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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. A leadoff walk, you gotta be kidding me. And it looks like it's pouring.
  2. I'm pretty sure anyone is available at this point, mancini.
  3. 9th inning tied in game 7 of the World Series between these two teams. Remarkable.
  5. WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!:!??!?!??! OMGFGFOFOOFOF
  6. I turned off the audio and am listening to the stream through the At Bat app. I couldn't take it anymore he's a friggin' moron.
  7. I just can't believe Maddon thinks Chapman is not eventually going to hit a rough patch. I would have left Lester in until 1 run scored. And there we go. 6-4 Cubbies
  8. Finally Joe is putting micromanaging aside for a bit to let a pitcher who's throwing well stay in the game. I'm sorry, but you can't call a guy out in the World Series looking at that pitch against Napoli. That was bullsh*t.
  9. Am I the only one that thinks the cock bump isn't gay?
  10. LOL the David Ross cock bump is already on YouTube. What the hell is going on?? That is fu*kin' HILARIOUS!!! LOLOL By the way, why is Lester such a headcase about throwing to bases? Bizzare.
  11. Yeah poor Bill Murray has probably been signing crap all night just leave the guy alone and let him watch a ballgame.
  12. Cock bump? What happened? lol I don't know how I missed it. Cleveland crowd appears dead. Definitely not like Wrigley.
  13. I am really interested to see if the Indians are going to put any fight in the last 3 innings with their bats. The Cubs coming back down 3-1 in the World Series is remarkable.
  14. Sounds like something a weak willed mama's boy would say. Good for Ross on that homer! However Joe Buck is absurdly unbearable to listen to. He needs to be replaced.
  15. Blah blah blah more bologna vomit coming from Lou going into semantics to break down his words like he didn't say what he said. Drinking, getting behind a wheel, in Lou's own words, counts as "reckless." And that's what happened with this boating accident. And then Lou comes to task with people on the board after an article states EVERYONE ON THE BOAT had alcohol in their system like "How was this reckless?" Even after it's been mentioned time and time again that not only had everyone on board the boat been drinking, but whoever was driving the boat was speeding in the pitch black of night towards a jetty. Unreal. Doesn't sound reckless to me at all, nope, no way. The links with everything I've mentioned are in this thread. Click them. Read them. I'm not your babysitter, Lou. So Joe West wasn't behind the plate that game, god forbid I goofed. He still has an impact on the game with his idiotic umpiring no matter where he's at. My comment was more a testament that the asshat does not belong calling any plays in any game in MLB, most especially the World Series. I don't think there's a person on this board that disagrees with that. Nobody wants him there. Those are some top notch insults by the way. You must have come up with those on your own. Really, good quality material. You know how to cut deep mang.
  16. I can't believe you're that thick headed that it has to be broken down for you. You even said it yourself: But apparently for you, drinking and getting behind the wheel of a boat isn't? Not to mention the boat was going full speed approaching the jetty. If these 2 things aren't the very definition of being reckless, I don't know what is.
  17. Hate to say it, but it was pretty obvious alcohol would be involved. The cocaine thing surprised me a bit. Definitely a chain of bad decisions. People with good hearts, who have people who care about them, and have a child on the way get drunk, do cocaine, then go out into the ocean at 3 am to blow off some steam because of a fight with their girlfriend? To top it off drive or allow their boat to be driven recklessly? Okay IE. Also, it doesn't sound like there was much fishing going on that night... What makes me feel better? Please. Even if he wasn't driving, tell your dumb buddy to slow the hell down. Pretty much, all you can say is what a fu*kin' idiot. So dumb. So avoidable. You gotta hold him accountable. You'd have to be braindead to not expect any other kind of outcome from the circumstances. Those people that didn't go and told him not to go had their friggin noggins screwed on straight, that's for sure. I know I said in this thread that you usually let your friends make their own mistakes, but IMO if I'm thinking about real friends of mine, I would have refused to let him go. Considering the circumstances and what he had going for him and knowing his state of mind, and if I knew he was drunk or doing drugs, I don't think I'd let one of my best friends leave like that. I'd probably have to physically hold them back, pay for their Uber, whatever. But man, the ocean is nothing to dick around with. I can't believe there's not one person out of everyone he knew who said no and refused to let him leave.
  18. So from what it sounded like while listening and what this looks like, the Cubs are still super amped up and forgetting what got them here in the first place. They need to watch the balls, swing at strikes, not be so anxious, and come out ready to HIT THEIR PITCH on Tuesday. I think the nerves might be getting to them. The way this series feels though is like the NLCS before the Cubs woke up the bats with the bunt. Yeah they skimmed by tonight, but even when they're winning it's like they're fighting an uphill battle. They are going to need to start hitting A LOT better if they expect to push it to game 7, where anything can happen there. 10 runs in 45 innings of baseball is really just crapping the bed and putting a ridiculous amount of stress on your pitchers. I never want baseball to end, so I hope this goes to 7 games, but honestly, the Cubs need to wake the eff up. Also, might be wrong, but I really am not a fan of this Fowler guy or how he's hitting. I know he doesn't have the lowest postseason average on the team, but IMO as a leadoff hitter, he just does not seem to be getting the job done. Unfortunately, with the way things have gone, I think the season ends on Tuesday.
  19. I think that might have been a pivotal point in this series. Perhaps the first of many nails going into the coffin. 7-1, another yawner.
  20. It sure feels like Cleveland is going to upset the Cubs. After going down 2-1, I wonder what the betting looks like for the favored Cubbies? I feel like AW is a fan of the underdog, so Cleveland I voted.
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