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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Piddler through the left side... I'll take that any day.
  2. So weird. I've been in AZ for just under a year now, and when I first got here in July last year, I walked outside the Sky Harbor Airport to get picked up, in the underpass shade, and the 115 degree weather hit me like a wave. I thought to myself..."This can't be real." But it was. And it proceeded to be that way for the next 2 months. I couldn't stand it. Over the course of the year, I've somehow adapted. 80 in my apartment is pretty damn comfortable. 100 outside is noticeably warm, and while 110 sucks, and 120 is pretty absurd, it just feels like it's supposed to be that way. There's really no complaints from me, I'm just glad I'm not dripping sweat constantly. They say it's "dry heat" which avoids that, and people back home in Cali can't believe it, but I think just accepting it and moving on has helped me. I sweated my BALLS off at 90 in SoCal, but I don't sweat out here in Pheonix. People start putting on jackets in AZ when it hits 70 during the winter. And still for me, that's shorts and T-Shirt weather.
  3. What the hell was that? At bat just earned him 30 grand and he's swinging like a freakin' fairy.
  4. Watches the strike, swings at the ball. *yawn*
  5. Why the hell is Pujols not cracking the sh*t out of that first pitch?
  6. Is it something with the Angels training staff which is why we see so much crap like this? It doesn't make any sense. These guys are supposed to be professional athletes with the best training in the world, with the best preparation and work outs, and yet day in day out we see crap like this happen. What the hell is going on?
  7. What is with this team and stupid injuries and not being able to have a shutdown inning after getting the lead. Holy freakin' hell.
  8. You know what? I agree with you. I like Maybin a lot. I feel like he has not been appreciated enough around these parts, or maybe he has and I've just been missing it. But the dude always seems to come through and I like his defense. Holliday is just one of those overpaid older guys that just grinds. Used to play the outfield, but now they just want him to stay healthy and hit. But I do like him as a ballplayer.
  9. Tell me about it! Holey smokes, it hurts to even think about Wells and Hamilton. Both such abysmal asinine signings that were not necessary. That being said, I absolutely hate the Stankees. But Judge hits the holy hell out of the ball, in a way I have never seen before. It has to do with his huge body, of course, but my god, I mean, the Stankees got lucky, but how does he hit the ball that hard? It's remarkable. The only guy I can compare it to is Trumbo or Vlad. I know Judge used to strike out a lot, and my only hope is he loses this vibe he's on and starts striking out again, only because he's on the Stankees. One thing that's funny is I love the space between his 2 front teeth! It just makes me kinda like the guy even if he's on the worst baseball team in MLB. If Trout was not hurt he'd be up there with him. He's going to lose the MVP to Judge because of that stupid f***ing slide.
  10. Would you guys have liked to have Matt Holliday on our team? I really like the guy, it's too bad he had to sign with the Stankees.
  11. I agree wholeheartedly, Strad. No reason not to get the damn bunt down. Not excusable at all. Easiest thing in baseball. I didn't get to see the at bat so I'm not sure where the pitches were, and also I'm not sure where Pujols flied out in right, so who knows if there was a runner on 3rd if he could have tagged up to score. But you're right, Kole needs to get that bunt down and it looks like he fouled 2 bunts, so he definitely had an opportunity to do so. Huge HUGE failure on Koles part to execute, and I'm sure that bugged the crap out of him, just judging off how much of a competitor he is. I bet you he's gonna do 20+ bunts in batting practice today, atleast if I were him I would. But you're absolutely right, Kole needed to execute and he didn't. Glad the Halos pulled through the top of the *nailbiter* 11th and went on to win.
  12. Stankees fans are literally the worst human beings to exist. Like seriously, how much of a low life piece of sh*t do you have to be to be a Stankees fan? And where do all these bums come from when the Stanks come to town? Out of their cardboard boxes under the freeway overpasses? Not to mention their stadium is a downright horrific joke, sterile, awful looking and pathetic for $1 Billion, probably the worst in baseball. Get over number 2 kids! He's gone now! He was overrated as a shortstop and had a decent bat but always had the Stankee advantage on his side so probably wouldn't have pulled nearly those numbers on any other team. Patriots fans are up there with them.
  13. Nah, I'm sure Kole would have rather swung the bat.
  14. Halos beating the stankees, with a walk off nonetheless, nothing better in baseball.
  15. No you let Calhoun swing the fu*king bat is what you do. You have 2-3-4 coming up and you're paying them to swing the frickin bat so let them do it. This pussy piddly baseball shtick Scioscia rides on every couple games to act like he's managing is most idiotic of all.
  16. With Trout: Bearable to watch when Trout is batting and/or is involved in a defensive or offensive play. Without Trout: Absolutely unbearable.
  17. 1st and 2nd nobody out, extra innings, 2-3-4 up to bat, and we can't score a run. No wonder I stopped watching this fu*king team after Trout got hurt.
  18. If we don't get a base hit here the Stankees will win the game after a leadoff walk to start the 11th...
  19. Why the fuc*ing fu*k can't this goddamn team ever seem to be able to get down a fu*king bunt in the situations where we need it the absolute most? It's the fu*king simplest goddamn thing to do in fu*king baseball and time and time again they can't seem to do it with 2 chances. Square up, look at the top half of the ball, follow it to the fu**ing bat! What the fu*king fu*k man it's absolutely pathetic that kinda sh*t drives me up the wall!
  20. I'd be happy to have Howie "GIDP" Kendrick back. It couldn't hurt.
  21. Who on here blamed Harper for this? I don't think I've seen 1 post in this thread, or even on this board claiming this. I, like probably most folks, gave Harper a chance. But I just can't stand behind a guy that acts like this: http://mediadownloads.mlb.com/mlbam/mp4/2016/08/27/1103229583/1472333376754/asset_2500K.mp4 or this: http://mediadownloads.mlb.com/mlbam/2015/08/01/mlbtv_wasnyn_317452083_1800K.mp4 or this: http://mediadownloads.mlb.com/mlbam/2013/07/14/mlbtv_wasmia_28875513_1800K.mp4 I mean, there's plenty more but I think you get the point. I hate Harper because he acts like a freakin' douchebag and when you have a player like Trout who's constantly all smiles whether he hits a home run or gets thrown out on a good play, or has a bad strike call at the plate --because he knows he can get 'em "next time"-- well, it really puts Harper's persona in the category of unacceptable behavior. He acts like a little kid who doesn't get his way. At some point or another it's got to be embarrassing for not only his teammates but his family to see him consistently act like he does.
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