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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. On the first pitch! I can't stand Kron. It's really unfortunate to see the Angels quickly turning back into the regularly scheduled program. For that week there me and pops were actually texting back and forth about the team, and that was a nice little change of pace.
  2. Hahaha that should give everyone plenty of material for jokes about me until I die.
  3. Probably true, but I hate mornings. With a passion. Maybe it's because I grew up in Cali, where as an adult you get up early just to sit in traffic, and that's just about the worst way to start any day. I just don't think humans were put on this planet to do that, it seems so soulless. Or because it reminds me of elementary or high school where you were required to get up every frickin' day 5 days a frickin' week at the same frickin' time and sit still in a place you didn't want to be. Then most of my jobs after school were East of where I lived, so I'd have to stare into the frickin' sun on the way there. I'm also not a fan of coffee, it makes me sweaty and sleepy like most carb-heavy breakfast food (besides eggs, I freakin' love eggs). I only eat breakfast food after a night of drinking (usually at Norms, which is infinitely better than Denny's). I also don't like being talked to 1-2 hours after I wake up, seriously, don't fuck with me. And there's nothing more annoying than an early morning sweat where you feel sticky the rest of the day. I'm also of the belief that personally, my body is not built for a 24 hour day, but more like a 30-32 hour day. I can stay up for 22-24 hours no problem, sleep 6-8 hours, and I'm good to go. But surprisingly that doesn't translate to the norms of society or a normal work schedule. And that's why I usually don't have a job with one. On the other hand my mother has woken up at 5 am every day of her life to drive from Orange County to El Segundo for the last 30 years of her life, and if it wasn't for her, our family would have been homeless.
  4. Even when he does hit a home run, the way he huffs and puffs going around the bases it looks like he could collapse at any moment due to a heart attack or stroke. In his condition there's no way he'd land more than either of those guys.
  5. Nah, they'll screw up the opportunity to beat that record, too. My god, really tough to watch these past couple days.
  6. I find asparagus pretty delicious on it's own, typically I olive oil it, with a little bit of salt and pepper and garlic powder, then throw it on the grill for like 5 minutes, turning it once. I have a pretty good buddy of mine that is moving closer to my area, and we got to meet up last weekend. Recently he's gotten married and mentioned how she makes him lunches and dinner, and he finally realized how eating out and having sushi all the time just wasn't affordable. Meanwhile I talked to him about great places in the area to shop for certain groceries and a good market for fresh fruit and vegetables at pretty phenomenal prices. He mentions how whole foods is a good place to shop too and I about smacked my frickin' forehead. He's a great friend but just has no grasp on reality when it comes to spending money.
  7. Only 10 more losses in a row to get to 6-14!!
  8. Pujols needs to stop trying to pull the ball to hit home runs, and just go for singles and doubles to help the team win. His slugger approach just does not cut it, and it has been absolutely killing this team for the last few years. His power is just not where it used to be. You can tell he goes for dingers, and if he gets lucky he misses it a bit and it falls in for a hit. But his approach has single handedly created a hole in the lineup ever since he was acquired. He needs to find a pitch to drive, and put some good meat on the ball, and spray to all sides of the field.
  9. Right I mean the rallys are fun and all that, but at some point the arms are going to have to give the bats a chance.
  10. Oh jeez Cron. Why do we still have this guy. Reminds me of Brandon Wood. He's so awkward and never looks like he has a clue what he's doing.
  11. Texas is going to approach this like a fu**in' March Madness Basketball game with timeouts and constant interruptions just to slow down the Angels pace.
  12. I'm so sick of Napoli. I might hate him more than PIerzynski. Umpire ready to go home. Leadoff man on.
  13. Now typically the last few years this is the point where I'd shut the game off, make myself a stiff cocktail, and finish off the night with my evening activities. Tonight is not one of those nights.
  14. AH! Trout whaddya swingin' at? Ya watch first pitch fastballs right down the pipe then swing at THAT first pitch? Damn.
  15. I don't think so, she's much hotter than those 2.
  16. My dad just text me and said we should acquire Napoli even if we bench him just so he can't play against us LOL
  17. Oh sorry, what I meant was I would prefer the opposite of what he did there. I'd let Chavez try to finish the 5th. Cron being a pussy and letting a ball under his glove that was hit right to him wasn't Chav's fault. It should be 2 outs man on 3rd with a 1 run defecit right now.
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