a picture of him with Pujols and then posted it here. I think that pretty much sealed Pujols as sub .300 hitter in an Angel uniform for life.
  8. He was once an Angel. Now he isn't. He was facing the Angels, so of course he'd hit a 3 run shot. This is nothing new around these parts.
  9. Hurt again? When is the dude ever not hurt? Needs to lose about 20-30 pounds to give his legs and plantar a break.
  10. This Marte guy reminds me a lot of Aybars set up before the pitch is thrown and also his stance in the box.
  11. You know there's a lot of things in life I'm grateful for, but I would say one of the biggest ones is my parents instilling in me for sticking to my guns, and not falling into peer pressure and getting into drugs. Or trying them once. There was a lot of cocaine, meth, heroin, all offered to me in my 17-25 year old years. Some of them were extremely hot chicks that I probably would have been able to sleep with but for some reason the use of drugs always turned me off. I didn't mind being around people that did it, but holy hell am I glad I didn't even try. I have seen a lot of friends deal with the repercussions of getting involved in drugs, there's long term consequences with prolonged use. I even lost one to suicide. You only get one shot in life, I can't even imagine becoming a slave to this stuff.
  12. With the way we've played I'd expect it. Par for the course injuries. CJ Wilson pulling off a (very wisely advised from Hamilton) season paid off. Pretty pathetic offense so far. Many many and I stress I cannot stop with the many sympathy's to stud-muffin Mike Trout who has to put up with this shit day in day out. How absolutely frustrating it must be to be on this shitcan of a team. And then he acts like this team can pull through and actually be competitive. You know who's really shitting the bed? Pujols. I am sick and tired of this dude who makes boneheaded plays, swings for the fences with warning track power, and with $25 mill a year can't keep his weight down so he can actually run like a professional athlete. Can you imagine if TROUT was on the Royals? Pooie can go sit on one.
  13. That story is pretty mind blowing.
  14. "Swing and a miss" while Kron is batting. I am shocked. CJ Kron does not belong on a MLB team. Period.
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