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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. East Tempe on Apache. 10 minutes from Tempe Diablo Stadium, ASU, Mill Ave, and most importantly, the In N Out on Scottsdale & the 202. Although the blonde hotties on Mill are a close, *close* 2nd.
  2. Per Langston: Scioscia sticking with the same mantra that hasn't worked in 15 years. Solid managing there, Skip.
  3. Feelings are mutual. New finance job has destroyed my Angel Baseball time. Now stuck in AZ for perhaps a couple years. Friends and family are begging me to come home. It's weird, I don't miss Cali. And on cue, me bitching about Cron has deserved him a hit. SOAB!
  4. Was wondering how long I could bitch and moan before you'd to show up Strad. There must be a "CaliAngel is posting" app on your iPhone. Must say, money well spent. It's just not the same around here without me bitching and you retorting.
  5. "Routine fly..." lawls I'm confused why anyone would pay or waste their time to go to an Angel game these days
  6. Noice! Now we have a runner to waste on 3rd base instead of 1st. Why didn't he run with Trout or Pujols at the plate?
  7. As I listen to the radio feed, and hear Langston go through the lineup...I absolutely cannot believe I still have to hear that Mike Scioscia is the Manager, and CJ Cron is still in the lineup. No wonder I haven't even thought about this team in a month. They are wasting Trout. 52-55, way to go Arte. Quality job.
  8. Please do not get rid of Calhoun. That would be a mistake IMHO.
  9. Pay has nothing to do with it. It's the fact they waste opportunities on him. They're giving up at-bats. They're giving up other players who are better than him getting some experience. He's so goddamn uncoordinated it's abnoxious.
  10. I'd be ripping on him either way. He's the epitome of why this franchise is in the shitter. Angels scouts see him and go "oh yeah, that's a good guy to put out there" and then you watch him play and it's like how is this guy even playing ball he's completely uncoordinated and acts like he's never stepped on a field every single time I see him and then he swings through fastballs down the pipe like he's got a goddamn hole in his bat.
  11. Am I the only one that thinks Cron constantly looks like he has no idea what the hell he's doing on a ballfield? Reminds me of Brandon Wood.
  12. Not hard to do with this club. Thank Jeebus for Trout.
  13. Blanton still pitches? lulz jeezus this guy used to be one of our starters good call there Arte.
  14. Don't matter. He'd sit him anyway. Don't want a hot streak player to keep it up, that's no fun.
  15. Of course I talk shit on Cron then he jacks one. This team.
  16. I'm so glad Ervin is still pitching. Always liked the guy. Yah I know he struggled but he seems like a Halo Home Grown kinda guy and I always wanna root for them.
  17. What an absurd coincidence, the tendon in my typing elbow just made a random "pop" and now I hed to type tis all withb my ,klrft hanbd.
  18. Dude I don't understand this guy. Like, what the hell? I absolutely love Street as our closer, but what's with all these pussy ass made of glass injuries? It's just frustrating as all hell. But to be honest, it's gotta be just as frustrating for Street, he seems to really love being out there. I've heard so many Angel fans bitching about injuries like it doesn't happen to any other team, but goddamn, am I wrong in feeling like our players get "hurt" more than any other frickin organization in not only MLB, but ALL of sport? It's absurd. We rehab and wait and rehab and wait, then our dudes (Richards, Street, etc.) show up again for 1 frickin' day and then whoop! They're out again. Absolutely frustrating.
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