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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. I wouldn't. Kershaw always chokes in high pressure postseason games.
  2. I don't think the red as the "main color" for the Angels is going to go away for a long time. I also don't get why people want to change the uniforms when you have teams like the Doyers and Stankees and Sux and Royals keeping the same ones for so long. What we have looks very nice and classy. I just don't want to turn into the DBacks or Marlins, where changing the uniforms and logos becomes expected every 10 years. The throwbacks the Angels do on specific nights every so often kinda fills that gap of a "new uniform" for me. I think the only thing I'd go for is a blue cap, with a red bill, and the same logo. And the gold Halo like for their 50th should be standard on the jersey and on the hat. It just looked so much better that way.
  3. In the playoffs, after a long season, a great teams bats can suddenly turn cold for a couple games, and that can quickly be their demise. What is not a big deal of a "slow offensive streak" during a 162 game season can quickly become a problem come October. So a team with bats like the Cubs either stays cold, or they regroup, heat up, and pick up where they left off before they hit this drought. The Cubs bats need to heat up TODAY. And they can with a young inexperienced pitcher on the mound for the Doyers. They need to hit their pitches, not swing at crap, and labor the crap out of every pitcher the Doyers throw at them. They need to be smart in their approach at the plate from pitch 1. Make sure they aren't too anxious, and go after THEIR pitch. They need to get an early 2-4 run lead, and give Lackey a little bit of breathing room to shut down los Doyers. I think if you get Lacky an early lead he might possibly give you 7 innings. If you don't, well, the Doyers have a possibly getting to him and he might be out after 4. The only thing I agreed with coming from the guys commentating the game on Sirius today was that the Cubs have a great team and were favored over everyone in the playoffs, while the Doyers know this, have the attitude of "nothing to lose," are staying loose, and are going out there and getting it done. I think that's what we're seeing so far in this series. But I will also say including intangibles, Doyer stadium can be a pretty intimidating atmosphere when they're playing at 5pm, and not 1pm. More people will be there and it's going to be a very home-club advantage game. Tomorrow is a very important for the Cubbies. I look forward to watching.
  4. Boooooooooooooooooo. You're so much better than that tdawg.
  5. Mike Napoli. Killing it in the playoffs. In the World Series again after Skip wouldn't give him the time of day. How f***ing stupid is this Angels Organization.
  6. It's so nice to see the Doyers lose. Now I'm gonna go to the bar and talk shit on them the entire night.
  7. Does the kid not have legs? What's with the first photo in that article? I find it remarkable the blatant ripoffs people use these days for logos. His shirts are a rip off of Supreme. And Supreme rips off everyone. He's also ripped off the Godfather logo. These asshats can't make their own fuc**ng logos without copying someone else's crap? It drives me up the wall. The originality is so gone right now. "Durrrr, let's make a logo that looks like this logo but different, durrrr, that's so boomin' brah..." *vomit* As for the kid, good for him. He found a market, exploited it, and is gonna be a businessman for the rest of his life. Can't hate on him for that. I'm actually a shoe type of guy, so this kinda makes sense to me. Not gonna lie, I probably have more shoes than most women. I like rare ones that nobody else wears. On to the cars: That i8 is ugly as hell and Beemers might be fast or whatever but they really are garbage considering what people pay for them. When I was a valet I hated every single BMW I got into there was always something that bugged me and when someone would say "This one is $100k and this one is $40k" I'd look at both of them and wonder why the hell one was so much more expensive than the other and also who would know by looking at them? The Tesla on the other hand holy friggin hell that car is remarkable I've never been so scared by a car in my life when you push that pedal down it's like the thing is never going to stop accelerating and it's so quiet. It feels like light speed from Star Wars the sensation it gives you on a straight away. Even more fun are the Tesla Roadster's that aren't around anymore, I got to get in a couple of those and my gawd. I once had an employee waiting for a ride to come pick him up and the roadster was sitting next to my podium where we stood and I told him "Get in I'll take you for a spin around the lot" and he was fuggin SCREAMING for me to stop because he'd never felt acceleration like that before. A grown man screaming in a car lol.
  8. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I loved that hill! What a freakin' bummer. Go on 'Stro's, have a ball field that's like everyone else's! Also, I never noticed this before...is that real grass above the wall in center that looks like it's dying?? Yes. Everyone else I know including myself wish the guy would shut the f*** up. And it's not like his commentary is groundbreaking, it's all boring "fill this dead air with noise" crap that is wrong 50% of the time. He's a .258 lifer and has no business acting like he knows better than anyone else in the booth. He's annoying ass hell. Silence is golden sometimes. What didn't he like? Putting Kershaw in the game? I wasn't able to watch.
  9. It really is unfortunate that mother nature doesn't give a crap about your living on the ocean. Considering how bad the damage could have been, meaning homes being flattened and gone, this is nothing. Folks atleast have their home intact. Little bit of foundation work and some heavy duty jacks, and they are back and business. Anyone with homes in this condition should feel blessed.
  10. Hahaha Josh Hamilton. What a fuggin' tool. The best example of an organization flushing their money down the toilet ever.
  11. Even with the patches, it's not like anyone would buy a Brandon Wood jersey anyway. What an absolute waste of at-bats that dude was.
  12. Jeezus homebrewer we get it. Why don't you post another 5 times in a row for sh*ts and giggles? jk IMO Jered could've won Cy Young in 2012 with 20 wins, and to place behind Verlander was a freakin' travesty. But Price definitely had a stellar year. If the Nats don't beat los Doyers tomorrow the Cubbies certainly will.
  13. Sorry fellas, had to work, nice to know I'm missed. Still can't believe the Cubbies came back. Remarkable. Please Nats, beat los Doyers, then these Playoffs will be perfect. Cubbies/Indians would be such a cool World Series.
  14. Why would you pull Kershaw. So dumb. Think intangibles
  15. I'd let Kershaw finish the inning. At this point it's his game to lose.
  16. lol gift strike for Kersh. Nats need to concentrate on running up his pitch count to get him out of this game. He knows exactly what he's doing out there and with a 3 run lead he ain't scared of anyone.
  17. The Nats are starting to look like they're ready to blow this series.
  18. Albert needs to lose 30 pounds, his weight is not helping his issues. And he's always run poorly, for some reason he loves landing on his heels not his toes. I hate hearing guys having surgery. Hope this is the best thing for Kole.
  19. Bryce Harper sucks. Anyone who still compares him to Trout is an absolute idiot. BTW now that Mookie is out of the playoffs so quickly, anyone think Trout should be a lock for MVP?
  20. I knew that meltdown didnt sound like me. And I stand by every comment I left in that thread. A walk down memory lane that's for sure.
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