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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. And now with the disappointment which is the one time prolific Pujols.
  2. Then comes late September and he's still saying the same thing...
  3. Terry and Langston were wondering why the outfielders were so deep, then the dude was camped under the fly ball 30 seconds later. lol
  4. Hey I'm completely with you on this I don't understand why it even needs to be brought up I'm just so sick of the political bullcrap that constantly infects light conversation, it's like a cancer that I feel needs to be battled it has no place on a baseball forum. I'm no stranger to it either strad, I just don't think treating it as "touchy" has ever helped anyone, so I don't.
  5. It was a joke to be taken lightly Strad i'm somewhat confused that you're still steamed by it to bring it up a month later.
  6. Jesus christ I won't even mention the relationships I have with gays but I don't care either it's just annoying being lectured constantly by people like you like you're some social justice hero. I don't get it I never tell people how they should think or that their dumb for how they think and for some reason you do.
  7. When my dad randomly texts me in the middle of the first game of the season that he hates Scioscia, and this is coming from an old man who never says he hates anything, and I ask him why and he says "Because he loses..." I can't help but jump aboard the ship. Hope ya'll are ready for another season of asinine insanity from the Scioscia train!
  8. Yah I think it's pretty important that everyone should think the same way about everything and that there should be no such thing as differentiation in beliefs or thoughts. What an amazing place that would be. And if there's anyone that thinks different they should immediately be labeled as dumb, even though they have every right to feel the way they do about something as anyone else. There should be like a list with an order of how to live your life and what to believe so nobody strays away from perfection, and then everything in the world would be right. I hope someday the social justice warriors win, they sound like the best people to invite to parties.
  9. something something turn the page something something scufflin'
  10. Same here and I agree wholeheartedly, it doesn't hurt that he hits over .300 in the leadoff spot, which is more than you can say for Pujols.
  11. I'm not really sure what Sosh does anymore, it sure couldn't hurt seeing how the team plays without him there.
  12. Here in Arizona, I love the gun laws. I went into a Safeway 3 days after I moved here to buy some groceries and in the produce section I saw this guy with an exposed handgun on his hip, in the holster, and I was blown away by the acceptance of responsibility this state had given him. I couldn't help but say hi and tell him I was from California, and asked what he was carrying. He kinda flipped up his holster, and had a Magnum .44 -- the same gun my pops owns back in California, but keeps in the house. I told him that was remarkable, and how amazing it was that he could just carry it around, and it was at that point I had never felt safer in my life. Just some dude walking around with a gun on him, nobody freaking out, someone that might be there to protect innocent citizens if some nut job thought it was a good place to take advantage of. I haven't bought one yet, but am planning to buy the exact same thing. I have seen guys pulling rifles and shotguns out of their cars out here, and I just can't imagine the reactions most people from California would have seeing the same thing. I've told this to some old family/friends of mine who are rather liberal, and it scares the crap out of them. Meanwhile I just revel in the fact that when you're here you're not going to f*ck with someone, because they might have a gun on them.
  13. Don't you guys understand it's not what the straight males *want* anymore? That sh*ts LONG gone. I mean, you've heard the radio lately, right? The females love it, so it stays. They go to a game once or twice a year---aren't interested in anything happening on the field--and they can dance to it. So the stadium will continue to play it -- because the females love it. Don't you guys understand how it works these days? If the females love it, it stays. Because female interest means $$$$$. Even if they have men buy the tickets and the booze and the food, it's so the female can have fun. The females also decide whether or not they're going to a game. 12-24 year old females is the demographic of CASH in 2017. The emasculation of America was going on for about the last 30 years, but it was swept under the rug inconspicuously, and now we're seeing the result. But to me, personally? Continuing to play buttercup in 2017 makes the stadium feel SO DATED. I guess it could be worse. It could be Katy Perry or Gaga or Cyrus, and we'd be stuck with it every 7th inning for the next decade. And in my own post, suddenly, I don't hate Buttercup that much.
  14. Liberals in California, and a majority of "celebrity" social media whores in America, are so dramatic and reactionary to situations while in the moment, it's hilarious. They literally don't know how to cope with emotions. They cause an uproar because of how they feel about something at that second, but then, don't follow through with their misguided opinions, because they're full of shit, or really don't care that much because it doesn't affect them. These people are so fake nobody listens to them anymore. To sucede because of Trump is asinine. Nobody's going to do shit. California is among the most laughable political spectrum in the nation. For a state to take as much as they do from people as wealthy as they are, and do absolutely nothing about the infrastructure while putting things like "sanctuary state" and "speed rail" nobody will use as a priority boggles my mind. Meanwhile traffic is among the highest in the world, and overpopulation continues. It's like nobody there knows how the real world works. So bizarre.
  15. Strange. From everything I've read the baseball fan experience at an Oakland Athletics game is among some of the best in the Major Leagues. From what I heard the fans actually watch the game, and pay attention, and it feels like you're, oh I don't know, attending a BALLPARK. Instead of some clown show meant to entertain the people that aren't there to actually watch a ballgame and are more interested in posting photos on Insta or Snap. And I'm totally OK with that. But they gotta lose Mount Davis. Look how beautiful that view is in the first photo. Just breathtaking and awesome.
  16. Seriously, fuck this shit. I hope he's on the Angels until he retires just to piss every of these types of c***ts off for the next 10-15 years.
  17. This made my day. Can't stand McCarver.
  18. It appears the investigation has been concluded, and Lou was wrong the whole time. Hate to say I told you so. Investigation finds Jose Fernandez was operating boat in fatal crash: http://www.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/18921310/investigation-finds-jose-fernandez-was-operating-boat-fatal-crash " Fernandez violated multiple boating laws, including Boating Under the Influence Manslaughter, Vessel Homicide and Reckless or Careless Operation of a Vessel." Driving full speed with a blood Alcohol level of .147 and a noted presence of cocaine. Nope, not reckless at all.
  19. If there's anything I've learned from hairstylist females, they hate being asked for a cut off the job. They do it all day and then they come home and their friends/family want them to cut their hair at a discounted rate or for free. I understand their frustration. Pro tip: I highly suggest Sport Clips, especially over Easy Clips. I've gone to 3 different Sport Clips in different states and each one has had 1 girl that is awesome at cutting hair. The cut's $20 or less, or you can spend an extra $5 and they take you in the back and shampoo your hair in a vibrating chair and give you a head massage with a hot towel on your face and it's awesome. And you can come back in a couple weeks to get a neck trim or a touch up and it's free, but as a good samaritan I give them a $5 tip for being so nice. I've waited 20-30 minutes for the stylist I want at all 3 and they are great.
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