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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Same here Chuck. I don't get it. I didn't "unfriend" anyone or get aggressive against people when Obama won. I've never attacked anyone by calling them a bigot, or so as far called them racist because we don't agree. I'm so understanding in the name of friendship that for it to not go both ways seems so shallow and strange. I know everyone thinks differently about everything, but can't people look beyond that with friends and still realize we're all mostly good people and that's why we've been brought together? That's why we've known eachother for so long? I don't understand it. The double standard is astonishing, and in a way, saddening. And the fact that anyone would call off a friendship in the name of politics blows my mind. It not only disappoints me as a friend because I thought we got beyond that, but it hurts even more when perhaps I was oblivious that it never actually did. On a lighter note, I would like to share this photo. LOL!!! I may have to change this as my avatar until Angels Baseball 2017 arrives.
  2. I've spent $200 on a pair of Diesel jeans and they're sick as fuc*! Most comfortable and best fitting jeans I own, too. I've spent $500 on an awesome watch with a limited release of only 480 of them made. I love it. I don't see what the problem is spending money on stuff that you enjoy if you can afford it. However what this brings to mind is that thread where people gave that one dude shit for buying a jersey and not being able to pay his bills LOL
  3. Maybe it's just me and my nose for smelling it because I stopped doing it years ago, but people already smoke at the beach, parks, and music venues when it's illegal, I'm not sure what would stop them from doing it now that it's legal. I mean there's not clouds upon clouds like those stupid vapes, but people have been pretty casual about where they have chosen to smoke weed for what seems like years now. Hell sometimes I even see people on the street smoking it out in the open. Because really, who is going to rat on someone for smoking weed?
  4. This is all good stuff. The ignorant folk like Katy tweeting abstract non-solutions and her like-minded protesting groups are just making it that much easier to hone in on the children of society, so we can see where the problems truly lie. Some way or another they're going to have to learn, they're not going about it the right way to get what they want. You're not alone on feeling this way. I left almost a year ago for work and go back once every 2 months to see friends and family. Every time I've gone back my attitude has basically been "Wow, I don't miss this place at all." It's dirty, roads are a mess, it's overpopulated. I always wanted to retire in San Diego or Laguna, and maybe those areas are still nice, but even so I'm not sure I could put up with the populace of people or their insincerities. To top it off there are cheaper places to live, you don't have people acting like these thugs basically trying to tear down a society that non-losers have given them, and it's hard for me to imagine ever living in California again. I've thought about going back to school to get a masters, but when I hear about crap like this, when I see how college "students" act and behave today, it really makes me second guess myself and I wonder if I could put up with this crap without speaking up and telling them all to stop acting like self-entitled pussies. There are online classes, however...
  5. The way these people are acting is exactly why Trump won. Who in their right mind would want to be on the side of voting with these assholes? http://www.voanews.com/a/trump-victory-sets-off-protests-in-california-oregon/3589021.html "Demonstrators smashed storefront windows and set garbage and tires ablaze late on Tuesday in downtown Oakland." These children need to realize that you're not privileged to act like a criminal when you don't get your way. This is what happens when this country, society, as well as mommy and daddy, have given them everything they've ever wanted just because they asked.
  6. More like I bet only 20% of those people actually have jobs. The working class doesn't have time for this kind of crap.
  7. Jay: the media is wrong or lying 90% the time. They're a hype machine with absolutely no accountability. Check out the daily weather sometime. This election simply underscores their stupidity. Bottom line democracy overcame, and the silent majority won in 2016.
  8. However I do see that John Oliver let his bulldog mouth overrun his puppydog ass for a check he'll never cash.
  9. I don't recall ever saying the word rigged anywhere on this site, Rally. Most especially in double posts.
  10. After losing to Trump, how could it possibly continue?
  11. I just was at a bar and the female bartender was so upset with reality she couldn't even look at the TV. Now she knows how I felt the past 8 years.
  12. MSNBC melting the fuck down. Calling for meltdowns of the economy. Thanks for the heads up, Lou. These folks are hilariously out of touch with the countrys reality.
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