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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. I'll be honest I don't like Harper because everything about him screams douchenozzle on a level that goes beyond Barry Bonds. But he is surprising me so far this season, he is hitting well and actually performing up to his expectations, which I did not expect. I thought he might fall off, but there is always the possibility of a slump which brings him back down to the player I expect from him. That's something Trout has so far always been able to avoid, which has made him a much more elite player than Harper IMO. Plus Trouts attitude just brings me so much joy to watch him, even when he gets robbed on offense, he just smiles and brushes it off. I know he's competitive too but his attitude and approach is what I think sets him apart. I just wonder if Harper can hold up the consistency through the season, and am interested to see what his numbers will be at the end of the season. If he keeps it up I can see him eventually being on the Yankees.
  2. So the question at that point as a passenger to the flight attendants needs to be "Where does this cake need to be placed so you're happy, so we can all get on with the flight?" They probably removed everyone off the plane so there could be no "passenger" videos of this family being removed to avoid further publicly released footage for Jet Blue's protection. We all know how videos are released of people not involved that blow up and don't tell the whole story.
  3. Shocking. I get the dude wants to keep throwing but come on, that arm is made of glass.
  4. That article is pretty terrible, and it doesn't seem to tell the whole story. As a person who flies regularly, a couple times a year, I'd much rather just do what the flight attendants tell me and not cause a nuisance to the other hundreds of people on board. In my experience most flight attendants are pretty frickin' understanding and courteous, but if you're gonna start being a dickwad about it for no other reason than you don't want to listen to authority, you're probably going to have a bad time. Oh my gawd a frickin' cake, you're really going to do this with your family and everyone around because of maybe $30? Toss the frickin' thing, let's get on with the flight! This just screams a story with the facts not being properly given.
  5. The ONLY question I have is if Trout really "cares" about getting a ring? I put that in quotes because OF COURSE he wants to get a ring. He plays to frickin' win a ring. He wants to win, and he plays to do his best. But what I mean by that, is if Arte is willing to pay him what he wants, and it's less than what's offered by other teams but he's happy here, and is okay with the possibility of not getting a ring, is that cool with him? I think it might be. I have a gut feeling that Trout puts the money, with these other types of situations, on the backburner. That kind of drive reminds me of Weaver. If he's happy where he is, and wants to stay here, he has more money than he'll ever need, and he might take less money to stay. I don't see Trout as a Boris kind of dude. I feel like if he's happy to be an Angel, he will stay. He always has the chance to win (just like 2002) and will forever be the face of the Angels, and if it were me, that'd be pretty cool too.
  6. Pujols is such a better hitter when he goes with the pitch instead of trying to pull everything.
  7. Well, he's not wrong. And it's probably part of his contract that he has to answer her stupid questions. I understand some people want to see post game interviews, but for me, what kind of variety do you think the guy actually has the opportunity to say? There's no need for Alex Curry. Yeah she's easy on the eyes, but don't expect any kind of substantial revelations from her. Also I don't get why we need an interview from a player after every win. It's too much. Kole deserved his tonight but it's been watered down so often it doesn't even mean anything anymore to be dumped on by the water cooler/BodyArmor thing. Although I'm glad Trout was there for that, I hope him and Kole are cool as f**k, they seem like they could be good buddies for a while and Trout could keep him real and a good slugger. That slap after that catch the other night made me so happy, I hope they can keep being homies. *edited for BodyArmor with respect to Trout*
  8. There needs to be a "WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" for Kole when he comes out to bat at Angel Stadium or makes a bomb ass play.
  9. Kole Calhoun the new Darin Erstad. His grit is unmatched.
  10. I want Kole to be on the Angels as long as Trout is. They're such a good 2-3 punch.
  11. Calhoun should put up a much better at bat. I love Escobar batting but that was all in his head there.
  12. I feel like I'm watching the frickin' little league sometimes with this team. Bunts are so freaking simple it doesn't matter the speed. Top half of the ball.
  14. Again the Angels failing to lay a very simple, basic, since little league you've learned how to put down a bunt.
  15. Skip taking a lap, his ass must be getting numb.
  16. I'm always a fan of the dudes who wear 2 eared helmets. That was also not a strike.
  17. Oh sh*t, a team understands when to apply a sacrifice. What the hell is Stupi Gubi talking about?
  18. I'd say he walks this guy or gives up a base hit.
  19. That bunt means a whole lot now. With a flare out to Joyce with a crappy arm, the runner might have been able to make it. Also. Props to Pujols for getting that base hit after the HR and giving the Angels a shot.
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