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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Weaver gone almost makes me cry. His decline was unprecedented, and his ferocity and competitiveness on the mound, unmatched. I hope he does well for the Padres, but I wish he was an Angel forever.
  2. I'm so fed up with Sports Illustrated I can't remember the last time I read an article from them.
  3. From what I remember, his analysis of games has been pretty tolerable, and I think there are people on this board that would agree (and those that wouldn't). From what I recall he's not that type of guy that over-commentates and over-analyzes, and he doesn't come off as preachy, which is, in my opinion, what way too many of the guys talking during games do "What you want to do in this situation is..." BLAH BLAH BLAH shut the f*** up! I know there's not a lot of fans of the actual PERSON A-Rod around here, hell I'm not much of a fan of his past either, but, he played ball really well and knows a lot about it, so it's IMO always nice to get a guy like that to talk instead of some dude who's never actually played. Which is why Rex never bugged me. I mean, let's be honest, what do you want the guy to do? Disappear and never work around baseball again? Some men are just better off when they're working, when they have a set schedule, especially when they're still young like A-Rod, this seems like a natural transition.
  4. lol remarkable. Some things never change. He may use it in interviews from time to time, but I don't think anyone's ever really explained to Skip the definition of "momentum"...
  5. I actually got to walk around Tempe Diablo stadium about a week ago to check out a part time job opportunity (I thought it'd be cool to try it out but it ended up not being for me) and I saw the prices at the concession stands: $6 for a hot dog and $5 for a fountain drink? WTF?!?! I went to Chase Field for a couple games last season, which is actually a very nice ballpark, and they had "value" hot dogs for $2 and drinks for $2.50 which I thought was nice of them. After seeing the prices of tickets for Spring Training, it's really seeming to be a quick money grab by the teams a month before the season starts. I guess they have to make the most of the only 15-17 games a year they play there. I thought about going, but not at those prices, maybe I'll wait to see if there are cheaper tickets available the day of. But it really makes no sense when I can get into Chase Field or Angel Stadium for $10.
  6. This is the stupidest reasoning behind changing the rule that I've ever heard. You know what else speeds the game up? Not changing pitchers one out after the other, which we see continuously happen game after game and it's annoying as hell. How about pitchers relentlessly throwing over to first time and time again not even trying to get the runner out, just delaying the pitch to the plate? How about mound visits to delay the game to give the relief pitcher more time? If a team is going to decide to "skip" a player there should at-least be some sort of task for the pitcher to have such a privilege. I'm sorry, but those "rare" situations where someone actually gets intentionally walked is not going to speed up the game at all. And those "rare" situations where the pitcher throws wild, or the ball is over the plate and the batter hits what's supposed to be an intentional ball? Those "rare" moments are what make this game great. What's next? Batters going up to the plate and after 2 strikes just go "eh, I'm pretty much out. Just mark it on the scorecard as a strikeout, thanks" and walks back to the dugout? Of so many things they could have changed to speed up the game this is by far the lamest. Stop f**king with the basic fundamentals of the game, or pretty soon it's going to be a laughingstock like the NFL. I 100% hate this rule change.
  7. Maybe it's because I'm close to the Pheonix (Arizona State University college douchebags) area, but for some reason more recently it seems people have been installing aftermarket exhausts on their cars or on their motorcycles to make them UNBEARABLY loud. Like, ear shattering loud. And I know this used to be a thing back in the 90's/early 00's, then it seemed to kind of fade to only the loser Honda piece of crap rice rocket crowd, but now it seems to be back. They peel out or haul ass off the line and it can be heard from a frickin' mile away. I live in a nice neighborhood that's typically quiet, and I STILL have to deal with hearing this crap. Why are people such assholes that they think it's cool to drive around in the middle of the night, or in general, with these obnoxious exhaust systems? Not to mention 99% of them sound like complete garbage. It's not like you're driving a Ferrari or Lamborghini asshat! Why the HELL is this legal? There should be a $500 fine for disturbing the peace, and just in general being a shitty human being.
  8. My Dad and I were having a discussion about Pujols, and my dad said he's got $140 Mill left on his contract, so out of the blue he said "That's about $2.5 Mill per home run" estimating he'll only hit 56 more for the rest of his career. I thought that was absurd! I told him he could hit 20+ HR's per season, and he could possibly get to 100, and he says no way, impossible. That would be 691 for his career. Then I propositioned that he'll get closer than 100 than 56, so I made a $100 bet with him that he'll hit 79 or more home runs before he retires. That's about $1.77 Mill per home run. My Dad also said he doesn't think Pujols will be playing in 2020, and will play maybe half the games in 2019, which is why he thinks his prediction is pretty solid. What do you guys think? How much per home run do you think Pujols will earn, or in other words, home much is Arte going to be paying per Pujols home run?
  9. I have a Galaxy S7 Edge with Verizon and since the S5, it's the best phone I've ever owned. I would recommend it to anybody. I've never had an iPhone (I don't like the interface). I've never really used the "edge" on it but it has great battery life which lasts me atleast a day (and I use my phone for work), an awesome screen, it's responsive, quick, and I've never had an issue with it. I can take out the SD card, copy and paste downloaded movies and music to it, and watch them on my phone flawlessly (which helps when doing cardio at the gym). I had an S7 for about a week and had battery issues and Bluetooth connectivity issues so I returned it. I'm not sure if the bigger S7 has the same issues.
  10. I rarely if ever put in my real cell phone number for anything. I still get weird numbers calling me so good luck with that "Do not call list" bologna. Usually I use my parents land line number which they've had forever, but they screen with the answering machine and never pick up. It's pretty much on par for me when I call their land line to wait for the answering machine and say "Hi, it's me, pick up..." so they can hear the voicemail audibly before they even bother picking up the phone. I should find another number but with stupid store cards and websites asking for phone numbers all the time it's become absurd. Plus if they go to a store I go to and they ask for a number they'll say the same thing I've inputted and get the discounts.
  11. There's no way I'd ever let this fu*kin' thing in my house.
  12. It must be nice having a wife to bitch about on the internet. Oh wait... That being said, do you guys think that gassy rank farts could actually put holes in underwear? Like the actual gassy toxic release? Holy hell after some nights when I've been drinking, my farts are terrible, and my underwear is the brunt of it. I've actually gotten holes in my underwear where my ass is, and it's a bitch because underwear ain't cheap anymore and I have to throw them away and replace them. Most the time I just put them on anyways, but seriously. It's like there's some acidic corrosion going on.
  13. Sucks for the rest of ya. .357 Magnums are awesome.
  14. Also I'm not sure if it's the same but the pulled pork/brisket sandwich from Costco in the food court where they sell the hot dogs is like $5, but it's the f**king bomb. The only thing that sucks about Costco Food Court is it's Pepsi products. Pepsi sucks, and then they don't even have Mountain Dew. FOR SHAME! BTW if you ever want Alaskan King Crab legs Costco is the place to go. The parents were sick of turkey and ham about 3-4 years ago, all the prep and shenanigans, and all the prep, and now pops just goes out and buys $100 worth of crab legs and we eat that on Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter as well. The legs are HUGE and have always been delicious.
  15. I see SO many typos in articles from the good sources to bad all the time now. It's like nobody even does a double take. Ever heard of the "read it out loud to find your mistakes" routine? It'll have you catch a lot of those errors. Although we live in a "get it out first, even if it's wrong" society now. Doesn't matter if it's the truth, get it out there as quick as possible.
  16. *sticks finger in, swirls it around* *pulls it out* *tastes finger* Mmmmmmmm. That's some good humor.
  17. I had no idea there were so many fatasses on this board.
  18. Asking the real questions. Where's her picture? This is the only thing I care about. I bet it's a white chick. They're really digging black dick more than ever these days it seems. Jesus f**king christ what is wrong with these women, popping out kids left and right like their ovaries are about to expire? Do they just see dollar signs in the form of child support, do they not believe in birth control? Am I the only one who doesn't want to look after a bunch of little shits for 18 years after each one pops out, or is this the only thing left they have to live for? Holy hell it bugs the crap out of me. What is going on in these women's minds? Crazy. I don't get it.
  19. I've stayed away from pot for years. It was fine in my early to mid 20's, but one day I was just over it and never went back. Read something a little while back that if you get a weed card it can prevent you from getting a gun license, and/or a gun. I'd rather have my gun.
  20. Jesus 1 1/2 hours? IMO you'll burn yourself out and get sick of being there that long, and I am the type of person that ENJOYS the gym. I'd say 1 hour max to start is the best route. 5 min stretch, 5 min cardio to warm up 30-40 mins lifting, 10 min cardio to finish off. Good! Getting your ass out of the house to work out feels much better IMO!
  21. For $3 Mill, I'd take Rousey down in 30 seconds, what's this 48 second pussy crap? She got lucky to begin her career with a dozen women who didn't know what they were doing, once she came against women who did know what they were doing, she got flattened. No matter though, it's made her a ton of money. Her career is gone, but I'd hang up my gloves for that amount as well. Although again on her part I think the whole "no media" thing just goes to show how fragile she really is. She wants to show off when she wins, but doesn't want to show her face when she loses. Pff, women.
  22. My biggest question: Where is Jeff Mathis included in all of this?
  23. She looks like former porn star Tiffany Rayne, but is hotter in my book because I've never seen her naked, so there's some mystery. This show is probably one of my least favorite of the "Home Improvement" shows. I like the brothers, and I like the one with that dude Chip. The fact that this guy would be able to bang her but still not be able to put up with her shit really makes me understand more and more why I am pretty much OK with not wanting to ever get married. Even friends of mine that are married and tell me the shit they put up with, it just makes me nope all that much more. I have never really felt the need to get married, recently have seen less and less women I'd be interested in marrying, and I'm not sure if I ever will. Sorry Mom.
  24. I don't. Screw this. Put it on the sleeve and make it smaller.
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