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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. People need to understand that being a loudmouth about their opinion is going to shut people up who disagree with them because they don't want to deal with arguing, and then when it comes to having a chance to vote privately, they might vastly disagree with you. And maybe even vote against you. Just because they're sick and annoyed of people who won't shut the hell up.
  2. lol MSNBC talking a "new model" when the model they're talking about is the people who vote who don't have time to talk shit on social media.
  3. What blows my mind is the grasp they have on television media, radio media, tabloid media, I could go on and on, and yet it appears people who were less vocal than anyone else, silently voted against the mainstream agenda. If that ain't capitalism at it's best I don't know what is.
  4. It's just too close. Many of the polls left are at 70% counted. And many of those states are less than 100,000 votes apart.
  5. I don't think so. If America won't vote for a lefty like Hill they ain't voting for a socialist like Bern.
  6. The only thing the left has to hold on to is that we're racist and sexist, and none of it applies here.
  7. I mean it's hard to argue with that. Her scandals and unending stories of corruption seemed to have screwed her no matter how well she did with debating or campaigning. And all Donald did was act like no other person that's ever run for the Presidency. Apparently people didn't care, they wanted anybody but her to be in office.
  8. I cannot believe Hillary crapped the bed. Holy shit President Donald Trump. Capitalism at its best. I am completely shocked.
  9. Rolling Stone has been a shit magazine for about a decade now. I think I subscribed to it for 1 year back in High School and from that point on I pretty much considered it a tabloid magazine like Enquirer.
  10. Mmmmmmm, delicious delicious murder. I've always wanted to smoke ribs, tri tip, or brisket. I dont care much for chicken so it would be nice to be able to do something with it to get me back to eating it. I'm pretty good with the grill, marinades, stuff like that so for me naturally, getting in to smoking seems like the next step.
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