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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. What the hell is going on? This is AWESOME! Rangers out, BoSux out, and hopefully los Doyers soon. Can you believe Francona and Napoli swept their former team? The BoSux of all teams?? Sorry Ortiz, well, not really. And they did it in Fenway! Remarkable. Watching the Cubs game now...San Fran already looks defeated.
  2. I'm not sure if this is true. I rarely "meltdown" over $40. But if it is true I'm shocked you don't have it archived somewhere to prove it. You're usually pretty good at that kind of stuff.
  3. I'm pretty sure I've bought jersey's off these guys when I had a tight budget in the past, but they were under a different web name, and what I received were obvious knockoffs. I bought a red Weaver. The red coloring of the uniform was off, the Angels across the chest sat weird, the stitching was meh, the buttons were not matching colors, the "Cool Base" tag attached may have been legit, but how it was attached was not. The true MLB uniforms going for the $200+ price tag are of much higher quality, I know because I own one after buying one of these. In fact after going to Angels games I could pick out the other folks that were wearing the same knockoff I had, so I ditched mine. One thing that's peculiar is they don't have any non-"Cool Base" Trout uniforms in red. The cool base they give you is basically crap polyester. If you want one that looks like real and you're fine with it not actually being authentic, I'd say go for it. For someone who wants "what they wear on the field" these are not them.
  4. I was kind of confused after watching the play why Andrus didn't go to 3rd? If you think about it, they had to make 2 tough perfect throws to turn 2, and in a situation like that well, would you rather throw the ball away, or get the lead off runner and force them to produce offense again? I think the smart move might have been Andrus to 3rd, Beltre across the diamond. Either that or take the out. But it doesn't matter, I'm glad they lost. "Would rather get punched in May, than knocked out in October" is a great sign. Once the Doyers and Bosux are out, 'twill be a happy 2016 postseason for me sans Halos. I think Indians/Blue Jays will be a fun series to watch, Cleveland just can't give Boston a friggin inch to play with, they need to finish the job ASAP.
  5. See ya later jerks!!! TORONTO SWEEPS!!! Man I wish I could see the Rangers dumb faces right now.
  6. Alright everyone, either Vegas Halo Fan is trolling or got trolled. That shark photo is from 2012, I was certain I'd seen it before. Just google "shark near porch." Now I can't find it right now, but I think it's the same thing with the "Storm in Jacksonville" photo as well. I'm pretty sure I've seen that photo a couple times before, not to mention the horrendous quality of the photo doesn't look anything like a photo would look in 2016. I can't find a mirrored image right now, so I might be wrong. Or if VHF was just trying to play a joke and it went over my head, I apologize, but it seems like some people were taking his posts/photos seriously.
  7. I can't stand weathermen. They are rarely right (El Nino in CA) and have little to no consequences or accountability when they're wrong. But after watching this guy, they seem to be taking it a bit more seriously than they typically do. Yeesh! Hope people aren't dumb enough to stay. This guy seems pretty serious too.
  8. So glad the bad guys lost today, meaning Texas and the BoSux! Looks like they were pretty good games, too bad I had to miss them! I think the weird starting time and the sun really kind of screwed with Texas out in the field, first seeing Beltre biff that play then watching Tulo's triple that should have been an error. Either way I hope the Jays and Indians can keep this up. "Baseball Commissioner Rob Manfred said he didn't think there is another big league ballpark where beer is served in cans." Um...what is he talking about? Every ballgame I've been to in recent years has sold 24oz cans of beer for like $12. At Chase field this year they had guys walking around the stands selling them. I think it is retarded for them to remove cans of beer from the game because of this one idiot. I don't buy them because I like draft beer, and if I want a tall boy I'll stop at 7-Eleven and get one on my way home for like...1/4 of the price.
  9. Will ya look at that, fans throwing stuff on the field. You'd think with some of the overreactions from Tuesday, nobody'd ever done it before.
  10. Do players really get to the stadium at 12:30 for a 7pm game? That seems a little overkill and I could see that taking a toll on a person. I wouldn't think a manager needs that much time to prep for a game, but what do I know. I thought they get there like 3-4 hours before a game.
  11. Not saying he's an expert in the slightest, but my dad used to umpire for high school games, and there's a course you take to learn where to stand as an umpire, and where you should be positioned in different scenarios, so you can predict where you're able to get to before a play happens. This is all of course in preparation for being in the best position to observe a play and make the right call. Now I don't know if MLB has reasoning for their madness, but time and time again when I'm watching ballgames with the old man and the umpires blow a call, he points out where they're positioned relative to the play, and how they are absolutely positioned wrong. And he's right, from where they're standing during blown calls, there's no reason to believe they saw the play properly, or where standing in the correct angle to make the right call. Thank god for instant replay but even then, they blow calls from time to time. I don't know how you can possibly call him out, his foot clearly was on the bag before he was tagged, and he maintained contact with the bag throughout his slide.
  12. Tell me about it. I'd be included in that ban roundup post-haste. FTR, Troll Daddy does not bug me in the least. He's so harmless. I can't recall one time he personally attacked anyone or went off on another person that posts. I'm not sure if I even remember him using profanity. If you're dumb enough to take him seriously, that's on you. TROLL is in his name, and he's not even that good of one. He, like AO, is one of the many spices that is AngelsWin. Wouldn't change that for the world. Am I wrong or does ^ mean the post immediately above yours and ^^^^^^ mean the post 6 posts above yours? I see people use ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ and I'm like, dude, you only need one. Is this just something I made up in my head that annoys me or is there any truth to my theory?
  13. Weaver will sign a one year contract with another team then will make it to the postseason.
  14. Is a shame. But Baltimore clearly looked overmatched. Maybe it was that raucous crowd that intimidated them a bit. They were hitting weak piddlers. They hadn't had a hit since the 6th inning.
  15. My mistake on the earlier jack. But still, it worked earlier. You have to load them there. It's do or die at that point. You bring in an outfielder to have 5 men on the infield, and you need to get that force out at the plate, or even better a double play. And as someone else mentioned, make it a lefty/lefty matchup. The Jays quickly hit the ball hard twice in a row.
  16. ^Why not? Skip the guy who earlier hit a jack and look for a force out at the plate.
  17. Absolutely horrid bullpen managing there by Buck Showalter. Load the freakin' bases for craps sake. That ball was right down the freaking pipe.
  18. Dude what the hell. 1st to 3rd on a basehit to left.
  19. And giving the ball to a guy who quickly gives up a base hit.
  20. I'll never understand pulling a guy who just struck out the first batter.
  21. Baltimore is batting like the Angels right now. Watching the strikes, swinging at balls.
  22. Feels like the O's are on borrowed time. The longer this game goes on, the greater chance the powerful Blue Jays are gonna hit one out. They need to score now.
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