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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Probably didn't hurt that the baserunner wasn't 30 feet off the bag what do I know.
  2. Holy shit a hard liner where the baserunner didn't get doubled off. Imagine that.
  3. I don't really care for them, nor do I care for the 3D logos they're applying to them. I love seeing that glare shine off the helmets.
  4. I'm in a great mood, just as I am anytime the Angels win, baby didn't get his bottle tonight, apparently.
  5. Pujols rocking that lowest BA in the lineup. Oh, was that wrong too Blargina?
  6. Sure don't make them like Nolan Ryan anymore. So weird how you have a freak like him and nowadays they cut pitchers after 100 pitches.
  7. If you don't know how the GDT has gone for the past decade I don't know what to tell you. And you only sit waiting for me to be wrong to ream my ass, meanwhile I don't really care about anything you say. I don't know what your problem is except maybe you need to get laid, take a bong toke, and/or chill the hell out. Also your name calling is beyond childish.
  8. Langston said bicep deadarm, so let's hope that is the case.
  9. Yah i'm not watching just listening. How about you contribute something to the thread besides being a tremendous dick to compensate for your microscopic one you old fart?
  10. If something snapped he'd be screaming. Langston keeps mentioning bicep, deadarm, hope that's it.
  11. God fucking dammit. I don't need this on my conscience.
  12. "Yankee bean, Yankee bean, I like my Yankee bean..."
  13. Richards getting it done. Love it. His passion right now reminds me of Weaver. Oh poor Weaver.
  14. Oh and there's Albert getting doubled off. Shocking.
  15. I wonder what my butthole smells like, please, some details blarg?
  16. Oh wow he comes through on a ball that would have been an out if Trout wasn't running. Albert "needs assistance to not get a groundball out" Pujols
  17. Holy crap finally. I'm so glad Pujols proves me wrong.
  18. Trout freaking being Trout. Now here comes mr. pullball.
  19. If the A's had a brain they'd walk Trout to get to Pujols. Whoops nevermind.
  20. That's fine and I think you're being a little hyperbolic but the dude needs to learn to help the team, not worry about his own accolades.
  21. There's no reason to have fielders on the right side of the field with Pujols up at bat.
  22. I wonder if after 15 years of baseball if Albert would actually consider hitting the ball the other way? You know, to maybe get a base hit or double instead of trying to pull the ball for a homer?
  23. Does anyone enjoy Kole Calhoun as much as I do? Hitting hard oppo, the dude reminds me of a buffer Darin Erstad but with the same grit.
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