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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Orioles bats are not very good. They're just chopping at the ball. I think Toronto would be a better chance to beat Texas.
  2. This umpire is getting worse as the game goes on. That high strike was ball 3.
  3. Commentators sound like they want Blue Birds to win.
  4. YES! WOW! I can't believe he didn't tag 3rd then go to 1st though.
  5. O's pitchers need to slow the hell down. Mix up the pace a bit.
  6. If they had the shift on Donaldson why the hell was Machado not on that line?
  7. That pitch outside was called a strike against the O's.
  8. Should have been a walk. Shouldn't be swinging at that junk.
  9. I liked when Grilli played for us, I was bummed to see him go.
  10. Agreed. He went through Donaldson, Encarnacion, and Bautista like butter.
  11. The fence is only 2 feet further and it's probably half the height. The ball got out in like, 2 seconds, no way anybody would've had time to get over there. I fail to understand your east/west comparison.
  12. I have a feeling Toronto is going to win this game. Baltimore looks shaky. The pace of this game is pretty incredible, moving right along. Unlike the annoying Stankee/BoSux games that go on for 10 hours.
  13. Dude that stadium is ROCKIN! Reminds me of Angel stadium in 2002.
  14. Tillman grooved that offspeed right down the freakin' pipe! I know I can't stand Machado either, but Trumbo's on his team so I've glossing over it.
  15. Tulo is one of the reasons I don't want the Jay's to win. Guy seems like a real prick, got a little bit of that Pierz in him.
  16. What was great about Trumbo's homer was it was one pitch after the center fielder for the Blue Jays save a run by making a great catch. Pitcher thought he got away with one then nope!
  17. Because we had Giavotella to "replace" him. LOL
  18. Sorry Don. Photos please once the deed is done.
  19. Of course they would go 8-2 to end the season lol my fuggin luck.
  20. Man I miss Trumbo so much. I hope they win so he can get some playoff games under his belt, get some higher profile recognition. So proud of him right now. He's grown so much since he started here!
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