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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. ^I actually think they put it under their car. Which is even dumber. And you should get your tongue out of my ass.
  2. Strange, I don't get any emails I shouldn't be receiving on accident. Probably because of my unique last name, and most of my email addresses are pretty unique as well.
  3. I like how that Bandy guy swings. Where did he come from?
  4. lol I know it's terrible to admit but I love how whenever we say fat man on the board everyone knows immediately who they're talking about it cracks me up
  5. Skips got one of those round rolodex's where the page turning is infinite.
  6. So disappointed with Carl's over the past 5-10 years. I used to love going there as a kid for a Super Star, and burgers were juicy and delicious. When the Six Dollar burger first came out it was hands down one of the top fast food burgers you could buy. The last couple times I've gone it's just been lousy, dry, their stupid natural cut fries suck and taste like cardboard. Don't think I'll be spending my money there again any time soon. But yes. Yes I would her.
  7. Did anybody else notice Trout kinda struggling to get around the bases on his home run? It looks like he was hurt, was going slow, did not have that usual pep to his step.
  8. Have you not listened to hip hop and pop songs on the radio the past 20 years? Compared to that garbage, saying "smack my bitch up" is tame. You should watch the music video for the song, though, it's pretty cool.
  9. Oh holy hell these guys are still playing? Haven't we been tortured enough?
  10. Disturbing????? lol listen lady all they do is hook up to the internet and download whatever song they want or plug in to Spotify and queue it up. Every song is available to play all the time. There's nothing disturbing about it. I heard the portion of the song he played didn't even have the vocal "Smack my bitch up" which the song has a minute and a half intro before any lyrics are spoken, so it's entirely possible as far as I'm concerned. So basically he got fired for playing a song that has a controversial name and controversial lyrics, even though none of which where even played over the loudspeakers. Pretty freakin' lame. I've heard worse play over the sound system at Angel Stadium, for sure. "Started from the bottom now the whole team f**kin' here" was played by Trout for his walk up song for an entire year. I thought that was terrible but nobody batted an eye.
  11. I have seen the helmet nachos, but overabundance of food grosses me the crap out. Ewwwwwww. It gets all cold and soggy after five minutes, and it's not like you'll ever finish it. And if you do it's all...germy and crap. *BLAAHG!!* Just thinking about it makes me throw up in my mouth a little. I would never order that! Get a Togo's Pastrami and bring it into the park instead.
  12. I can't recall Chuck's information off the top of my head, but besides that and just the way it has gone down, that's the way it always sounded to me. From what I recall both had very personal conversations with Arte before signing on, which is a big part of the reason on a personal level he was so willing to give them the type of money they're earning. Which as far as I am concerned is one of the reasons Hamilton was no questions asked to screw off and not be an Angel after he dicked Arte. Not that druggie Hamilton has a conscience or gave a crap either way after signing for guaranteed money, which I can't believe Arte fell for. But I know Pujols has a heart for the game, which is why the guy plays his guts out, even though he stinks, or if he's hurt.
  13. Sure is. Except the worst tragedy is Trout, one of the greatest baseball talents of all time, paying for it with his time. And so are the fans. And so is Pujols. Do we dump this all on Arte? *edit* Keep in mind I can't remember the last time I saw Arte's face, or him making an announcement, or being around in the entire organization for at least the past year or so. I can't imagine he's taking it lightly either, but man...freakin bummer all around.
  14. Kevinb you are absolutely a breath of fresh air on these forums and I appreciate your opinions and commentary. On another topic: Who would possibly want to buy this team right now? And if nobody wants to, Skip ain't leaving. Such a clusterf**k of failure on so many levels for so many years. With so much money flushed down the toilet.
  15. And they keep building them and keep occupying them while the infrastructure of travel and amenities can not keep up. The population growth and lack of preparation LA and OC has for it is asinine, to say the least.
  16. I wonder if anyone would finally agree with me that Trumbo would be a better 3rd baseman than Escobar?
  17. Like everything else MLB does to the Halos, it was forgotten.
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