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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Goddammit how many stupid outs are we going to give away on the basepaths this year. Runs come at a premium in Houston, and he's already in f**king scoring position, what the hell is he doing?
  2. Why? If the team is rolling along come the trade deadline (The past couple games have been nice, but I'm not holding my breath), why would you want to mess with that? Team chemistry is a real thing, and Ward and Rengifo are no doubt a part of that.
  3. Not only that, with Pillar now out there showcasing his outstanding attitude like he actually wants to be here, combined with getting it done with the bat, he's the veteran presence Rendone never was. Even if this Pillar is for just a short period of time, I would never put Rendon in the lineup over him. Rengifo's holding his own at 3rd as well. Basically, #tonytooblessed has injured his way out of a place on this team, and his shitty attitude certainly hasn't helped earn him any brownie points.
  4. Any day the Angels win is a good day! Great to see our bats sluggin against the cheaters, hope this picks Detmers up! Light that baby!
  5. Who gives a shit. That dicknose can stay there the rest of his contract for all I care.
  6. He is night and day from last season, no doubt. Definitely out in the field (remember that throw out at home a couple nights ago) and even more so with the bat.
  7. BACK TO BACK BY ADELL! AND THE BOOS RAIN AT MINUTE MAID PARK! 8-6 HALOS! Get your ass back in there Detmers and get that f**king W!
  8. This is just becoming a shellacking. They need to get Detmers the hell out of there...oh wait, Suarez, is warming up...nevermind... Talk about pick your f**king poison.
  9. MLB.TV is like 20 seconds behind GameDay. They've also starred cutting to commercials early as the commentators are still talking, or while they're showing the highlights of the inning...it's super annoying.
  10. Hope this isn't one of those score a run early, cool off the rest of the night games.
  11. I don't watch the news anymore, but back in my elementary/high school years when we'd sit at the counter eating Cap'n Crunchberries before school, we'd turn on KTLA to watch the morning show, and it was pretty entertaining. It wasn't just like tragic news, the panel was pretty good. And Sam Rubin was a big part of the hilarity. OMG I just looked it up and it brought back the memories, the show was also with Carlos Amezcua and Mark Kriski. Those guys were pretty funny as well.
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