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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. lol he threw his bat down and started pouting like a little girl tonight after missing a fat salami that shoulda left the park. Never seen Trout do that...oh that's right, because Trouts a man. Where's m0nkey when you need her?
  2. Puig and Hamilton. Pretty much the two biggest steaming pile of turds in MLB.
  3. I hope he never plays another major league ballgame again. Do you know how many people would KILL to be in Puigs position on a Major League team? And he flushed it down the terlit like it meant nothing. What a complete dipshit.
  4. They're ugly as hell but I think it's awesome the Angels and Ducks are willing to represent each other as a close knit community.
  5. Happy Birthday Chuck! Thanks for the boards and bein' such a dope site owner!
  6. Umpire favoritism strikes again, Pedroia shouldn't have even been in the game after arguing balls and strikes.
  7. Trout is the last person in the entire league I would ever worry about. If you have to create a term like "mini slump" just to make a point you're really trying too hard.
  8. No. I don't know why everyone hates on the guy. He's batting .326 has an OPS of .790 is one of the best leadoff batters we've had in YEARS besides Trout, and for some reason people want to dump him? It makes no sense. I can't imagine what our record would be if he wasn't on base to start the first inning to allow guys like Calhoun, Trout, or Pujols to knock him in and get some runs in early. I know he makes boneheaded plays on defense but so did Aybar, but he never hit this well. And I know he isn't the best defensively but he's also made spectacular plays this season that IMO make up for his mistakes. Plays where any other 3rd baseman we've had in a long while would have biffed. I'm fine with keeping him at 3rd and having him lead off. It's nice to finally have a solid leadoff batter as well. I loved last night when he smacked the first pitch of the game for a hit to get things going. How can you not appreciate that?
  9. Escobar Calhoun Trout Pujols Trumbo Wowza.
  10. Not sorry, f**k those uniforms. You get used to wearing what you're wearing, the dude wants to win games. I gotta say, I'd be greatly pissed off if you ask me to go out there and compete in a uniform that feels different from what I'm used to. Sure he didn't need to cut the thing up, but give me a break. This wasn't just color or logo finagling, this was going to be a completely different feel. For a position player, sure, you can kinda get away with it, but for a pitcher? Man there are so many things that can screw with a pitcher on that mound. Having to be concerned with the uniform you have to wear? Irresponsible on the part of the decision maker who said "go" on this idea. I don't need no stinkin' throwbacks to enjoy a ballgame either.
  11. What the hell was Choi swinging at to end the game? Embarrassing. What a terrible approach at the plate.
  12. I never doubt Street. I know he's had rough patches but you all should have more faith in him. He'said a veteran and knows what he needs to do to get it done.
  13. By the way, we need a better light the halo celebration. That's a clown gif brah.
  14. THAT BEING SAID: It's always a GRRRRRR-RREAT night when the Halos win. It makes me feel all warm and squishy inside. Either that or I sat in something.
  15. Once again, this team's lifeline begins and ends with Trout. What a blessing he is. And what a shame he's in the middle of all this subpar ballplaying.
  16. Alex Curry could be less useless with her interviews. Atleast she has boobs.
  17. So happy to see Weavey pitching well. The day is always much more joyous when the Halos win. The run for getting over .500 begins!
  18. Yeah he stopped looking at the bottom half of the ball. Also I thought his pitcher could have gotten the balls up a little higher. Glad that everyone knows Trumbo though. Good for him.
  19. Who picked this playlist? Terrible music selection. Good Charlotte? What the crap?
  20. I don't know why Cano is in the HRD I think he did good like maybe a year or two, but the last couple performances by him have been pretty mundayne.
  21. I'm watching it on MLB.com Trumbo is freaking killing it, and just beat Seager. 8 HR's in a row. 16 total.
  22. This Seager guy is pretty good.
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