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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. That was the pussiest assed helmet throw I've ever seen. I'm glad Harper charged the mound then got his ugly block knocked, he's been needing that for a while. I'm not a fan of throwing at players heads, but I'm all for throwing at Harper at the belt or below every at bat. Because fu** Harper and his shitty childish attitude, that's why.
  2. Good bye to MVP? Why isn't Trout wearing one of those penguin looking sliding gloves I've been seeing popping up for people on base? Trout shouldn't have even been sliding on that play. Again, a pretty freak play.
  3. What's so crazy about it? Have you BEEN WATCHING this team over the last decade? This is par for the course.
  4. Has anyone commented on how Cron hit a grand slam then was immediately demoted to AAA. That's beyond a sosh move. That's incredible.
  5. Nah that's high school and college. You can hate all you want, but you wouldn't get it blarg, because you're a loser.
  6. Seriously. Keep the goddamn balls down. Not that hard. Down Down DOWN.
  7. Can you imagine being Trout just chillin' in centerfield like...what do I have to do man?
  8. lol there's some random dude yelling that's echoing throughout the stadium I don't even know what he's saying but I love that we can hear him.
  9. Yeah when you don't know why the hell your body keeps giving up on you when you're trying to be a Professional Ballplayer that can be a scary thing.
  10. WOW! Got him! You think that dude woulda been more careful they were basically screw the batter we want that runner on second. I love this style of Angels play.
  11. Dude I love Maldonado catching. Spot on throw to second just to keep that bum honest. Molina-esque.
  12. As far as I remember you are not even allowed to consider going to the left after passing first base. If so, you are committed to advancing. It was slight, but it happened.
  13. Rasmus is such a weird looking dude and that neckbeard don't help.
  14. If so he'll have issues in his first or second game then be done for the season.
  15. Tampa Bay announcers are so much better than Victor and Gubi.
  16. Same here. In most instances, it's the best pitch of the at-bat. See: Trout yesterday. FIRST PITCH BABY! The only home runs I ever hit (which is 3) were at the first pitch.
  17. I agree with you blarg, it sounds like the staff was to a point, pretty absurd. Sometimes they can be that way. However in the same article you posted it sounds like these passengers may have also been absurd and "cursed and yelled" at the crew with other passengers hearing the ordeal, and also refused to speak to a "team leader.". Why the refusal? At one point the father approached the flight attendants. Again, why? No need for that. Again, arguing and yelling and swearing is never going to pan out well on a plane, and if the Captain flying the plane says you're gone, well, thems the rules. These rules are made and enforced vehemently. This isn't a bus on a side street, he's going thousands of feet in the air and he's got 200 other compliant people who aren't cursing and yelling that he needs to take care of. Sounds like a he said she said, but again, as a passenger, things can usually be sedated by a decent attitude and compliance with rules, even if they're not what you think they should be.
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