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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Didn't say they had to, but the song, and any rendition of it, still sucks ass.
  2. Without a doubt, my least favorite Christmas song ever that makes me want to start stabbing people is "Last Christmas." The frickin' chorus does not even rhyme, it is overplayed way too much, and I will die happy if I never ever have to hear that stupid piece of crap song in any rendition ever again for the rest of my life. It has to be the absolute worst piece of garbage song ever made, be it Christmas music or not.
  3. Please show me the article that says she slaps his face. Someone on here said that without any evidence. Read the article. Not only that, they were arresting her on warrants they "later found out" she never actually had. "Treadway said Bonar was detaining the woman because he knew about warrants for Morris' arrest, but police later determined the warrants stemming from DUI cases were no longer active.Bonar "was thinking the warrants were still in place," the police chief said" Uh oh. Another dumb cop treating a person like they had a warrant when they didn't. Absurd. And I'm not saying kneeing him is appropriate at all, but does that automatically gim him the authority of cheap shotting her squarely in the face when she's detained? Ridiculous. Instead, charge her with assault on a police officer. In my opinion, the officer made the wrong move. And apparently the Flagstaff Police Department agrees as he's been placed on administrative leave and the department is taking this situation "Very very seriously."
  4. This is almost precisely what I was envisioning when I posted above. Although I don't know, could you expect 50,000+ fans to show up to the game like the majority of NFL Stadiums? I'm not sure people in Southern California care that much about going to an NFL game. I grew up 10 minutes away from that location without going to a football game, and I don't feel like I missed out on anything.
  5. Adam do you have a Planet Fitness near you? Lots of folks refer to it as a pussy type gym, and in a way I kind of agree, but you know what? I checked it out one time on the suggestion from a buddy and signed up that day. For $10 a month they have tons of cardio machines that are always open. I use the treadmills, elliptical, stair stepper, and bikes -- never have to wait. They have all the dumbbells and other machines you need to get in a pretty good work out. The only thing they don't have which isn't really a big deal to me is a standard bench press, it's a smith machine instead. But there's a lot less douchebag 24 Hour gym type guys. None of that grunting or yelling. The Planet Fitness' near me are open 24/7, they're nice and clean, and the TV's don't suck. However, typically when I'm doing cardio I watch a movie or listen to something on my phone anyway. Plus it might just be me, but when I actually "go to the gym" I find myself working out a lot harder than I would if I had the machines and weights at home. Just a suggestion before you go out spending thousands on a garage gym that may eventually become unused. I've seen it time and time again. I know you were messing, but on an honest note I used to run outside, but found that the concrete was super rough on my knees. Also, unless you have a park or concrete river or something close, I found when I ran on the street the cars going by would make it feel like I was inhaling smog. Not to mention I was breathing SUPER DEEP and intense because of my running, probably not the best environment for that.
  6. That chick took that blow to the chin like a champ! And I'm sorry, regardless if you got kicked or kneed in the nuts, there's no reason that dick nose has any right to basically cheap shot a woman to her face like that. It's the epitome of being a fu**in' pansy ass dirty cop. I hate shit like these stories of citizens killing cops, though, it just puts the cops more on edge when they have to deal with regular innocent citizens like myself. What these people don't realize is they are never going to win the battle, and it's just not worth it to try and fight back this way. It's not that hard to respect authority and abide by the law, especially when you've brought the situation upon yourself.
  7. On another note, I mentioned my viewing of Top Gun to a coworker today, and he brought up what he found to be a very "homoerotic scene" when the guys were playing volleyball at the beach with their shirts off. I didn't remember seeing it nearly as "homoerotic" as he made it out to be. Sure, they were a couple of pretty close-knit dudes, but they were trying to win a competitive game of beach volleyball. Beach v-ball on the sand in the sun is no joke. It's exhausting, and sweaty as hell. Glad-handing after each point is beyond expected. I can tell you one thing, if I was out there playing competitive-v during the summer heat, I'd be popping my shirt off ASAP. Am I the only man who has played a summer sport with shirts and skins? It kinda threw me off when my coworker said that, but I didn't agree with him at all.
  8. No need to apologize Chuck. From time to time I browse on a Galaxy S7 Edge using Verizon instead of my laptop. On my mobile device, the site works really well. I have never had a problem with the links to browse the forums. If I do it's more of an Android Operating System or Google Chrome issue on the phone. If that happens I restart the phone or close all apps, and it picks right up. But worrying about the site going down for 5 minutes for an update? Geeeeeez... However if I did have any issues I'd be a bit hesitant to bug you just because I assume you're super friggin' busy. But if something happens and you'd be OK to bring it up sooner, as you mentioned, I'll keep that in mind in the future. From my understanding the only way to view AngelsWin mobile is from the web browser, and that's what I use, and it is quick and useful. I used it at the bar during this years game 7 of the World Series thread and it was fantastic, and at times, hilarious (with no help from tdawgs monkee boner pics, of course).
  9. Qualcomm Stadium? lol I think my parents took me to a Padres game there with my cousins in 1990. Every time I drive by that place and see it I can't believe it's still standing and has a professional NFL team play there. It's gotta be a hoot, San Diego folk still love their football team. I should actually go to a Chargers game some time soon just to see what it's like, before it's gone. I don't think I'd even care about the game, I'd be enamored walking around the stadium. That being said, I am somewhat intrigued by a new baseball and football stadium right next to each other in the surrounding Angel parking lots. Based on the google map distances, it looks quite doable. I want nothing to do with the Rams or Raiders, but if the Chargers were perhaps thinking of moving, that could be a miraculous corner of the 5 and 57. It could be alive every month of the year, if you include NHL just a stones throw away. And with a kind of Irvine Spectrum vibe between the two, they might be able to pull it off. Then in my dreams both teams would forget about the Los Angeles name, and move on to be the Orange County, California, or perhaps best option ever Anaheim Angels and Anaheim Chargers, with the Anaheim Ducks just a walk away. Talk about a possible frickin' 3 team Orange County dynasty within a 1/2 mile of eachother. Put that place on the map!
  10. Holiday is a freakin' beast and I wish we could have him. Gawd I hate the Yankees but he's going to be mammoth there.
  11. Love that Anaheim patch on the left sleeve. Best part of the uniform IMO. It also wouldn't matter to me if there was a frickin' Yankee logo on a hat that belonged to my pops, I'd cherish it just as well.
  12. I'm sure it's nothing $25 Mill can't help him get over. Your poo holes sob stories are lame.
  13. Dude. Guys. Men. I seriously could go without the boner images. Geez. Who even searches or saves that stuff? Disturbing to say the least.
  14. Wors Couldn't have said it better myself. To add: if I'm at home I can watch MULTIPLE football games at the same time! I might go to an NFL game if I got free tickets, I can't see myself ever paying. I've only ever been to a USC game and that's because everything was free. I also have probably been spoiled with Angels and Diamondback games. Both stadiums I lock my front door and am in the park within 20-30 minutes. When the game is done I'm back home in even a shorter amount of time. They both are so convenient and the tickets are so affordable. #keeptherocks #noNFLinOC
  15. He runs like an idiot. Having 240 pounds constantly landing on an ankle when running instead of landing on the balls of the feet makes no sense. Someone needs to teach him how to run, and he needs to lose weight.
  16. Dude what is this obsession with bringing football to Southern California? Does anybody care about the Rams? They suck and their attendance is among the lowest in the league. What makes them think anyone in Orange County would care about the Chargers? The game is more fun to watch in a living room with a beer anyway.
  17. Sure, but that batting glove ritual between pitches was nauseating.
  18. Like we haven't heard this before...dude should have been under the needle in September when we were out of the race. What is this December bullshit? Straight up, the dude needs to slim down and lose some weight. It would not kill him to be 20, 30, maybe 40 pounds lighter.
  19. Anyone else have thoughts on this movie? I had been lambasted by buddies through the years because in my young age I had seen parts on television, but I never watched it all the way through. I didn't really care for it on TV, then heard it was going away on Netflix starting December 1st, so I decided to watch it because I had never seen it all the way through. What a terrible film. On par with Face/Off in the realm of unwatchable 90's movies. I fastforwarded a couple times because I just couldn't take it. The jet scenes were OK but they played "Danger Zone" and "Take my breath away" like 4-6 times each throughout the movie and it made me want to puke. I can't believe this trash used to be mainstream Hollywood Film academia. It felt like I was watching "Saved by the Bell" in movie form. Ugh, I can't believe I wasted my time on this crap. None of it seemed real, the script was predictable, the whole thing seemed like a jerkoff to Val Kilmer and Tom Cruise. 3/10 would never ever watch again, and I hope I never have to hear those 2 songs again either.
  20. I went a couple years in a row with family and friends which is probably now more than a decade ago, but there was no buying tickets. A family friend worked at a building that was on the street of the parade route, so we got good parking and good seating. But we would have to wake up at like 4am New Years day to get everybody together and get down there to avoid the insane traffic. Checking out the floats the day after is nice too. I think my mom even took me to the place where they made the floats once or twice, to watch them being put together. I never understood the insane amount of effort people would put into the floats. And I think it was mostly volunteer work. Going to the parade once is enough. I typically preferred looking at the hot cheerleaders and watching the bands more than the floats. Waking up that early on New Years Day has been out of the question for me for a while now.
  21. Perhaps one of the greatest recent deals we passed on. But who knows how he'd play once he got here.
  22. I'm sick of Arte paying players way too much money to under-perform. He's still paying for Hamilton. I say stay away from the big stupid free agent deals and make some smarter, lower caliber moves. I can't think of one big free agent deal Arte has made that has panned out, instead they've crippled us from making better, cheaper decisions down the line. Besides filling some obvious holes, let's let the group of guys we have play together for a couple seasons and see where that gets us. I'd rather Trout get to the playoffs, compete for a ring in 3 or 4 years when his contract comes up then gamble for right now. It'd give him an incentive to stay.
  23. Protect 30k people when their chance of getting injured at a game is .0027 percent? No tank, they fuggin shouldnt! These dopes need to sit somewhere else or pay attention to the game!
  24. Mainstream media AND social media. I gotta be honest -- I rarely post anything, not to mention barely post how I truly feel about events anymore, out of fear that it will cost me friends or my job, or the possibility of a job in the future. And it's not like anything I say on the internet is going to change anyone's mind. We all know the internet is ruthless. I could say something that is taken out of context or taken offense to, and suddenly there's thousands of people who want to find me and destroy my reputation. It's just not worth it to me. So when I get that ONE opportunity to make a choice in private that can make an impact where I can't be individually judged, woah-ho-ho, you better bet I'm gonna take advantage of that. The only thing I don't like is how they come out and tell the public "educated white males" mostly voted for Trump. I mean, come on. How much more hate towards white people from non-white does the media want? I don't feel like any of that kind of crap helps or should be accounted for or announced.
  25. HAHA this is a great way to get people on your side. We all know who did this, and there's a reason people are sick of them and want them out.
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