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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. I don't care for wine unless it is served with a paired dish. White with fish, red with meat. But I REFUSE to drink wine on its own as a means to get drunk (unless I'm really hankering to get drunk and there's nothin' else). To me merlot tastes like pretty much any other merlot, a sauvignon blanc tastes like any other sauvignon blanc, a cab like a cab. Simply put, the flavor variation in each category is minimal. I can tell you which is which, but they all taste the friggin same once you're talking categories. And hangovers from wine are the friggin worst. If I wanna get fancy drunk it's an aged reposado Tequilla, with salt and a lime. No good tequilla it's Scotch neat, maybe a nice big single rock from time to time if the bar has big rocks. Or if we're really putting one on a Bombay Sapphire Martini, dry (preferably 5 to 1 vermouth), stirred, with a fuc*ton of olives. I used to get those in the Chandelier Bar at the Cosmo in Vegas, haven't been there in a while though. I will try any beer, any time. But overall I avoid heavy hoppy beers and Bud. Miller Light with the 5 carbs/12oz is fine with me. It reminds me of my late great grandfather, so I'm fine with only drinking that beer for the rest of my days as far as I'm concerned.
  2. Wow fu*k that website what a piece of sh*t it wouldn't let me navigate up or down, some random video started playing. I did get to see Trout though, looks like he's growing out his hair!
  3. Agreed. The fact they were 2 wins away and thought they had a chance, but got it swiped away from them in 3 games straight is a remarkable nail to the heart. Any Dodger fan I know can expect zero sympathy from me. Shots fired! I am shocked Scioscia would even be mentioned by Arod.
  4. Lackey did not pitch in the World Series while playing for St. Louis. But Napoli has been in a World Series with every team he's played on besides the Angels. Blue Jays do not count, he never played for them. I'm sure his years here were tough, but his trade away was truly a blessing in disguise for him.
  5. It's becoming pretty clear that Kersha is not the guy you want on the mound if you need a win in a high stress situation during the postseason.
  6. Holy crap a Saturday night clinch to the World Series in Chicago? I don't think anyone is going to be sober enough to work tomorrow. What are they singing?
  7. Lol anyone see that one young hippy chick swearing up a storm having the time of her life? Also I can't wait to see sad Dodgers faces. If they lose they break the record (10) for having the most playoff appearances without a World Series appearence.
  8. ^That's the only reason I would have kept Hendricks in. So what the dude's given up a hit? He's got a lot of days to rest until the World Series. He's been pretty much flawless. You're going to yank him because of a base hit with 1 out up 5 runs in the 8th? This was his game to own to the 9th, I'm sure it'll all work out but sometimes that micro-managing drives me a little nuts.
  9. Dodgers body language communicates that they have given up. That's not the attitude of the types of Champions we're familiar with, that's for sure.
  10. I don't know what to say other than that's ridiculous but ticket prices wouldn't be that high if people didn't pay that much for them. Personally I feel like there are much better things I could spend $2,600 on, but I'm also not a Cubs fan. However even if it was the Angels I can't say I would pay that much. Hendricks through 7 has still faced the minimum. 5-0 Cubbies.
  11. Kershaw is done. Ethier on deck to PH. Hendricks has faced the minimum. Doyers can't win if they don't score runs.
  12. Is Rizzo's walk up song seriously Taylor Swift? lol, whatever works I guess.
  13. Hendricks cutting through the Dodgers lineup like butter that's been sitting out for an hour and a half.
  14. Awesome that Joe Buck finds it appropriate to blabber about the friggin NFL for that entire half an inning. I'd shove a horse cock sized dildo up my ass if he ever did the miracle of muttering the words "postseason baseball" during an NFL telecast. What a freakin' tool.
  15. I think Hendricks just threw the best pitch of the evening on that K to Grandal. Wow what a pitch.
  16. I think he was just amped up with all the nerves. The thing about Kershaw is he gets stronger as the game goes on and he calms down a bit. Which is why it was very important for the Cubbies to jump on him early. End of 2, 3-0 Cubbies. If I heard correctly, Fowler is now 20-41 lifetime against Kershaw. Crazy. And why he would even think of going to second on that play is beyond me.
  17. Sure, say bad baserunning is an MLB thing. But mind-numbingly atrocious baserunning is most definitely an Angels thing.
  18. Wow Kershaw really buckled down there. Toles better stay out of his line of sight, if I were Clayton I'd wanna strangle him lol.
  19. The intensity of fan participation between LA and Chicago have been VASTLY different. In Chicago they are reacting to EVERY pitch. Reminds me of game 6 and 7 of the Angels World Series where the crowd definitely had some impact on the game for the home team. As a visiting team you can't help but be a little intimidated when 40-50K people are cheering against you. I know Toles simply took his eye off the ball, but it seems maybe it impacted him too.
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