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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. I like this one so much better than the Hardwired song. Not bad at all, I'll be giving the album a listen through. So much better than that load/reload crap they put out decades ago.
  2. Gameday isn't showing Trout being thrown out trying to steal. Damn. Wish I coulda seen it.
  3. Late season game, give the other guys some reps. Typically I'd say save some runs for tomorrow but screw it.
  4. Lou, I'm sure he was a great guy, but I don't know much about him. He obviously had close relationships with his teammates, and I'm not trying to take anything away from the person he was. Some of my friends were great guys, but they're no longer with us. Some of my friends are great guys who still make stupid mistakes, and I hold them accountable by calling them out on their sh*t. The exact same way I'm holding Jose accountable. The dude was being dumb, and out in the ocean is no place to be dumb. He was upset about a fight with his girlfriend. He invited other Marlins players to join the boating trip, but they, like I would, smartly declined. They told him not to go. He was out at bars, he told a fellow teammate to call him at 10am to make sure he could wake up in time to head to the stadium. His fellow teammates also didn't feel good about him going out in the water, but he did it anyway. You can try to tell friends they're not being safe, but what they decide to do is up to them. If it's difficult to see, why are you going full speed when you're coming inshore? It doesn't even sound like he was fishing Saturday night, he just wanted to go out on the boat to blow off some steam. And that's fine. But even if he did fish, you don't have to go full speed after you fish to get back. Irresponsible. Unsafe. Tragic. Good hearts don't trump dumb decisions.
  5. Ortega getting thrown out at 3rd for the final out of the inning is ridiculous. Terrible base running. Never make the 3rd out of an inning at 3rd base.
  6. Well atleast it looks like Trout is aware of the 30-30 and is trying to go for it.
  7. I'm fine with Escobar as long as he's batting over .300, we've needed a guy at third who can lead off with a good average for a while. I don't think that will happen consistently though, I think he's just batting well this year. Cron is doing better with the bat, but every time I watch him he just looks so uncoordinated.
  8. ^That is a leap of faith for sure. Do you have any other tats or will this be your first?
  9. One more homer and Trout's got 30! Don't think he'll steal 3 more bases though.
  10. And your post is pathetic. 1. Yes. For a fishing boat out in the Atlantic Ocean in the middle of the night, 32' is super small. Fished out in Florida throughout my teens, was never on a boat less than 60 feet. 2. All reports say the boat was going 55+ MPH, that is full speed. Some reports say it was going faster. Completely unnecessary. 3. What person getting paid millions of dollars needs to go out on a fishing boat at midnight to cook a fresh morning meal for family and friends? I know you're not that dumb. 4. No, the driver was being irresponsible. He didn't know what he was doing out in the ocean, as evidenced by very simple boating rules. When you come into a marine, don't go in at full speed, and don't travel to the RIGHT of the red buoy. "The rule is red buoy is supposed to be on your right when returning from sea (red right returning)." Growing up with a family that owned boats, and friends that own boats, there are water rules that need to be followed to navigate the water appropriately. Even if you're not even driving the boat there are rules to keep you safe. If you don't know the rules and don't know what you're doing, you absolutely do not belong out there, and you absolutely have no right bringing innocent people on board with you.
  11. DUDE that's EXACTLY who I was thinking about! And in doing some research it IS the same guy! Great call! He was also in The Office as Nate, but I haven't gotten that far in the Seasons yet so I haven't seen him. His name is Mark Proksch.
  12. What the hell is going on here? Exactly who thinks this is a good idea? Politicians in California are insane. The tax dollars being burned on this are just endless. What a freaking disaster.
  13. Simmons needs to be a Halo for the rest of his career. His head is always in the right place. Some outstanding plays by him today.
  14. Why the hell was he on a boat that small out in the ocean in the middle of the night? And why was the boat going full speed? It just doesn't seem safe to me at all. Don't these guys consider what they're risking when they participate in these kinds of activities? And then the dude driving doesn't even have the brains to avoid the jetty? This is just terrible. Rest in Peace Jose. Sorry buddy.
  15. "Whoops, lost one" LOL This guys voice sounds so familiar I can't put my finger on it though.
  16. And a loss by the Twins tonight. 4 more and it's a done deal. Bummer. Sorry Don, I'm pulling for you. Out of curiosity, how much could you win if they do have 60 wins?
  17. Apparently Don does. BTW I freakin love those big signs with just the faces of players on them, I think they're hilarious for some reason. I would go for mustached Mauer as well. Like the Halos, there's no way they're going 5-5.
  18. The only thing that scares me is if cops just did what was right, and were punished accordingly for things they did wrong, none of this would be happening. But they've been getting away with stuff for so wrong and the accountability is non-existent. People are fed up with cops killing people then getting paid leave, or judges taking a cops word for it no matter the circumstances. The more cops have been exposed to video surveillance, the more it has been proven that they don't know the law, and don't do what is right. It's a shame, really.
  19. Dude what the hell? I clicked on this thread and a 2 minute revolt.tv video ad blasted full volume and started playing. Has anyone else dealt with this? I get the ads, chuck, I really do, but is this something that's going to be more frequent? Really threw me off cause I couldn't believe it was AngelsWin. This is great advice for anyone looking for a new or used car! Very valuable information for free. Nice post MP!
  20. Is Calhoun hurt? Getting a day off? The hunt for 100! (loses)
  21. Gawd I fuc**ng hate the Rangers. They're just such annoying little pricks. You notice they wear their stupid biter red uniforms with the red caps anytime we're in town so we can't wear our reds? It's like they don't wear them against any other freaking team. And so many of their players are such tremendous douchebags. I don't know what happens over there but once they put on a Texas uniform they turn into assholes. I hadn't seen Skip so pissed in a long time. I wish I knew what was going on between him and the 3rd base coach.
  22. The Angels will lose 90 games. I would bet over $1000 on it right now. Please dear lord baby Jesus do not let Texas win the World Series. Even if it means Boston or...*swallow*...no please don't let the Dodgers or Texas win the World Series. Yes I would rather the Red Sux win.
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