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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. ^Me neither. Screw LA what a craphole. I liked when the roadies had Anaheim with the halo over the A. Those were bad ass.
  2. I think they escort because they're afraid some people might freak the hell out when they realize they just lost their job.
  3. A 2nd Gen Renovated stadium? Lordy... After visiting some of the newer parks in the league, some even 15 years old, and then going back to Angel Stadium, it's obvious that it's aged and needs some major updates. Mostly the concourses surrounding and in the stadium (they are just way too small), concessions, and fan traffic. Other than the fact that it just looks old, I still like Angel Stadium, I wonder what they're looking to do with improvements. #keeptherocks
  4. They should be able to just throw in the towel after they're down by 10 save everyone the depression and let them get out of there early.
  5. Coworker moved from out of state is staying with me for a month till he gets his own place. Key word there Blarg, *don't think*, but if I find a woman who really wants them, and I could see having them with her, I would reconsider. If she didn't I'd be fine with that too.
  6. I think you'really a true fan when a Halos victory puts a little shine in your day and something like this just makes you look up and go, why?
  7. Lol the first game I was gonna watch in like 2 weeks. I'll just see myself out... Poor Trout. Man I feel sorry for him. We are wasting the best years of one of the best talents to ever play the game.
  8. Man I kinda wanna feel bad for A-Rod then I see 10 years $250 million and I just dont. I don't get this Tebow thing.
  9. Mathis is that one player of my generation who overcame all the logic of what I thought it takes to play Major League Baseball.
  10. Undoubtedly. Skippng on Beltre was a HUGE mistake by the Angels. Not passing on Wells was a HUGE mistake by the Angels. Shine I don't do this very often but you're more annoying than any poster I can remember, and beating out Lifetime is quite a feat. Im not trying to mod or anything, but from one member to another please chill the fu** out.
  11. Don't you know better than to post crap like this? Jinxin it dude! Do any of you still watch the games? I currently don't have the time with work but I can't imagine spending time to watch these guys. It seems like it'd just be depressing.
  12. Honestly my roommate had his wife and 2 kids stay over for the weekend, those fuc*in' kids man. It was the greatest form of birth control ever, I can't even imagine having them around all the time. What a fuc*ing joke. No privacy, constant attention, them bickering back and forth, and their energy. Then you gotta feed them and pay for sh*t for them? My gawd it was exhausting just watching. I don't think I'll ever want to have kids.
  13. This article has a witness who talks about what happened, and decapitation seems to have been ruled out. As much as it pains me to say it I would trust ABC news over a People article trying to get clicks by making it sound worse than it actually was. "Castaneda, who said he hasn't been interviewed by police, said that he started running toward the slide, then heard a lifeguard yelling and a boy screaming hysterically. Castaneda saw the young victim, Caleb Schwab, lying in the water, but he said a lifeguard told him, "There's nothing you can do."" http://abcnews.go.com/US/kansas-water-park-witness-describes-horrific-scene-boy/story?id=41203463
  14. This ride has magnets which controls the rafts speeds by computer, so they should have been able to control speeds to keep airtime minimal, to keep a person from flying out of the restraint. However, it sounds like they only had velcro restraints which I can't believe are acceptable on a ride going 65mph. If you watch videos of the ride, anyone on board, nor the raft, is getting any kind of air time over the second hill. It slows down signifigantly. Ride designers are constantly pushing limits with physics, and something like this was NOT bound to happen eventually. This was a freak accident and when you have hundreds of millions of people getting on rides every summer, unfortunately something is going to happen every now and again. I think there is something else at play here other than just manufacturer defect. I think easily being able to get out of the restraints is a factor, and I think being a young kid on a big scary ride is a factor as well.
  15. Honestly I say this all the time to everyone and it works for me every time: Your back pain is caused, yes, probably by being overweight, but also because it is often neglected for stretching, and it's often neglecting for strengthening when working out. I used to tell my ex this when she'd bitch about her back bugging her all the time but she never did what I told her because she was lazy so I stopped feeling bad about her bitching about her back pain. All she wanted was back rubs and I'm like, that's not a solution, that's a band-aid on the real problem. Stretch your back, and strengthen your back muscles by working it out and making it stronger. Lay on your back, point your left toe away from you, and pull your right knee in towards your chin. Keep that left leg down and straight. Concentrate on feeling your back muscles. You should feel the muscle start to tug a little bit. Don't do it too much, just do it for about twenty seconds, but pull it so you can feel it getting a little relief. Then switch feet. If you go to the gym, get on this upright stand typically in the stretching area where your lower body stays stiff, but you can lean forward over it. And just lean forward and hang and let the spine and muscles pull from each other. Then do the hand thing where you point and go over each side. I do my middle, left side, then I do my right side. For workouts I get on the same upright stand, with a 10-25 pound weight, and go up and down. You will feel it almost immediately, because most people do NOT work out their backs. You will probably get away with doing 10-20. There are other machines in the gym SPECIFICALLY for the lower back, and those can really make your back stronger. Whenever my lower back starts to hurt, I go to the gym, stretch it, work it out, and miraculously the pain goes away for weeks if not months.
  16. I've never understood people who flip off the camera. What are you, 12? Also makes it super easy for me to not want to know you.
  17. I should start a thread about how I thought we should have kept him all along. Those usually go over well on this site...
  18. By the way it's fu*king embarrassing to wear an Angels hat right now if it weren't for friggin Trout. We constantly look like a minor league team. Well, at-least our pitching does.
  19. Is there a reason we didn't challenge that last double play in the ninth? He was without a doubt safe at first. We were a 2 run dinger away from tying the game. I guess Skip's thrown in the towel now too?
  20. My goddamn sweetheart of a mother who worked her ass off all the time just like my pops would take me to games instead of my dad because he would work late, but she knew we loved going and thought it was important for us to go to ballgames so she would take us and stay there with me and my little brother and would stay until the game ended as late as we wanted to stay even if the game went past 10pm because in baseball "it's not over till it's over." With her I was at a game where almost all the fans flung their giveaway seat cushions on the field after something happened that resulted in a bad call or a pitcher gave up a couple runs late in the game. I think it was a call at 1st base on a routine ground ball, but I'm not sure. I think this was the 35th anniversary seat cushion giveaway (1996) because being 11 sounds about right. We still had the CA logo on the hat with the orange seats in the stadium, and I remember it vaguely. While watching all the seat cushions float on the field from the air above and below me, I was wondering what the hell was going on and why anyone would do that. No way mom was gonna let me participate in that.
  21. Oz why are you acting like you've got sand in your vagina cause I thought we should have signed the dude. Did I forsee him batting .350 this season? Hell no! Is he a guy I wanted on the Angels who I thought could make the team better? Hell yeah! Right, let's disregard a players 7 year lifetime batting average of .288 up till this year? Dumb. Triple stamp a double stamp dumb. I can't spend the time to sit here and entertain you beyond the fact that the board wanted Murphy during October 2015 and for some reason soured on him cause he had a rough World Series despite his history of being a guy who knew how to swing and be just as good a second baseman we've had since Howie left. And if Arte is going to pay a douche like Hamilton $22+ Million a year not to even be on the team, it'd be nice to have a guy like Murphy who would actually be a driving force on the team for about half of the cost.
  22. You are very right Oz, it was stupid of you not to recognize a hitter who had the potential of having a hot season just by watching him in 2015. Or 2014. Or 13. Or...do I need to go on? Goes to show the lack of fundamental talent you have visually watching ballplayers. I'll be sure to ignore yours from now on. BA's since 2008: .313 .266 .320 .291 .286 .289 .281 Yup we could absolutely not use that kind of offense from our second baseman the past couple years at all no way.
  23. Seriously, right?!. Why have a .295 lifetime hitter. Why would we possibly want that kind of 2nd baseman on our team for 13 mill a year? We got Gio. If he came here he'd probably suck anyways. Thanks Pujols.
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