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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. This is what drives me NUTZ about the Angels relief the past couple years--and quite frankly any teams relief that does this. They come in and walk the first batter they see to start the inning which is pretty much the worst thing you can do. Or we'll bring in a lefty/lefty match up after the righty just got the first out for a strike, then the LEFTY walks the batter. Absurd. I'd argue in a case where they got a hit you're in better shape as a pitcher because you probably threw less pitches! I don't know but can we cut it out immediately? Honestly I can't decide if him or Harold Reynolds are worse. At least Tim would shut up every once in a while! I don't remember that, but that is a very nice memory to have. I do remember it was a friggin BATTLE from Speiz though, it seemed liked the at-bat kept going when he was down in the count, fouling off everything he didn't like. Might I say that is probably the ONLY prediction he ever had right in all my years of listening to him, and I'm glad he was. There were so many instances where he'd predict a pitch type, or what a batter or fielder was going to do, or should have done, and he was just blatantly wrong. And 9/10 times I'd be screaming "No they shouldn't have you idiot!" thinking to myself or bullshitting with my dad WHY they did the exact opposite of what McCarver wrongly commentated. Anywhoo, yeah, glad to get that off my chest. I'll have to watch that part with Speizio some time. By the way, did you guys know the entire every game of the 2002 World Series in its completion is on YouTube? Just so ya know.
  2. Hey man, 3-53 was shitting the bed for beginning the postseason. I gotta say I wasn't happy about it, so I'm glad they woke up. I do hope Kershaw loses on Saturday so we can keep up the "Kershaw can't pitch in high pressure postseason games."
  3. A 350 foot tall apartment complex is pretty freakin' large. In comparison the Big A is only 230 feet tall. I wish they would make this more like an Irvine Spectrum kind of deal, however, if they're going to be building a parking structure, if you look at the outline of the land from google maps, it doesn't look like they have a whole lot of room. It feels like this is going to be cramped as hell. And like others have mentioned, is just going to increase traffic with the potential new residents. I'm on the wall whether I like this or not. I'm not a huge fan of the artists rendering.
  4. Yah bro welcome to the forum giving a history lesson 23 posts in like it's never been discussed here before what they were originally called. Except it has nothing to do with today, at this point in time, where they're in a different location 20+ miles from that dump of a city. And I don't see any "branding" anywhere in or around the stadium that includes the words Los Angeles on it. You dont hear broadcasters or the announcer at the stadium ever say Los Angeles. The only time it's even referenced is on TV where the score is and even then it just says LAA.
  5. ^My bad, he's only won the World Series clinching game in both of the World Series' he's been in, one being game 7 with the halos, and the other being game six with the BoSux. What monumental difference you latched onto there. PFFFFF! So he may have the possibility of winning 3 World Series clinching games, with 3 different teams. Still remarkable. I'm rooting Cubs. But those Indians are gonna be tough!
  6. Not only that, what if Lackey gets to the World Series and is another Game 7 Winner for 3 different teams? Remarkable. I think this is the most exciting postseason I've watched in a while.
  7. Could the Doyers possibly have uglier seats at that latrine of a stadium? They're like a mix between poo and khaki.
  8. Nope I've been thinking the same thing. Glad the Cubbies bats have come alive. It was only a matter of time, but it was really starting to get down to the wire. I love how a bunt base hit was the start of it all, something so simple. That was a great move.
  9. Now a double. Howie would have caught that. Howie also wouldn't have airmailed the ball on the play at home. Cubs bats are waking up, the weight is coming off their shoulders, they're loosening up.
  10. 4-0 CUBBIES! AND CHICAGO BATS ARE STARTING TO WAKE UP! And it all started with a bunt!
  11. Except he had the ball 10 feet before Gonzalez even got to the plate.
  12. lol where was that left fielder throwing? If that was even close Zobrist was out by a mile!!
  13. Oh my gawd I thought that ball was gone. Utley had that look to him with his swings that at-bat. GET LACKEY SOME F***ING RUNS YOU BUMS!!!
  14. 3-53 combined from Rizzo and Russell, my god that is...that's gotta be the most shitting the bed of a postseason offense I've ever seen. You can't win if you don't score runs, and the Cubbies better figure it out quick because the Dodgers will.
  15. Gonzalez was safe IMO. His hand got in there. No I don't think the catcher did it intentionally but it's still absurd to go after the player instead of protecting the plate.
  16. WHY IS THE CATCHER NOT BLOCKING THE CORNER OF THE PLATE AND TAGGING FOR HIS FACE AND NOT HIS HAND?!?! Terrible catching right there. Abysmal. He had so much time to tag him correctly.
  17. Very stupid of Baez to stand off the bag after sliding into 2nd base and turning his back to the fielder and the ball. Who knows what could have happened, he quickly could have been tagged out with a little bit of defensive luck. Stay on the frickin' bag brah!
  18. Dodgers pitcher blatently getting away with balking.
  19. Cubs bats need to wake up right now. These excuse me swings after getting in a pitchers count are not going to do it. Why are all the commentators talking with a tone like the Cubs are already defeated? How stupid. I also love how he says "they need to be more aggressive" and immediately Baez gets a 4 pitch walk lol.
  20. WHAT A REMARKABLE THROW BY THE CATCHER! Picked off 2nd by the catcher how freakin' awesome how often do you see that? Dodgers were thinking about challenging and I wish they would have because they would have wasted one because the shortstop totally blocked the base.
  21. I never want to see the words Los Angeles on our uniforms ever ever again. Screw that crap hole skid stain bum of a city. We put up with LAA in the standings and during games, and thats bad enough.
  22. Holy crap I don't think anyone expected the Indians to get this far at the start of the season. Then not only sweep the Sox, but basically knock the Jay's out in a way which seemed almost effortless. Remarkable. Also I'm glad Donaldson and Tulo are out of it. I don't think it matters who wins in the NL, with the two remaining it's going to be an exciting series. And either NL team deserves to be a little nervous. By the way does Naps look different to anyone else? Has he lost weight or something? He still has the beard but I barely recognized him when the camera was on him, besides his swing, and he seemed to be a little more reserved, as opposed to how over the top celebratory he used to be in his Sox days.
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